Banner Add/Edit



This screen enables you to create or edit a banner.

Banners can be used to present examples of links to your website pages so that your partners can easily modify and include them on their websites. Then, when customers come to your website from their website, they will get a retribution which will motivate them to produce a high quality content and also keep your banner on their website generating more traffic for you and thus more sales.



Banner Toolbar



Banner information

If you use one of our commercial versions, you will be able to enter the title, the url, the image url and the comment in different languages. This feature requires to have joomfish installed and can be activated in the configuration page, in the display tab. The languages available will be the ones in joomfish. If you don't enter something for a translation, it will just use the default information in the Main information tab instead. After you click on save an additional publish icon will appear next to the fields where you entered something in the languages tabs so that you can easily enable or disable them. The default publish status can also be changed in the configuration page of HikaShop.

Banner infotmation