Content modules Edit



This screen enables you to edit the content module instances. HikaShop introduces a new way of creating and tweaking the front end of your store by integrated with joomla as much as possible. Using a generic content module, which is installed by default in HikaShop, you will be able to create new instances of it, enabling you to display products or categories using lots of options. You will be able to create a module showing related products to the currently displayed product, or products in the same categories. You will be able to display a list of the main product categories of your store in another module so that customers can jump to them directly from wherever in your store. Or you might want to display 5 random products in all the categories and subcategories of the currently displayed category or a default category and its subcategories, if the user is not displaying a category page.

On top of that, you will not only be able to define the content to display, but also the way to display it with options related to the display: using a list type display or a div type, setting a number of columns, displaying prices or not, etc. Finally, you will be able you include those modules in your joomla template, as any joomla module, or under the product page (for related products for instance) or under a category or product listing page accessed via a joomla menu.

You will also be able to configure the cart module which uses the same interfaces as it has a lot of common options with the content module.

Note also that you can customize any view, even the content module views thanks to the views management screen so that if you need a special behavior which is not possible by default, you can always customize the view, even tough it will require you know a bit of PHP and HTML.


Content module instance Toolbar




If you are editing the cart module, you will find slightly different options :


Cart module options


Product options

If you are editing the cart module, you will find slightly different options :


Cart products module options


Category options


DIV options