Datafeed HikaShop
"; echo "script version " . $script_version . "
"; exit; } // Set no time limit only if php is not running in Safe Mod if (!@ini_get("safe_mode")) { if (function_exists('set_time_limit')) { @set_time_limit(0); } if ((int)substr(@ini_get("memory_limit"), 0, -1) < 512) { @ini_set("memory_limit", "512M"); } } ignore_user_abort(); error_reporting(E_ALL^E_NOTICE); $_SVR = array(); ##### Include configuration files ################################################ define ( '_JEXEC', 1 ); define('JPATH_BASE', dirname(__FILE__) ); define( 'DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); $hasShipping = false; if (!file_exists(JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'defines.php')) { echo("An include file not found. Check the path."); } require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'defines.php' ); require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'framework.php' ); $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('site'); $mainframe->initialise(); include_once('administrator/components/com_hikashop/helpers/helper.php'); // Print current Script version if (@$_GET['get'] == "vm_version") { echo "VM version " . vmVersion::$RELEASE . "
"; exit; } #################################################################### // Datafeed specific settings $datafeed_separator = "|"; // Possible options are \t or | ##### Extract params from url ################################################ $apply_taxes = (@$_GET['taxes'] == "off") ? "off" : "on"; $apply_storetaxes = (@$_GET['storetaxes'] == "off") ? "off" : "on"; $apply_discount = (@$_GET['discount'] == "off") ? "off" : "on"; $add_vat = (@$_GET['add_vat'] == "on") ? "on" : "off"; $vat_value = (@$_GET['vat_value'] > 0) ? ((100 + $_GET['vat_value']) / 100) : 1.24; // default value $add_shipping = (@$_GET['shipping'] == "on") ? "on" : "off"; $add_availability = (@$_GET['availability'] == "off") ? "off" : "on"; $add_gtin = (@$_GET['gtin'] == "off") ? "off" : "on"; $add_tagging = (@$_GET['add_tagging'] == "off") ? "off" : "on"; $tagging_params = (@$_GET['tagging_params'] != "") ? urldecode($_GET['tagging_params']) : "utm_source=shopmania&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=direct_link"; $show_description = (@$_GET['description'] == "off") ? "off" : ((@$_GET['description'] == "limited") ? "limited" : "on"); $show_image = (@$_GET['image'] == "off" || @$_GET['images'] == "off") ? "off" : "on"; $show_manufacturer = (@$_GET['manufacturer'] == "off") ? "off" : "on"; $show_specialprice = (@$_GET['specialprice'] == "off") ? "off" : "on"; $sef = (@$_GET['sef'] == "on") ? "on" : "off"; $on_stock_only = (@$_GET['on_stock'] == "on") ? "on" : "off"; $use_currency = (@$_GET['currency'] != "") ? strtoupper($_GET['currency']) : ""; $force_path = (@$_GET['forcepath'] == "on") ? "on" : "off"; $use_shoppergroup = (@$_GET['use_shoppergroup'] == "off") ? "off" : "on"; $use_path = (@$_GET['usepath'] != "") ? $_GET['usepath'] : ""; $force_folder = (@$_GET['forcefolder'] != "") ? $_GET['forcefolder'] : ""; $limit = (@$_GET['limit'] > 0) ? $_GET['limit'] : ""; $encoding = (@$_GET['encoding'] != "") ? $_GET['encoding'] : ""; $cat_order = (@$_GET['cat_order'] == "on") ? "on" : "off"; $display_currency = (@$_GET['display_currency'] != "") ? $_GET['display_currency'] : ""; #################################################################### // Get system configuration. $JCONFIG = new JConfig(); $config = hikashop_config(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $base_img_path = JURI::base(); $base_path = ($use_path != "") ? $use_path : (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "https://" : "http://") . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; // Print URL options if (@$_GET['get'] == "options") { $script_basepath = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; echo "Datafeed HikaShop
"; echo "script version " . $script_version . "
"; echo "Show vm version

"; /*echo "Taxes options - possible values on, off default value on
"; echo "taxes=on (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?taxes=off" . "

"; echo "Store taxes options - possible values on, off default value on
"; echo "storetaxes = on (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?storetaxes=off" . "

"; echo "Discount options - possible values on, off default value on
"; echo "discount=on (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?discount=off" . "

"; */ echo "Add VAT to prices - possible values on, off default value off
"; echo "add_vat=off (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?add_vat=on" . "

"; echo "VAT value - possible values percent value default value 24 - interger or float number ex 19 or 19.5
"; echo "vat_value=24 (VAT_VALUE) " . $script_basepath . "?add_vat=on&vat_value=19" . "

"; //echo "Add shipping to datafeed - possible values on, off default value off
"; //echo "shipping=off (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?shipping=on" . "

"; //echo "Add availability to datafeed - possible values on, off default value on
"; //echo "availability=on (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?availability=off" . "

"; //echo "Add GTIN to datafeed - possible values on, off default value on
"; //echo "gtin=on (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?gtin=off" . "

"; echo "Add GA Tagging to product URL - possible values on, off default value on
"; echo "add_tagging=on (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?add_tagging=off" . "

"; echo "Add custom Tagging to product URL - possible values url_encode(TAGGING_PARAMS) default value tagging_params=utm_source=shopmania&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=direct_link
"; echo "tagging_params=utm_source=shopmania&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=direct_link (TAGGING_PARAMS) " . $script_basepath . "?tagging_params=from%3Dshopmania" . "

"; //echo "Display Description options - possible values on, off, limited default value on
"; //echo "description=on (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?description=off" . "
"; //echo "" . $script_basepath . "?description=limited" . "

"; echo "Display image options - possible values on, off default value on
"; echo "image=on (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?image=off" . "

"; //echo "Display manufacturer options - possible values on, off default value on
"; //echo "manufacturer=on (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?manufacturer=off" . "

"; echo "Display currency code - force the display of certain currency code possible values USD,EUR etc.
"; echo "display_currency=DEFAULT_CURRENCY " . $script_basepath . "?display_currency=EUR" . "

"; //echo "Special price options - possible values on, off default value on
"; //echo "specialprice=on (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?specialprice=off" . "

"; //echo "Show only on stock products - possible values on, off default value off
"; //echo "on_stock=off (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?on_stock=on" . "

"; //echo "Show SEO friendly url - possible values on, off default value off
"; //echo "sef=off (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?sef=on" . "

"; //echo "Get prices in specified currency - possible values USD,EUR etc.
"; //echo "currency=DEFAULT_CURRENCY " . $script_basepath . "?currency=EUR" . "

"; //echo "Get texts in specified language code - possible values en,ro etc.
"; //echo "language=DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE " . $script_basepath . "?language=en" . "

"; //echo "Get texts in specified language id - possible values 1,2 etc.
"; //echo "language_id=DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_ID " . $script_basepath . "?language_id=1" . "

"; //echo "Limit displayed products - possible values integer
"; //echo "limit=no_limit " . $script_basepath . "?limit=10" . "

"; //echo "Add basepath to product URL - possible values on, off default value off
"; //echo "forcepath=off (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?forcepath=on" . "

"; //echo "Usepath - force defined basepath to product URL - possible values ex:
"; //echo "usepath=BASEPATH " . $script_basepath . "forcepath=on&usepath=" . "

"; //echo "Cat ordering options - possible values on, off default value off
"; //echo "cat_order=off (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?cat_order=on" . "

"; //echo " - possible values on, off default value on
"; //echo "use_shoppergroup=on (on,off) " . $script_basepath . "?use_shoppergroup=off" . "

"; echo "
"; exit; } // Get currencies rates values if ($use_currency != "") { $file = "cache/daily.xml"; $xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); $handle = fopen($file, "r"); $data = fread($handle, filesize($file)); fclose($handle); xml_parse_into_struct($xml_parser, $data, $vals, $index); xml_parser_free($xml_parser); foreach ($vals as $i=>$v) { if (($v['tag'] == "RATE") && ($v['type'] == 'complete') && ($v['value'] > 0)) { $RATES[$v['attributes']['CURRENCY']] = $v['value']; } elseif (($v['tag'] == "CUBE") && ($v['type'] == 'complete') && ($v['attributes']['RATE'] > 0)) { $RATES[$v['attributes']['CURRENCY']] = $v['attributes']['RATE']; } if ($v['tag'] == "ORIGCURRENCY") { $origcurrency = $v['value']; } } $origcurrency = ($origcurrency != "") ? $origcurrency : "EUR"; $RATES[$origcurrency] = 1; } $main_currency = (int)$config->get('main_currency', 1); $db->setQuery('SELECT currency_code FROM '.hikashop_table('currency').' WHERE currency_id = '. (int)$main_currency); $main_currency_code = $db->loadResult(); // Force displayed currency $main_currency_code = ($display_currency != "") ? $display_currency : $main_currency_code; $CAT_ARR = array(); $queryCategory="SELECT * FROM " . hikashop_table('category') . " WHERE category_type='product'"; $db->setQuery($queryCategory); $categories = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach($categories as $k=>$row){ $CAT_ARR[$row->category_id]['id'] = $row->category_id; $CAT_ARR[$row->category_id]['name'] = $row->category_name; $CAT_ARR[$row->category_id]['parent_id'] = $row->category_parent_id; } $query = 'SELECT a.* FROM '.hikashop_table('product').' AS a WHERE a.product_access=\'all\' AND a.product_published=1 AND a.product_type=\'main\''; $query .= ' AND ( product_sale_start < '.time().' OR product_sale_start = 0 )' . ' AND ( product_sale_end > '.time().' OR product_sale_end = 0 ) '; if(!$config->get('show_out_of_stock',1)){ $query.=' AND product_quantity!=0 '; } $db->setQuery($query); $products = $db->loadObjectList(); if(!empty($products)){ $ids = array(); $productClass = hikashop_get('class.product'); foreach($products as $key => $row){ $ids[]=$row->product_id; $productClass->addAlias($products[$key]); } $productClass->getProducts($ids); $queryCategoryId='SELECT * FROM '.hikashop_table('product_category').' WHERE product_id IN ('.implode(',',$ids).')'; $db->setQuery($queryCategoryId); $categoriesId = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach($products as $k=>$row){ foreach($categoriesId as $catId){ if($row->product_id == $catId->product_id){ $products[$k]->categories_id[0] = $catId->category_id; } } } $queryImage = 'SELECT * FROM '.hikashop_table('file').' WHERE file_ref_id IN ('.implode(',',$ids).') AND file_type=\'product\' ORDER BY file_ref_id ASC, file_ordering ASC, file_id ASC'; $db->setQuery($queryImage); $images = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach($products as $k=>$row){ foreach($images as $image){ if($row->product_id==$image->file_ref_id){ foreach(get_object_vars($image) as $key => $name){ $products[$k]->images[0]->$key = $name; } break; } } } $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM '.hikashop_table('variant').' WHERE variant_product_id IN ('.implode(',',$ids).')'); $variants = $db->loadObjectList(); if(!empty($variants)){ foreach($products as $k => $product){ foreach($variants as $variant){ if($product->product_id==$variant->variant_product_id){ $products[$k]->has_options = true; } } } } $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM '.hikashop_table('price').' WHERE price_product_id IN ('.implode(',',$ids).')'); $prices = $db->loadObjectList(); if(!empty($prices)){ foreach($prices as $price){ $products[$price->price_product_id]->prices[]=$price; } } $zone_id=hikashop_getZone(); $currencyClass = hikashop_get('class.currency'); $currencyClass->getListingPrices($products,$zone_id,$main_currency,'cheapest'); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $imageHelper = hikashop_get('helper.image'); $uploadFolder_url = $imageHelper->main_uploadFolder_url; foreach ( $products as $product ){ //$product = $productClass->products[$product->product_id]; $title = $product->product_name; $title = html_entity_decode( $title ); $pathway_sef_name = $config->get('pathway_sef_name','category_pathway'); $link = JURI::base().'index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=product&task=show&cid='.$product->product_id.'&name='.$product->alias.'&Itemid='.$Itemid.'&'.$pathway_sef_name.'='.$product->category_id; //$prod_price = $currencyClass->format($product->prices[0]->price_value_with_tax,$product->prices[0]->price_currency_id); /*if($product->prices['0']->price_value_with_tax != 0 ){ $desc = $product->product_description.JText::_('CART_PRODUCT_PRICE').' : '.$currencyClass->format($product->prices[0]->price_value_with_tax,$product->prices[0]->price_currency_id); } else{ $desc= $product->product_description.JText::_('FREE_PRICE'); }*/ $desc = $product->product_description; $desc = preg_replace('#
#i','',$desc); $prod_desc = $desc; $prod_image = ($show_image == "on" && $product->images[0]->file_path != "") ? $base_path . $uploadFolder_url.$product->images[0]->file_path : ""; $prod_id = $product->product_id; $prod_name = $title; $prod_url = $link; // Add GA Tagging parameters to url if ($add_tagging == "on") { $and_param = (preg_match("/\?/", $prod_url)) ? "&" : "?"; $prod_url = $prod_url . $and_param . $tagging_params; } @$category_name = smfeed_get_full_cat($product->categories_id[0], $CAT_ARR); $prod_price = $product->product_msrp; // Add VAT to prices if ($add_vat == "on") { $prod_price = $prod_price * $vat_value; } $prod_price = number_format($prod_price, 2); // Clean product name (new lines) $prod_name = str_replace("\n", "", strip_tags($prod_name)); $prod_name = str_replace("\r", "", strip_tags($prod_name)); $prod_name = str_replace("\t", " ", strip_tags($prod_name)); // Clean product description (Replace new line with
). In order to make sure the code does not contains other HTML code it might be a good ideea to strip_tags() $prod_desc = smfeed_replace_not_in_tags("\n", "
", $prod_desc); $prod_desc = str_replace("\n", " ", $prod_desc); $prod_desc = str_replace("\r", "", $prod_desc); $prod_desc = str_replace("\t", " ", $prod_desc); // Clean product names and descriptions (separators) if ($datafeed_separator == "\t") { // Continue... tabs were already removed } elseif ($datafeed_separator == "|") { $prod_name = str_replace("|", " ", strip_tags($prod_name)); $prod_desc = str_replace("|", " ", $prod_desc); } else { print "Incorrect columns separator."; exit; } // Output the datafeed content // Category, Manufacturer, Model, ProdCode, ProdName, ProdDescription, ProdURL, ImageURL, Price, Currency, Shipping value, Availability, GTIN (UPC/EAN/ISBN) print $category_name . $datafeed_separator . $prod_manufacturer . $datafeed_separator . $prod_model . $datafeed_separator . $prod_id . $datafeed_separator . $prod_name . $datafeed_separator . $prod_desc . $datafeed_separator . $prod_url . $datafeed_separator . $prod_image . $datafeed_separator . $prod_price . $datafeed_separator . $main_currency_code . $datafeed_separator . $shipping_value . $datafeed_separator . $availability . $datafeed_separator . $gtin . "\n"; // Debuging if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { $cnt_prod ++; echo $cnt_prod . "."; echo "\t" . number_format(microtime(true) - $time, 3) . "s \n"; $time = microtime(true); echo "\t" . number_format(memory_get_usage()/1048576, 3) . "Mb\n\n"; } $prod_count++; // Limit displayed products if ($limit > 0 && $prod_count >= $limit && !isset($_GET['pg'])) { break; } } } // Debuging if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { echo "\npage loaded in " . number_format(microtime(true) - $time_start, 3) . "s \n"; echo "memory limit " . ini_get("memory_limit") . "\n"; echo "max_execution_time " . ini_get("max_execution_time") . "\n\n"; } ##### Functions ######################################################## function smfeed_html_to_text($string){ $search = array ( "']*?>.*?'si", // Strip out javascript "'<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>'si", // Strip out html tags "'([\r\n])[\s]+'", // Strip out white space "'&(quot|#34);'i", // Replace html entities "'&(amp|#38);'i", "'&(lt|#60);'i", "'&(gt|#62);'i", "'&(nbsp|#160);'i", "'&(iexcl|#161);'i", "'&(cent|#162);'i", "'&(pound|#163);'i", "'&(copy|#169);'i", "'&(reg|#174);'i", "'™'i", "'•'i", "'—'i" ); // evaluate as php $replace = array ( " ", " ", "\\1", "\"", "&", "<", ">", " ", "¡", "¢", "£", "©", "®", "TM", "•", "-", ); $text = preg_replace ($search, $replace, $string); return $text; } function smfeed_clean_description($string){ $search = array ( "''i", "''i", "''i", "''i", "'.*?'si", "']*?>'si" ); $replace = array ( "", "", "", "", "", "" ); $text = preg_replace ($search, $replace, $string); return $text; } function smfeed_clean_accents($text){ $search = array ( "'%C4%99'", #e "'%C3%A8'", #e "'%C3%A9'", #e "'%C3%AA'", #e "'%C3%AB'", #e "'%C3%89'", #e "'%C3%88'", #E "'%C3%8A'", #E "'%C4%85'", #a "'%C3%A3'", #a "'%C3%A0'", #a "'%C3%A4'", #a "'%C3%A2'", #a "'%C3%A1'", #a "'%C3%A5'", #a "'%C3%81'", #A "'%C3%82'", #A "'%C3%84'", #A "'%C3%85'", #A "'%C3%80'", #A "'%C4%87'", #c "'%C3%A7'", #c "'%C3%87'", #C "'%C5%9B'", #s "'%C5%A1'", #s "'%C5%A0'", #S "'%C5%9A'", #S "'%C3%B0'", #d "'%C3%B1'", #n "'%C3%BD'", #y "'%C4%9F'", #g "'%C4%B1'", #i "'%C3%AE'", #i "'%C3%AD'", #i "'%C3%AF'", #i "'%C3%AC'", #i "'%C3%8D'", #I "'%C3%8E'", #I "'%C4%B0'", #I "'%C5%82'", #l "'%C5%84'", #n "'%C3%BA'", #u "'%C3%BB'", #u "'%C3%B9'", #u "'%C3%BC'", #u "'%C5%B1'", #u "'%C3%9C'", #U "'%C3%B4'", #o "'%C3%B3'", #o "'%C3%91'", #o "'%C3%B6'", #o "'%C5%91'", #o "'%C3%B2'", #o "'%C3%B5'", #o "'%C3%93'", #O "'%C3%96'", #O "'%C3%9F'", #ss "'%C5%BC'", #z "'%C5%BA'", #z "'%C5%BB'", #Z "'%C3%A6'", #ae "'%C3%B8'", #oe "'%C2%AE'", "'%C2%B4'", "'%E2%84%A2'", ); $replace = array ( "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "E", "E", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "c", "c", "C", "s", "s", "S", "S", "d", "n", "y", "g", "i", "i", "i", "i", "i", "I", "I", "I", "l", "n", "u", "u", "u", "u", "u", "U", "o", "o", "o", "o", "o", "o", "o", "O", "O", "ss", "z", "z", "Z", "ae", "oe", "", "", "", ); $text = preg_replace($search, $replace, $text); return $text; } // Cleans strings function smfeed_string_clean_search($string){ $trans = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); $trans = array_flip ($trans); $string = strtr($string, $trans); $search = array ( "','", "'"'", "'<'", "'>'", "'%£'", "'%€'", "'-'", "'~'", "'!'", "'\?'", "'@'", "'#'", "'\\$'", "'%'", "'\^'", "'&'", "'\*'", "'\('", "'\)'", "'_'", "'='", "'\''", "'\['", "'\]'", "'{'", "'}'", "'\|'", "'\"'", "':'", "';'", "'\\\'", "'>'", "'<'", "'[\r]+'", "'[\n]+'", "'[\t]+'", "'[\s]+'", //"'\.'", //"'\+'", //"'/'", ); $replace = array ( "", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", //" ", //" ", //" ", ); $string = preg_replace($search, $replace, $string); return $string; } function smfeed_replace_not_in_tags($find_str, $replace_str, $string) { $find = array($find_str); $replace = array($replace_str); preg_match_all('#[^>]+(?=<)|[^>]+$#', $string, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $val) { if (trim($val[0]) != "") { $string = str_replace($val[0], str_replace($find, $replace, $val[0]), $string); } } return $string; } // Function to get category with full path function smfeed_get_full_cat($cat_id, $CATEGORY_ARR) { $item_arr = $CATEGORY_ARR[$cat_id]; $cat_name = $item_arr['name']; while (sizeof($CATEGORY_ARR[$item_arr['parent_id']]) > 0 && is_array($CATEGORY_ARR[$item_arr['parent_id']]) ) { $cat_name = $CATEGORY_ARR[$item_arr['parent_id']]['name'] . " > " . $cat_name; $item_arr = $CATEGORY_ARR[$item_arr['parent_id']]; } // Strip html from category name $cat_name = smfeed_html_to_text($cat_name); return $cat_name; } ################################################################### exit; ?>