importName = 'vm'; $this->sessionParams = HIKASHOP_COMPONENT.'vm'; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); } function importFromVM() { @ob_clean(); echo $this->getHtmlPage(); $this->token = hikashop_getFormToken(); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); flush(); if( isset($_GET['import']) && $_GET['import'] == '1' ) { $time = microtime(true); $this->vmprefix = $app->getUserState($this->sessionParams.'vmPrefix'); if ($this->vm_version==2) $this->vm_current_lng = $app->getUserState($this->sessionParams.'language'); $processed = $this->doImport(); if($processed) { $elasped = microtime(true) - $time; if( !$this->refreshPage ) echo '

linkstyle.' href="'.hikashop_completeLink('import&task=import&importfrom=vm&'.$this->token.'=1&import=1&time='.time()).'">'.JText::_('HIKA_NEXT').'

'; echo '

Elasped time: ' . round($elasped * 1000, 2) . 'ms

'; } else { echo 'linkstyle.' href="'.hikashop_completeLink('import&task=show').'">'.JText::_('HIKA_BACK').''; } } else { echo $this->getStartPage(); } if( $this->refreshPage == true ) { echo ""; } echo ''; exit; } function getStartPage() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $returnString = '

titlefont.'>titlestyle.'>Step 0

'; $continue=true; $this->vmprefix = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->sessionParams.'vmPrefix', 'vmPrefix', '', 'string' ); if (empty($this->vmprefix)) $this->vmprefix = $this->db->getPrefix(); elseif ( substr($this->vmprefix, 0, 1)!='_') $this->vmprefix .= '_'; $app->setUserState($this->sessionParams.'vmPrefix',$this->vmprefix); if ($this->vm_version==1) { $this->db->setQuery("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$this->vmprefix."vm_product'"); $table = $this->db->loadObjectList(); } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { $this->db->setQuery("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_products'"); $table = $this->db->loadObjectList(); } if (!$table) { $returnString .= '

There is no table with the prefix \''.$this->vmprefix.'\' in your Joomla\'s database.

'; $continue=false; } if ($this->vm_version==2) { $this->vm_current_lng = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->sessionParams.'language', 'language', '', 'string' );//JRequest::getString('language'); $this->vm_current_lng = strtolower(str_replace('-','_',$this->vm_current_lng)); $app->setUserState($this->sessionParams.'language',$this->vm_current_lng); $this->db->setQuery("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$this->db->getPrefix()."virtuemart_products_".$this->vm_current_lng."'"); $table = $this->db->loadObjectList(); if (!$table) { $returnString .= '

There is no table corresponding to the language you selected ('.$this->vm_current_lng.') in your database. Please back and select another language.

'; $continue=false; } } if ($continue) { $returnString = 'First, make a backup of your database.
'. 'When ready, click on linkstyle.' href="'.hikashop_completeLink('import&task=import&importfrom=vm&'.$this->token.'=1&import=1').'">'.JText::_('HIKA_NEXT').', otherwise '; } $returnString .= 'linkstyle.' href="'.hikashop_completeLink('import&task=show').'">'.JText::_('HIKA_BACK').''; return $returnString; } /** * */ function doImport() { if( $this->db == null ) return false; // Retrieve options // $this->loadConfiguration(); $current = $this->options->current; $ret = true; $next = false; switch( $this->options->state ) { case 0: $next = $this->createTables(); break; case 1: // - Import Taxes $next = $this->importTaxes(); break; case 2: // - Import Manufacturers $next = $this->importManufacturers(); break; case 3: // - Import Categories $next = $this->importCategories(); break; case 4: // - Import Products $next = $this->importProducts(); break; case 5: //- Import Product Prices $next = $this->importProductPrices(); break; case 6: $next = $this->importProductCategory(); break; case 7: $next = $this->importUsers(); break; case 8: $next = $this->importDiscount(); break; case 9: $next = $this->importOrders(); break; case 10: $next = $this->importOrderItems(); break; case 11: $next = $this->importDownloads(); break; case 12: $next = $this->importReviews(); break; case MAX_IMPORT_ID: $next = $this->finishImport(); $ret = false; break; case MAX_IMPORT_ID+1: $next = false; $ret = $this->proposeReImport(); break; default: $ret = false; break; } if( $ret && $next ) { $sql = "UPDATE `#__hikashop_config` SET config_value=(config_value+1) WHERE config_namekey = 'vm_import_state'; "; $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); $sql = "UPDATE `#__hikashop_config` SET config_value=0 WHERE config_namekey = 'vm_import_current';"; $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); } else if( $current != $this->options->current ) { $sql = "UPDATE `#__hikashop_config` SET config_value=".$this->options->current." WHERE config_namekey = 'vm_import_current';"; $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); } return $ret; } /** * */ function loadConfiguration() { if( $this->db == null ) return false; $this->loadVmConfigs(); $data = array( 'uploadfolder', 'uploadsecurefolder', 'main_currency', 'vm_import_state', 'vm_import_current', 'vm_import_tax_id', 'vm_import_main_cat_id', 'vm_import_max_hk_cat', 'vm_import_max_hk_prod', 'vm_import_last_vm_cat', 'vm_import_last_vm_prod', 'vm_import_last_vm_user', 'vm_import_last_vm_order', 'vm_import_last_vm_pfile', 'vm_import_last_vm_coupon', 'vm_import_last_vm_taxrate', 'vm_import_last_vm_manufacturer', 'vm_import_last_vm_review' ); $this->db->setQuery('SELECT config_namekey, config_value FROM `#__hikashop_config` WHERE config_namekey IN ('."'".implode("','",$data)."'".');'); $options = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $this->options = null; if (!empty($options)) { foreach($options as $o) { if( substr($o->config_namekey, 0, 10) == 'vm_import_' ) { $nk = substr($o->config_namekey, 10); } else { $nk = $o->config_namekey; } $this->options->$nk = $o->config_value; } } $this->options->uploadfolder = rtrim(JPath::clean(html_entity_decode($this->options->uploadfolder)),DS.' ').DS; if(!preg_match('#^([A-Z]:)?/.*#',$this->options->uploadfolder)){ if(!$this->options->uploadfolder[0]=='/' || !is_dir($this->options->uploadfolder)){ $this->options->uploadfolder = JPath::clean(HIKASHOP_ROOT.DS.trim($this->options->uploadfolder,DS.' ').DS); } } $this->options->uploadsecurefolder = rtrim(JPath::clean(html_entity_decode($this->options->uploadsecurefolder)),DS.' ').DS; if(!preg_match('#^([A-Z]:)?/.*#',$this->options->uploadsecurefolder)){ if(!$this->options->uploadsecurefolder[0]=='/' || !is_dir($this->options->uploadsecurefolder)){ $this->options->uploadsecurefolder = JPath::clean(HIKASHOP_ROOT.DS.trim($this->options->uploadsecurefolder,DS.' ').DS); } } if( !isset($this->options->state) ) { $this->options->state = 0; $this->options->current = 0; $this->options->tax_id = 0; $this->options->last_vm_coupon = 0; $this->options->last_vm_pfile = 0; $this->options->last_vm_taxrate = 0; $this->options->last_vm_manufacturer = 0; $this->options->last_vm_review = 0; $element = 'product'; $categoryClass = hikashop_get('class.category'); $categoryClass->getMainElement($element); $this->options->main_cat_id = $element; $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(category_id) as 'max' FROM `#__hikashop_category`;"); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $this->options->max_hk_cat = (int)($data[0]->max); $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(product_id) as 'max' FROM `#__hikashop_product`;"); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $this->options->max_hk_prod = (int)($data[0]->max); //-- $query='SHOW TABLES LIKE '.$this->db->Quote($this->db->getPrefix().substr(hikashop_table('vm_cat'),3)); $this->db->setQuery($query); $table = $this->db->loadResult(); if(!empty($table)){ $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(vm_id) as 'max' FROM `#__hikashop_vm_cat`;"); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); if( $data ) { $this->options->last_vm_cat = (int)($data[0]->max); } else { $this->options->last_vm_cat = 0; } $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(vm_id) as 'max' FROM `#__hikashop_vm_prod`;"); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); if( $data ) { $this->options->last_vm_prod = (int)($data[0]->max); } else { $this->options->last_vm_prod = 0; } $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(order_vm_id) as 'max' FROM `#__hikashop_order`;"); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $this->options->last_vm_order = (int)($data[0]->max); }else{ $this->options->last_vm_cat = 0; $this->options->last_vm_prod = 0; $this->options->last_vm_order = 0; } // $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(user_cms_id) as 'max' FROM `#__hikashop_user` WHERE user_created = 0;"); // $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); // $this->options->last_vm_user = (int)($data[0]->max); $this->options->last_vm_user = 0; $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_config` (`config_namekey`,`config_value`,`config_default`) VALUES '. "('vm_import_state',".$this->options->state.",".$this->options->state.")". ",('vm_import_current',".$this->options->current.",".$this->options->current.")". ",('vm_import_tax_id',".$this->options->tax_id.",".$this->options->tax_id.")". ",('vm_import_main_cat_id',".$this->options->main_cat_id.",".$this->options->main_cat_id.")". ",('vm_import_max_hk_cat',".$this->options->max_hk_cat.",".$this->options->max_hk_cat.")". ",('vm_import_max_hk_prod',".$this->options->max_hk_prod.",".$this->options->max_hk_prod.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_cat',".$this->options->last_vm_cat.",".$this->options->last_vm_cat.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_prod',".$this->options->last_vm_prod.",".$this->options->last_vm_prod.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_user',".$this->options->last_vm_user.",".$this->options->last_vm_user.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_order',".$this->options->last_vm_order.",".$this->options->last_vm_order.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_pfile',".$this->options->last_vm_pfile.",".$this->options->last_vm_pfile.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_coupon',".$this->options->last_vm_coupon.",".$this->options->last_vm_coupon.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_taxrate',".$this->options->last_vm_taxrate.",".$this->options->last_vm_taxrate.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_manufacturer',".$this->options->last_vm_manufacturer.",".$this->options->last_vm_manufacturer.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_review',".$this->options->last_vm_review.",".$this->options->last_vm_review.")". ';'; $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); } } function loadVmConfigs() { $configstring = ''; if ($this->vm_version==2) { $this->db->setQuery('SELECT config FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_configs`;'); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $configstring = $data[0]->config; $paths = $this->parseConfig($configstring); foreach ($paths as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'media_category_path' : $this->copyCatImgDir = HIKASHOP_ROOT.$value; break; case 'media_product_path' : $this->copyImgDir = HIKASHOP_ROOT.$value; break; case 'media_manufacturer_path' : $this->copyManufDir = HIKASHOP_ROOT.$value; break; default : break; } } } elseif ($this->vm_version==1) { if ( defined('IMAGEPATH') ) { $this->copyImgDir = IMAGEPATH. 'product/'; if ( substr($this->copyImgDir, 0, 1)=='/') $this->copyImgDir = HIKASHOP_ROOT.substr($this->copyImgDir, 1, strlen($this->copyImgDir)-1); elseif ( substr($this->copyImgDir, 0, 1)=='\\') $this->copyImgDir = HIKASHOP_ROOT.substr($this->copyImgDir, 1, strlen($this->copyImgDir)-1); $this->copyCatImgDir = IMAGEPATH. 'category/'; if ( substr($this->copyCatImgDir, 0, 1)=='/') $this->copyCatImgDir = HIKASHOP_ROOT.substr($this->copyCatImgDir, 1, strlen($this->copyCatImgDir)-1); elseif ( substr($this->copyCatImgDir, 0, 1)=='\\') $this->copyCatImgDir = HIKASHOP_ROOT.substr($this->copyCatImgDir, 1, strlen($this->copyCatImgDir)-1); $this->copyManufDir = IMAGEPATH. 'vendor/'; if ( substr($this->copyManufDir, 0, 1)=='/') $this->copyManufDir = HIKASHOP_ROOT.substr($this->copyManufDir, 1, strlen($this->copyManufDir)-1); elseif ( substr($this->copyManufDir, 0, 1)=='\\') $this->copyManufDir = HIKASHOP_ROOT.substr($this->copyManufDir, 1, strlen($this->copyManufDir)-1); } else { $this->copyImgDir = HIKASHOP_ROOT.'components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/'; $this->copyCatImgDir = HIKASHOP_ROOT.'components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/category/'; $this->copyManufDir = HIKASHOP_ROOT.'components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/vendor/'; } } } function parseConfig($string) { //configs type : media_product_path=s:34:"images/stories/virtuemart/product/";| $arraypath = array( 'media_category_path', 'media_product_path', 'media_manufacturer_path' ); $paths =array(); $firstparse = explode('|', $string); foreach ($firstparse as $fp) { $secondparse = explode('=', $fp); if (in_array($secondparse[0],$arraypath)) { $thirdparse = explode('"', $secondparse[1]); $paths[$secondparse[0]] = $thirdparse[1]; } } return $paths; } /** * */ function finishImport() { if( $this->db == null ) return false; if ($this->vm_version!=1 && $this->vm_version!=2) return false; $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(category_id) as 'max' FROM `#__hikashop_category`;"); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $this->options->max_hk_cat = (int)($data[0]->max); $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(product_id) as 'max' FROM `#__hikashop_product`;"); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $this->options->max_hk_prod = (int)($data[0]->max); $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(vm_id) as 'max' FROM `#__hikashop_vm_cat`;"); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $this->options->last_vm_cat = (int)($data[0]->max); $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(vm_id) as 'max' FROM `#__hikashop_vm_prod`;"); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $this->options->last_vm_prod = (int)($data[0]->max); if ($this->vm_version==1) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(user_id) as 'max' FROM `".$this->vmprefix."vm_user_info`;"); elseif ($this->vm_version==2) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(virtuemart_user_id) as 'max' FROM `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_userinfos`;"); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $this->options->last_vm_user = (int)($data[0]->max); $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(order_vm_id) as 'max' FROM `#__hikashop_order`;"); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $this->options->last_vm_order = (int)($data[0]->max); if ($this->vm_version==1) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(file_id) as 'max' FROM `".$this->vmprefix."vm_product_files`;"); elseif ($this->vm_version==2) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(vmpm.virtuemart_media_id) as 'max' FROM `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_products` vmp INNER JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_product_medias` vmpm ON vmp.virtuemart_product_id = vmpm.virtuemart_product_id INNER JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_medias` vmm ON vmpm.virtuemart_media_id = vmm.virtuemart_media_id;"); $data = $this->db->loadObject(); $this->options->last_vm_pfile = (int)($data->max); if ($this->vm_version==1) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(coupon_id) as 'max' FROM `".$this->vmprefix."vm_coupons`;"); elseif ($this->vm_version==2) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(virtuemart_coupon_id) as 'max' FROM `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_coupons`;"); $data = $this->db->loadObject(); $this->options->last_vm_coupon = (int)($data->max); if ($this->vm_version==1) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(tax_rate_id) as 'max' FROM `".$this->vmprefix."vm_tax_rate`;"); elseif ($this->vm_version==2) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(virtuemart_calc_id) as 'max' FROM `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_calcs`;"); $data = $this->db->loadObject(); $this->options->last_vm_taxrate = (int)($data->max); if ($this->vm_version==1) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(manufacturer_id) as 'max' FROM `".$this->vmprefix."vm_manufacturer`;"); elseif ($this->vm_version==2) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(virtuemart_manufacturer_id) as 'max' FROM `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_manufacturers`;"); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $this->options->last_vm_manufacturer = (int)($data[0]->max); if ($this->vm_version==1) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(review_id) as 'max' FROM `".$this->vmprefix."vm_product_reviews`;"); elseif ($this->vm_version==2) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT max(virtuemart_rating_review_id) as 'max' FROM `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_rating_reviews`;"); $data = $this->db->loadObject(); $this->options->last_vm_review = (int)($data->max); $this->options->state = (MAX_IMPORT_ID+1); $query = 'REPLACE INTO `#__hikashop_config` (`config_namekey`,`config_value`,`config_default`) VALUES '. "('vm_import_state',".$this->options->state.",".$this->options->state.")". ",('vm_import_max_hk_cat',".$this->options->max_hk_cat.",".$this->options->max_hk_cat.")". ",('vm_import_max_hk_prod',".$this->options->max_hk_prod.",".$this->options->max_hk_prod.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_cat',".$this->options->last_vm_cat.",".$this->options->last_vm_cat.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_prod',".$this->options->last_vm_prod.",".$this->options->last_vm_prod.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_user',".$this->options->last_vm_user.",".$this->options->last_vm_user.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_order',".$this->options->last_vm_order.",".$this->options->last_vm_order.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_pfile',".$this->options->last_vm_pfile.",".$this->options->last_vm_pfile.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_coupon',".$this->options->last_vm_coupon.",".$this->options->last_vm_coupon.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_taxrate',".$this->options->last_vm_taxrate.",".$this->options->last_vm_taxrate.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_manufacturer',".$this->options->last_vm_manufacturer.",".$this->options->last_vm_manufacturer.")". ",('vm_import_last_vm_review',".$this->options->last_vm_review.",".$this->options->last_vm_review.")". ';'; $this->db->setQuery($query); $this->db->query(); echo 'titlefont.'>Import finished !

'; $class = hikashop_get('class.plugins'); $infos = $class->getByName('system','vm_redirect'); if($infos){ $pkey = reset($class->pkeys); if(!empty($infos->$pkey)){ if(version_compare(JVERSION,'1.6','<')){ $url = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_plugins&view=plugin&client=site&task=edit&cid[]='.$infos->$pkey); }else{ $url = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_plugins&view=plugin&layout=edit&extension_id='.$infos->$pkey); } echo '

You can publish the linkstyle.' href="'.$url.'">VirtueMart Fallback Redirect Plugin so that your old VirtueMart links are automatically redirected to HikaShop pages and thus not loose the ranking of your content on search engines.

'; } } } /** * */ function createTables() { if( $this->db == null ) return false; echo '

titlefont.'>titlestyle.'>Step 1 : Initialization Tables

'; $create = true; $query='SHOW TABLES LIKE '.$this->db->Quote($this->db->getPrefix().substr(hikashop_table('vm_cat'),3)); $this->db->setQuery($query); $table = $this->db->loadResult(); if(!empty($table) ) { $create = false; } if( $create ) { $this->db->setQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `#__hikashop_vm_prod` (`vm_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `hk_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`vm_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `#__hikashop_vm_cat` (`vm_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `hk_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`vm_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery('ALTER IGNORE TABLE `#__hikashop_address` ADD `address_vm_order_info_id` INT(11) NULL'); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery('ALTER IGNORE TABLE `#__hikashop_order` ADD `order_vm_id` INT(11) NULL'); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery('ALTER IGNORE TABLE `#__hikashop_order` ADD INDEX ( `order_vm_id` )'); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery('ALTER IGNORE TABLE `#__hikashop_taxation` ADD `tax_vm_id` INT(11) NULL'); $this->db->query(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• All table created

'; } else { echo '

Tables have been already created.

'; //$this->refreshPage = true; } // go next step return true; } /** * */ function importTaxes() { if( $this->db == null ) return false; $ret = false; echo '

titlefont.'>titlestyle.'>Step 2 : Import Taxes

'; if ($this->vm_version==1) { $buffTable=$this->vmprefix."vm_tax_rate"; $data = array( 'tax_namekey' => "CONCAT('VM_TAX_', vmtr.tax_rate_id)", 'tax_rate' => 'vmtr.tax_rate' ); $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT ' . implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$buffTable.'` AS vmtr '. 'WHERE vmtr.tax_rate_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_taxrate; } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { $buffTable=$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_calcs"; $data = array( 'tax_namekey' => "CONCAT('VM_TAX_', vmtr.virtuemart_calc_id)", 'tax_rate' => 'vmtr.calc_value' ); $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT ' . implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$buffTable.'` AS vmtr '. 'WHERE vmtr.virtuemart_calc_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_taxrate; } else { return false; } $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Imported taxes: ' . $total . '

'; $element = 'tax'; $categoryClass = hikashop_get('class.category'); $categoryClass->getMainElement($element); // // // if ($this->vm_version==1) { $data = array( 'category_type' => "'tax'", 'category_name' => "CONCAT('Tax imported (', vmtr.tax_country,')')", 'category_published' => '1', 'category_parent_id' => $element, 'category_namekey' => "CONCAT('VM_TAX_', vmtr.tax_rate_id,'_',hkz.zone_id)", ); $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_category` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT ' . implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_tax_rate` vmtr '. "INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_zone` hkz ON vmtr.tax_country = hkz.zone_code_3 AND hkz.zone_type = 'country' ". 'WHERE vmtr.tax_rate_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_taxrate; } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { $data = array( 'category_type' => "'tax'", 'category_name' => "case when vmcs.country_name IS NULL then 'Tax imported (no country)' else CONCAT('Tax imported (', vmcs.country_name,')') end", 'category_published' => '1', 'category_parent_id' => $element, 'category_namekey' => "case when hkz.zone_id IS NULL then CONCAT('VM_TAX_', vmtr.virtuemart_calc_id,'_0') else CONCAT('VM_TAX_', vmtr.virtuemart_calc_id,'_',hkz.zone_id) end", ); $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_category` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT ' . implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_calcs` vmtr '. "LEFT JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_calc_countries` vmcc ON vmtr.virtuemart_calc_id = vmcc.virtuemart_calc_id " . "LEFT JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_countries` vmcs ON vmcc.virtuemart_country_id = vmcs.virtuemart_country_id ". "LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_zone` hkz ON vmcs.country_3_code = hkz.zone_code_3 AND hkz.zone_type = 'country' ". "WHERE vmtr.virtuemart_calc_id >" . $this->options->last_vm_taxrate; } else { return false; } $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Imported Taxes Categories: ' . $total . '

'; if( $total > 0 ) { $this->options->max_hk_cat += $total; $this->db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__hikashop_config` SET config_value = ".$this->options->max_hk_cat." WHERE config_namekey = 'vm_import_max_hk_cat'; "); $this->db->query(); $this->importRebuildTree(); } // // // if ($this->vm_version==1) { $data = array( 'zone_namekey' => 'hkz.zone_namekey', 'category_namekey' => "CONCAT('VM_TAX_', vmtr.tax_rate_id,'_',hkz.zone_id)", 'tax_namekey' => "CONCAT('VM_TAX_', vmtr.tax_rate_id)", 'taxation_published' => '1', 'taxation_type' => "''", 'tax_vm_id' => 'vmtr.tax_rate_id' ); $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_taxation` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT ' . implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_tax_rate` vmtr '. "INNER JOIN #__hikashop_zone hkz ON vmtr.tax_country = hkz.zone_code_3 AND hkz.zone_type = 'country' ". 'WHERE vmtr.tax_rate_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_taxrate; } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { $data = array( 'zone_namekey' => "case when hkz.zone_namekey IS NULL then '' else hkz.zone_namekey end", 'category_namekey' => "case when hkz.zone_id IS NULL then CONCAT('VM_TAX_', vmtr.virtuemart_calc_id,'_0') else CONCAT('VM_TAX_', vmtr.virtuemart_calc_id,'_',hkz.zone_id) end", 'tax_namekey' => "CONCAT('VM_TAX_', vmtr.virtuemart_calc_id)", 'taxation_published' => '1', 'taxation_type' => "''", 'tax_vm_id' => 'vmtr.virtuemart_calc_id' ); $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_taxation` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT ' . implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_calcs` vmtr '. "LEFT JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_calc_countries` vmcc ON vmtr.virtuemart_calc_id = vmcc.virtuemart_calc_id " . "LEFT JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_countries` vmcs ON vmcc.virtuemart_country_id = vmcs.virtuemart_country_id ". "LEFT JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."hikashop_zone` hkz ON vmcs.country_3_code = hkz.zone_code_3 AND hkz.zone_type = 'country' ". "WHERE vmtr.virtuemart_calc_id >" . $this->options->last_vm_taxrate; } $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Imported Taxations: ' . $total . '

'; $ret = true; return $ret; } /** * */ function importManufacturers() { if( $this->db == null ) return false; $ret = false; echo '

titlefont.'>titlestyle.'>Step 3 : Import Manufacturers

'; $element = 'manufacturer'; $categoryClass = hikashop_get('class.category'); $categoryClass->getMainElement($element); // // if ($this->vm_version==1) { $buffTable=$this->vmprefix."vm_manufacturer"; $data = array( 'category_type' => "'manufacturer'", 'category_name' => "vmm.mf_name ", 'category_published' => '1', 'category_parent_id' => $element, 'category_namekey' => "CONCAT('VM_MANUFAC_', vmm.manufacturer_id )", 'category_description' => 'vmm.mf_desc', 'category_menu' => 'vmm.manufacturer_id' ); $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_category` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT ' . implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$buffTable.'` vmm '. 'WHERE vmm.manufacturer_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_manufacturer; } else if ($this->vm_version==2) { $buffTable=$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_manufacturers_".$this->vm_current_lng; $data = array( 'category_type' => "'manufacturer'", 'category_name' => "vmm.mf_name ", 'category_published' => '1', 'category_parent_id' => $element, 'category_namekey' => "CONCAT('VM_MANUFAC_', vmm.virtuemart_manufacturer_id )", 'category_description' => 'vmm.mf_desc', 'category_menu' => 'vmm.virtuemart_manufacturer_id' ); $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_category` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT ' . implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$buffTable.'` vmm '. 'WHERE vmm.virtuemart_manufacturer_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_manufacturer; } else { return false; } $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Imported Manufacturers : ' . $total . '

'; if( $total > 0 ) { $this->options->max_hk_cat += $total; $this->db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__hikashop_config` SET config_value = ".$this->options->max_hk_cat." WHERE config_namekey = 'vm_import_max_hk_cat'; "); $this->db->query(); $this->importRebuildTree(); } $ret = true; return $ret; } /** * */ function importCategories() { echo '

titlefont.'>titlestyle.'>Step 4 : Import General Categories

'; if( $this->db == null ) return false; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $categoryClass = hikashop_get('class.category'); $rebuild = false; $ret = false; $offset = $this->options->current; $count = 100; $max = 0; // Status categories // $statuses = array( 'P' => 'created', //'U' => 'confirmed', 'C' => 'confirmed', 'X' => 'cancelled', 'R'=> 'refunded' , 'S' => 'shipped' ); $this->db->setQuery("SELECT category_keywords, category_parent_id FROM `#__hikashop_category` WHERE category_type = 'status' AND category_name = 'confirmed'"); $data = $this->db->loadObject(); $status_category = $data->category_parent_id; if( $data->category_keywords != 'C' ) { foreach($statuses as $k => $v) { $this->db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__hikashop_category` SET category_keywords = '".$k."' WHERE category_type = 'status' AND category_name = '".$v."'; "); $this->db->query(); } } if ($this->vm_version==1) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT order_status_code, order_status_name, order_status_description FROM `".$this->vmprefix."vm_order_status` WHERE order_status_name NOT IN ('".implode("','",$statuses)."');"); elseif ($this->vm_version==2) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT order_status_code, order_status_name, order_status_description FROM `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_orderstates` WHERE order_status_name NOT IN ('".implode("','",$statuses)."');"); else return false; $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); if( count($data) > 0 ) { $sql0 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_category` (`category_id`,`category_parent_id`,`category_type`,`category_name`,`category_description`,`category_published`,'. '`category_namekey`,`category_access`,`category_menu`,`category_keywords`) VALUES '; $id = $this->options->max_hk_cat + 1; $sep = ''; foreach($data as $c) { $d = array( $id++, $status_category, "'status'", $this->db->quote( strtolower($c->order_status_name) ), $this->db->quote( $c->order_status_description ), '1', $this->db->quote('status_vm_import_'.strtolower(str_replace(' ','_',$c->order_status_name))), "'all'", '0', $this->db->quote( $c->order_status_code ) ); if ($this->vm_version==2) { $d[3]=$this->db->quote(strtolower(JText::_($c->order_status_name))); $d[6]=$this->db->quote('status_vm_import_'.strtolower(str_replace(' ','_',JText::_($c->order_status_name)))); } $sql0 .= $sep.'('.implode(',',$d).')'; $sep = ','; } $this->db->setQuery($sql0); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); if( $total > 0 ) { echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Imported order status categories : ' . $total . '

'; $rebuild = true; $this->options->max_hk_cat += $total; $this->db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__hikashop_config` SET config_value = ".$this->options->max_hk_cat." WHERE config_namekey = 'vm_import_max_hk_cat'; "); $this->db->query(); $sql0 = ''; } else { echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Imported order status categories : 0

'; } } //--- // if ($this->vm_version==1) { $this->db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_category` vmc '. 'LEFT JOIN `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_category_xref` vmcx ON vmc.category_id = vmcx.category_child_id '. 'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_cat` hkvm ON vmc.category_id = hkvm.vm_id '. 'ORDER BY category_parent_id ASC, list_order ASC, category_id ASC LIMIT '.(int)$offset.', '.(int)$count.';'); } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { $buffTable=$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_categories_".$this->vm_current_lng; $this->db->setQuery('SELECT *, vmc.virtuemart_category_id as vmid FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_categories` vmc '. "LEFT JOIN `".$buffTable."` vmceg ON vmc.virtuemart_category_id = vmceg.virtuemart_category_id ". "LEFT JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_category_medias` vmcm ON vmceg.virtuemart_category_id = vmcm.virtuemart_category_id ". "LEFT JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_medias` vmm ON vmcm.virtuemart_media_id = vmm.virtuemart_media_id ". 'LEFT JOIN `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_category_categories` vmcc ON vmceg.virtuemart_category_id = vmcc.category_child_id '. 'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_cat` hkvm ON vmc.virtuemart_category_id = hkvm.vm_id '. 'ORDER BY category_parent_id ASC, vmc.ordering ASC, vmc.virtuemart_category_id ASC LIMIT '.(int)$offset.', '.(int)$count.';'); } else { return false; } $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $max=$offset+count($data); // Nothing to import $total = count($data); if( $total == 0 ) { echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Imported category : 0

'; if( $rebuild ) $this->importRebuildTree(); return true; } // // $sql0 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_category` (`category_id`,`category_parent_id`,`category_type`,`category_name`,`category_description`,`category_published`,'. '`category_ordering`,`category_namekey`,`category_created`,`category_modified`,`category_access`,`category_menu`) VALUES '; $sql1 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_vm_cat` (`vm_id`,`hk_id`) VALUES '; $sql2 = 'INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_file` (`file_name`,`file_description`,`file_path`,`file_type`,`file_ref_id`) VALUES '; $doSql2 = false; $doSql1 = false; // // $i = $this->options->max_hk_cat + 1; $ids = array( 0 => $this->options->main_cat_id); $sep = ''; foreach($data as $c) { if( !empty($c->vm_id) ) { //array_key_exists(category_id,$c) if ($this->vm_version==1) $ids[(int)$c->category_id] = $c->hk_id; elseif ($this->vm_version==2) $ids[(int)$c->vmid] = $c->hk_id; } else { $doSql1 = true; if ($this->vm_version==1) { $ids[(int)$c->category_id] = $i; $sql1 .= $sep.'('.(int)$c->category_id.','.$i.')'; } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { $ids[(int)$c->vmid] = $i; $sql1 .= $sep.'('.(int)$c->vmid.','.$i.')'; } $i++; $sep = ','; } } $sql1 .= ';'; // // $sep = ''; $sep2 = ''; $doQuery = false; foreach($data as $c) { if( !empty($c->vm_id) ) continue; $doQuery = true; if ($this->vm_version==1) $id = $ids[(int)$c->category_id]; elseif ($this->vm_version==2) $id = $ids[(int)$c->vmid]; if(!empty($ids[(int)$c->category_parent_id])) $pid = (int)$ids[(int)$c->category_parent_id]; else $pid = $ids[0]; $element = new stdClass(); $element->category_id = $id; $element->category_parent_id = $pid; //See also category_parent_id $element->category_name = $c->category_name; $nameKey = $categoryClass->getNameKey($element); if ($this->vm_version==1) { $d = array( $id, $pid, "'product'", $this->db->quote($c->category_name), $this->db->quote($c->category_description), '1', $c->list_order, $this->db->quote($nameKey), $c->cdate, $c->mdate, "'all'", '0' ); } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { $d = array( $id, $pid, "'product'", $this->db->quote($c->category_name), $this->db->quote($c->category_description), '1', $c->ordering, $this->db->quote($nameKey), $this->db->quote($c->created_on), $this->db->quote($c->modified_on), "'all'", '0' ); } $sql0 .= $sep.'('.implode(',',$d).')'; echo $sql0; if ($this->vm_version==1) { if( !empty($c->category_full_image)) { $doSql2 = true; $sql2 .= $sep2."('','','".$c->category_full_image."','category',".$id.')'; $sep2 = ','; $file_name = str_replace('\\','/',$c->category_full_image); if( strpos($file_name,'/') !== false ) { $file_name = substr($file_name, strrpos($file_name,'/')); } $this->copyFile($this->copyCatImgDir,$c->category_full_image, $this->options->uploadfolder.$file_name); $max = $c->category_id; } } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { if( !empty($c->file_meta)) { $doSql2 = true; $sql2 .= $sep2."('','','".$c->file_meta."','category',".$id.')'; $sep2 = ','; $file_name = str_replace('\\','/',$c->file_meta); if( strpos($file_name,'/') !== false ) { $file_name = substr($file_name, strrpos($file_name,'/')); } $this->copyFile($this->copyCatImgDir,$c->file_meta, $this->options->uploadfolder.$file_name); $max = $c->virtuemart_category_id; } } $sep = ','; } $sql0 .= ';'; if ($doQuery) { $this->db->setQuery($sql0); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); } else $total = 0; echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Imported Categories : ' . $total . '

'; if( isset($total) && $total > 0) { $rebuild = true; $this->options->max_hk_cat += $total; $this->db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__hikashop_config` SET config_value = ".$this->options->max_hk_cat." WHERE config_namekey = 'vm_import_max_hk_cat'; "); $this->db->query(); } if ($doSql1) { $this->db->setQuery($sql1); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Fallback links : ' . $total . '

'; } else echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Fallback links : 0

'; if( $doSql2 ) { $sql2 .= ';'; $this->db->setQuery($sql2); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Categories files : ' . $total . '

'; } else echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Categories files : 0

'; if( $rebuild ) $this->importRebuildTree(); $this->options->current = $max; //TODO if( $max > 0 ) { echo '

Copying files...(last proccessed product id: ' . $max . ')

'; $this->options->current = $max; $this->refreshPage = true; return $ret; } $ret = true; return $ret; } /** * */ function importProducts() { if( $this->db == null ) return false; echo '

titlefont.'>titlestyle.'>Step 5 : Import Products

'; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $categoryClass = hikashop_get('class.category'); $ret = false; $count = 100; $offset = $this->options->current; $max = 0; // // // if ($this->vm_version==1) { $this->db->setQuery('SELECT vmp.product_id, vmp.product_full_image '. 'FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_product` vmp '. 'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` hkprod ON vmp.product_id = hkprod.vm_id '. "WHERE vmp.product_id > ".$offset." AND hkprod.hk_id IS NULL AND (vmp.product_full_image IS NOT NULL) AND vmp.product_full_image <> '' ". 'ORDER BY vmp.product_id ASC LIMIT '.$count.';' ); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); if (!empty($data)) { echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Copying products images...

'; foreach($data as $c) { if( !empty($c->product_full_image) ) { $file_name = str_replace('\\','/',$c->product_full_image); if( strpos($file_name,'/') !== false ) { $file_name = substr($file_name, strrpos($file_name,'/')); } $this->copyFile($this->copyImgDir,$c->product_full_image, $this->options->uploadfolder.$file_name); $max = $c->product_id; } } } $this->db->setQuery('SELECT config_value FROM `#__hikashop_config` WHERE config_namekey = \'weight_symbols\''); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $wghtunit = explode(',',$data[0]->config_value); $this->db->setQuery('SELECT config_value FROM `#__hikashop_config` WHERE config_namekey = \'volume_symbols\''); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $dimunit = explode(',',$data[0]->config_value); $data = array( 'product_name' => 'vmp.product_name', 'product_description' => "CONCAT(vmp.product_s_desc,'
',vmp.product_desc)", 'product_quantity' => 'case when vmp.product_in_stock IS NULL or vmp.product_in_stock < 0 then 0 else vmp.product_in_stock end', 'product_code' => 'vmp.product_sku', 'product_published' => "case when vmp.product_publish = 'Y' then 1 else 0 end", 'product_hit' => '0', 'product_created' => 'vmp.cdate', 'product_modified' => 'vmp.mdate', 'product_sale_start' => 'vmp.product_available_date', 'product_tax_id' => 'hkc.category_id', 'product_type' => "'main'", 'product_url' => 'vmp.product_url', 'product_weight' => 'vmp.product_weight', 'product_weight_unit' => "case when LOWER(vmp.product_weight_uom) = 'pounds' then 'lb' else '".$wghtunit[0]."' end", 'product_dimension_unit' => "case when LOWER(vmp.product_lwh_uom) = 'inches' then 'in' else '".$dimunit[0]."' end", 'product_sales' => 'vmp.product_sales', 'product_width' => 'vmp.product_width', 'product_length' => 'vmp.product_length', 'product_height' => 'vmp.product_height', ); $sql1 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_product` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_product` AS vmp '. 'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_taxation` hkt ON hkt.tax_vm_id = product_tax_id '. 'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_category` hkc ON hkc.category_namekey = hkt.category_namekey '. 'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkp ON vmp.product_id = hkp.vm_id '. 'WHERE hkp.hk_id IS NULL AND vmp.product_id > '.$offset.' '. 'ORDER BY vmp.product_id ASC LIMIT '.$count.';'; $data = array( 'vm_id' => 'vmp.product_id', 'hk_id' => 'hkp.product_id' ); $sql2 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_vm_prod` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_product` AS vmp INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_product` AS hkp ON CONVERT(vmp.product_sku USING utf8) = CONVERT(hkp.product_code USING utf8) '. 'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` hkvm ON hkvm.vm_id = vmp.product_id '. 'WHERE hkvm.hk_id IS NULL AND vmp.product_id > '.$offset.' '. 'ORDER BY vmp.product_id ASC LIMIT '.$count.';'; // Update product parent id //TODO: Add where with $this->options->last_vm_prod ? $sql3 = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_product` AS hkp '. 'INNER JOIN `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_product` AS vmp ON CONVERT(vmp.product_sku USING utf8) = CONVERT(hkp.product_code USING utf8) '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkvm ON vmp.product_parent_id = hkvm.vm_id '. 'SET hkp.product_parent_id = hkvm.hk_id;'; $data = array( 'file_name' => "''", 'file_description' => "''", 'file_path' => "SUBSTRING_INDEX(vmp.product_full_image,'/',-1)", 'file_type' => "'product'", 'file_ref_id' => 'hkvm.hk_id' ); //TODO: Check WHERE clause $sql4 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_file` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_product` AS vmp '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkvm ON vmp.product_id = hkvm.vm_id '. 'WHERE vmp.product_id > '.$this->options->last_vm_prod.' AND (vmp.product_full_image IS NOT NULL) AND (vmp.product_full_image <>'." '')"; //'LIMIT '.(int)$offset.', '.(int)$count.';'; $sql5 = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_product` AS hkp '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkvm ON hkp.product_id = hkvm.hk_id '. 'INNER JOIN `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_product_mf_xref` AS vmm ON vmm.product_id = hkvm.vm_id '. "INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_category` AS hkc ON hkc.category_type = 'manufacturer' AND vmm.manufacturer_id = hkc.category_menu ". 'SET hkp.product_manufacturer_id = hkc.category_id '. 'WHERE vmm.manufacturer_id > '.$this->options->last_vm_manufacturer.' OR vmm.product_id > '.$this->options->last_vm_prod.';'; } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) //OK { $this->db->setQuery('SELECT vmp.virtuemart_product_id, vmm.file_meta '. 'FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_products` vmp '. "INNER JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_product_medias` vmpm ON vmp.virtuemart_product_id = vmpm.virtuemart_product_id ". "INNER JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_medias` vmm ON vmpm.virtuemart_media_id = vmm.virtuemart_media_id ". 'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` hkprod ON vmp.virtuemart_product_id = hkprod.vm_id '. "WHERE vmp.virtuemart_product_id > ".$offset." AND hkprod.hk_id IS NULL AND (vmm.file_meta IS NOT NULL) AND vmm.file_meta <> '' ". 'ORDER BY vmp.virtuemart_product_id ASC LIMIT '.$count.';' ); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); if (!empty($data)) { echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Copying products images...

'; foreach($data as $c) { if( !empty($c->file_meta) ) { $file_name = str_replace('\\','/',$c->file_meta); if( strpos($file_name,'/') !== false ) { $file_name = substr($file_name, strrpos($file_name,'/')); } $this->copyFile($this->copyImgDir,$c->file_meta, $this->options->uploadfolder.$file_name); $max = $c->virtuemart_product_id; } } } $buffTable=$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_products_".$this->vm_current_lng; $data = array( 'product_name' => 'vmpeg.product_name', 'product_description' => "CONCAT(vmpeg.product_s_desc,'
',vmpeg.product_desc)", 'product_quantity' => 'case when vmp.product_in_stock IS NULL or vmp.product_in_stock < 0 then 0 else vmp.product_in_stock end', 'product_code' => 'vmp.product_sku', 'product_published' => "vmp.published", 'product_hit' => '0', 'product_created' => "case when vmp.created_on='0000-00-00 00:00:00' then 0 else 1 end", 'product_modified' => 'vmp.modified_on', 'product_sale_start' => 'vmp.product_available_date', 'product_tax_id' => 'hkc.category_id', 'product_type' => "'main'", 'product_url' => 'vmp.product_url', 'product_weight' => 'vmp.product_weight', 'product_weight_unit' => "LOWER(vmp.product_weight_uom)", 'product_dimension_unit' => "LOWER(vmp.product_lwh_uom)", 'product_sales' => 'vmp.product_sales', 'product_width' => 'vmp.product_width', 'product_length' => 'vmp.product_length', 'product_height' => 'vmp.product_height', ); $sql1 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_product` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_products` AS vmp '. "INNER JOIN `".$buffTable."` vmpeg ON vmp.virtuemart_product_id = vmpeg.virtuemart_product_id ". "INNER JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_product_prices` vmpp ON vmpeg.virtuemart_product_id = vmpp.virtuemart_product_id ". 'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_taxation` hkt ON hkt.tax_vm_id = vmpp.product_tax_id '. 'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_category` hkc ON hkc.category_namekey = hkt.category_namekey '. 'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkp ON vmp.virtuemart_product_id = hkp.vm_id '. 'WHERE hkp.hk_id IS NULL AND vmp.virtuemart_product_id > '.$offset.' '. 'ORDER BY vmp.virtuemart_product_id ASC LIMIT '.$count.';'; $data = array( 'vm_id' => 'vmp.virtuemart_product_id', 'hk_id' => 'hkp.product_id' ); $sql2 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_vm_prod` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_products` AS vmp '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_product` AS hkp ON CONVERT(vmp.product_sku USING utf8) = CONVERT(hkp.product_code USING utf8) '. 'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` hkvm ON vmp.virtuemart_product_id = hkvm.vm_id '. 'WHERE hkvm.hk_id IS NULL AND vmp.virtuemart_product_id > '.$offset.' '. 'ORDER BY vmp.virtuemart_product_id ASC LIMIT '.$count.';'; $sql3 = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_product` AS hkp '. 'INNER JOIN `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_products` AS vmp ON CONVERT(vmp.product_sku USING utf8) = CONVERT(hkp.product_code USING utf8) '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkvm ON vmp.product_parent_id = hkvm.vm_id '. 'SET hkp.product_parent_id = hkvm.hk_id;'; $data = array( 'file_name' => "''", 'file_description' => "''", 'file_path' => "SUBSTRING_INDEX(vmm.file_meta,'/',-1)", 'file_type' => "'product'", 'file_ref_id' => 'hkvm.hk_id' ); //TODO: Check WHERE clause $sql4 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_file` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_products` AS vmp '. "INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkvm ON vmp.virtuemart_product_id = hkvm.vm_id ". "INNER JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_product_medias` vmpm ON hkvm.vm_id = vmpm.virtuemart_product_id ". "INNER JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_medias` vmm ON vmpm.virtuemart_media_id = vmm.virtuemart_media_id ". 'WHERE vmp.virtuemart_product_id > '.$this->options->last_vm_prod.' AND (vmm.file_meta <>'." '') "; $sql5 = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_product` AS hkp '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkvm ON hkp.product_id = hkvm.hk_id '. 'INNER JOIN `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_product_manufacturers` AS vmpm ON vmpm.virtuemart_product_id = hkvm.vm_id '. "INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_category` AS hkc ON hkc.category_type = 'manufacturer' AND vmpm.virtuemart_manufacturer_id = hkc.category_menu ". 'SET hkp.product_manufacturer_id = hkc.category_id '. 'WHERE vmpm.virtuemart_manufacturer_id > '.$this->options->last_vm_manufacturer.' OR vmpm.virtuemart_product_id > '.$this->options->last_vm_prod.';'; } else { return false; } $this->db->setQuery($sql1); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Inserted products: ' . $total . '

'; $this->db->setQuery($sql2); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Fallback links: ' . $total . '

'; $this->db->setQuery($sql3); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Updating products for parent links: ' . $total . '

'; $this->db->setQuery($sql4); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Inserted products files: ' . $total . '

'; $this->db->setQuery($sql5); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Updating products manufacturers: ' . $total . '

'; if( $max > 0 ) { echo '

Copying files...(last proccessed product id: ' . $max . ')

'; $this->options->current = $max; $this->refreshPage = true; return $ret; } $ret = true; return $ret; } /** * */ function importProductPrices() { if( $this->db == null ) return false; echo '

titlefont.'>titlestyle.'>Step 6 : Import Product Prices

'; $ret = false; $cpt = 0; //TODO: Check WHERE clause if ($this->vm_version==1) { $this->db->setQuery('INSERT IGNORE INTO #__hikashop_price (`price_product_id`,`price_value`,`price_currency_id`,`price_min_quantity`,`price_access`) ' .'SELECT hkprod.hk_Id, product_price, hkcur.currency_id, price_quantity_start, \'all\' ' .'FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_product_price` vm INNER JOIN #__hikashop_vm_prod hkprod ON vm.product_id = hkprod.vm_id ' .'INNER JOIN #__hikashop_currency hkcur ON CONVERT(vm.product_currency USING utf8) = CONVERT( hkcur.currency_code USING utf8) ' .'WHERE product_price_vdate < NOW() AND (product_price_edate = 0 OR product_price_edate > NOW() ) ' .'AND vm.product_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_prod ); } else if ($this->vm_version==2) { $this->db->setQuery('INSERT IGNORE INTO #__hikashop_price (`price_product_id`,`price_value`,`price_currency_id`,`price_min_quantity`,`price_access`) ' .'SELECT hkprod.hk_Id, product_price, hkcur.currency_id, price_quantity_start, \'all\' ' .'FROM '.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_product_prices vmpp ' .'INNER JOIN #__hikashop_vm_prod hkprod ON vmpp.virtuemart_product_id = hkprod.vm_id ' .'INNER JOIN '.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_currencies vmc ON vmpp.product_currency = vmc.virtuemart_currency_id ' .'INNER JOIN #__hikashop_currency hkcur ON CONVERT(vmc.currency_code_3 USING utf8) = CONVERT( hkcur.currency_code USING utf8) ' .'WHERE vmpp.virtuemart_product_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_prod ); } else { return false; } $ret = $this->db->query(); $cpt = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Prices imported : ' . $cpt .'

'; return $ret; } /** * */ function importProductCategory() { if( $this->db == null ) return false; echo '

titlefont.'>titlestyle.'>Step 7 : Import Product Category

'; $data = array( 'category_id' => 'vmc.hk_id', 'product_id' => 'vmp.hk_id', 'ordering' => '`product_list`', ); if ($this->vm_version==1) { $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_product_category` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT ' . implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_product_category_xref` vm '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_cat` vmc ON vm.category_id = vmc.vm_id '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` vmp ON vm.product_id = vmp.vm_id '. 'WHERE vmp.vm_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_prod . ' OR vmc.vm_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_cat; } else if ($this->vm_version==2) { $data['ordering'] = '`ordering`'; $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_product_category` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT ' . implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_product_categories` vmpc '. 'INNER JOIN #__hikashop_vm_cat vmc ON vmpc.virtuemart_category_id = vmc.vm_id '. 'INNER JOIN #__hikashop_vm_prod vmp ON vmpc.virtuemart_product_id = vmp.vm_id '. 'WHERE vmp.vm_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_prod . ' OR vmc.vm_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_cat; } else { return false; } $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Inserted products categories: ' . $total . '

'; return true; } /** * */ function importUsers() { if( $this->db == null ) return false; echo '

titlefont.'>titlestyle.'>Step 8 : Import Users

'; $ret = false; if ($this->vm_version==1) { $sql0 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_user` (`user_cms_id`,`user_email`) '. 'SELECT vmui.user_id, vmui.user_email FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_user_info` AS vmui '. 'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_user` AS hkusr ON vmui.user_id = hkusr.user_cms_id '. 'WHERE hkusr.user_cms_id IS NULL;'; } else if ($this->vm_version==2) { $sql0 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_user` (`user_cms_id`,`user_email`) '. 'SELECT, FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_userinfos` vmui INNER JOIN `#__users` u ON vmui.virtuemart_user_id = '. //? 'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_user` AS hkusr ON vmui.virtuemart_user_id = hkusr.user_cms_id '. 'WHERE hkusr.user_cms_id IS NULL;'; } else { return false; } $data = array( // 'address_user_id' => 'vmui.user_id', 'address_user_id' => 'hku.user_id', 'address_firstname' => 'vmui.first_name', 'address_middle_name' => 'vmui.middle_name', 'address_lastname' => 'vmui.last_name', 'address_company' => '', 'address_street' => 'CONCAT(vmui.address_1,\' \',vmui.address_2)', 'address_post_code' => '', 'address_city' => '', 'address_telephone' => 'vmui.phone_1', 'address_telephone2' => 'vmui.phone_2', 'address_fax' => 'vmui.fax', 'address_state' => 'vmui.state', 'address_country' => '', 'address_published' => 4 ); if ($this->vm_version==1) { //TODO: Add where with $this->options->last_vm_user ! //TODO: Or not make any insert... $sql1 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_address` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_user_info` AS vmui INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_user` AS hku ON vmui.user_id = hku.user_cms_id WHERE vmui.user_id > '.$this->options->last_vm_user.' ORDER BY vmui.user_id ASC'; } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { $data['address_state'] = 'vms.state_3_code'; $data['address_country'] = 'vmc.country_3_code'; $sql1 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_address` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_userinfos` AS vmui '. "INNER JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_states` vms ON vmui.virtuemart_state_id = vms.virtuemart_state_id ". "INNER JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_countries` vmc ON vmui.virtuemart_country_id = vmc.virtuemart_country_id ". 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_user` AS hku ON vmui.virtuemart_user_id = hku.user_cms_id '. 'WHERE vmui.virtuemart_user_id > '.$this->options->last_vm_user.' ORDER BY vmui.virtuemart_user_id ASC;'; } $sql2 = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_address` AS a '. 'JOIN `#__hikashop_zone` AS hkz ON (a.address_country = hkz.zone_code_3 AND hkz.zone_type = "country") '. 'SET address_country = hkz.zone_namekey, address_published = 3 WHERE address_published = 4;'; $sql3 = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_address` AS a '. 'JOIN `#__hikashop_zone_link` AS zl ON (a.address_country = zl.zone_parent_namekey) '. 'JOIN `#__hikashop_zone` AS hks ON (hks.zone_namekey = zl.zone_child_namekey AND hks.zone_type = "state" AND hks.zone_code_3 = a.address_state) '. 'SET address_state = hks.zone_namekey, address_published = 2 WHERE address_published = 3;'; $sql4 = "UPDATE `#__hikashop_address` AS a SET a.address_country = '' WHERE address_published > 3;"; $sql5 = "UPDATE `#__hikashop_address` AS a SET a.address_state = '' WHERE address_published > 2;"; $sql6 = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_address` AS a SET a.address_published = 1 WHERE address_published > 1;'; $this->db->setQuery($sql0); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Imported Users: ' . $total . '

'; $this->db->setQuery($sql1); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Imported addresses: ' . $total . '

'; $this->db->setQuery($sql2); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Imported addresses countries: ' . $total . '

'; $this->db->setQuery($sql3); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Imported addresses states: ' . $total . '

'; $this->db->setQuery($sql4); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery($sql5); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery($sql6); $this->db->query(); $ret = true; return $ret; } /** * */ function importOrders() { if( $this->db == null ) return false; echo '

titlefont.'>titlestyle.'>Step 10 : Import Orders

'; $ret = false; $offset = $this->options->current; $count = 100; $total = 0; $guest = 0; //TODO: vm_userfield / type: euvatid if ($this->vm_version==1) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT name FROM `".$this->vmprefix."vm_userfield` WHERE type = 'euvatid' AND published = 1"); elseif ($this->vm_version==2) $this->db->setQuery("SELECT name FROM `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_userfields` WHERE name = 'tax_exemption_number' AND published = 1"); else return false; $vat_cols = $this->db->loadObjectList(); if( isset($vat_cols) && $vat_cols !== null && is_array($vat_cols) && count($vat_cols)>0) $vat_cols = 'vmui.' . $vat_cols[0]->name; else $vat_cols = "''"; if ($this->vm_version==1) { $data = array( 'order_number' => 'vmo.order_number', 'order_vm_id' => 'vmo.order_id', 'order_user_id' => 'case when vmo.user_id < 0 OR hkusr.user_cms_id IS NULL then 0 else hkusr.user_id end ', 'order_status' => 'hkc.category_name', 'order_discount_code' => 'vmo.coupon_code', 'order_discount_price' => 'vmo.coupon_discount', 'order_created' => 'vmo.cdate', 'order_ip' => 'vmo.ip_address', 'order_currency_id' => 'hkcur.currency_id', 'order_shipping_price' => 'vmo.order_shipping', 'order_shipping_method' => "'vm import'", 'order_shipping_id' => '1', 'order_payment_id' => 0, 'order_payment_method' => '\'vm import\'', 'order_full_price' => 'vmo.order_total', 'order_modified' => 'vmo.mdate', 'order_partner_id' => 0, 'order_partner_price' => 0, 'order_partner_paid' => 0, 'order_type' => "'sale'", 'order_partner_currency_id' => 0, 'order_shipping_tax' => 'vmo.order_shipping_tax', 'order_discount_tax' => 0 ); $sql1 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_order` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_orders` AS vmo '. 'JOIN `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_order_status` AS vmos ON vmo.order_status = vmos.order_status_code '. 'JOIN `#__hikashop_category` AS hkc ON vmos.order_status_name = hkc.category_name AND hkc.category_type = \'status\' '. 'JOIN `#__hikashop_currency` AS hkcur ON CONVERT(vmo.order_currency USING utf8) = CONVERT(hkcur.currency_code USING utf8) '. 'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_user` AS hkusr ON vmo.user_id = hkusr.user_cms_id '. 'WHERE vmo.order_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_order . ' '. 'GROUP BY vmo.order_id '. 'ORDER BY vmo.order_id ASC;'; $this->db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM `#__hikashop_order` WHERE order_user_id = 0'); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); if (!empty($data)) { $buffstring = '('; $sep = ''; foreach ($data as $d) { $buffstring .= $sep.$d->order_vm_id; $sep = ','; } $buffstring .= ')'; $sql0 = 'SELECT vmou.user_email FROM ``'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_orders` AS vmo '. 'INNER JOIN ``'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_order_user_info` AS vmou ON vmo.order_id = vmou.order_id '. 'WHERE vmo.order_id IN '.$buffstring; $this->db->setQuery($sql0); $buffdata = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $string = ''; $sep = ''; foreach ($buffdata as $bf) { $string .= $sep."('0','".$bf->user_email."')"; $sep = ','; } $sql0 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_user` (`user_cms_id`,`user_email`) VALUES '.$string; $this->db->setQuery($sql0); $this->db->query(); $sql0 = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_order` AS hko '. 'INNER JOIN ``'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_orders` AS vmo ON hko.order_vm_id = vmo.order_id '. 'INNER JOIN ``'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_order_user_info` AS vmou ON vmo.user_id = vmou.user_id '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_user` as hku ON vmou.user_email = hku.user_email '. 'SET hko.order_user_id = hku.user_id '. 'WHERE hko.order_user_id = 0'; $this->db->setQuery($sql0); $this->db->query(); $guest = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); } $data = array( 'address_user_id' => 'vmui.user_id', 'address_firstname' => 'vmui.first_name', 'address_middle_name' => 'vmui.middle_name', 'address_lastname' => 'vmui.last_name', 'address_company' => '', 'address_street' => "CONCAT(vmui.address_1,' ',vmui.address_2)", 'address_post_code' => '', 'address_city' => '', 'address_telephone' => 'vmui.phone_1', 'address_telephone2' => 'vmui.phone_2', 'address_fax' => 'vmui.fax', 'address_state' => 'vmui.state', 'address_country' => '', 'address_published' => "case when vmui.address_type = 'BT' then 7 else 8 end", 'address_vat' => $vat_cols, 'address_vm_order_info_id' => 'vmui.order_id' ); //TODO: Check WHERE clause $sql2_1 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_address` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_order_user_info` AS vmui WHERE vmui.order_id > '.$this->options->last_vm_order.' ORDER BY vmui.order_info_id ASC'; } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { $data = array( 'order_number' => 'vmo.order_number', 'order_vm_id' => 'vmo.virtuemart_order_id', 'order_user_id' => 'hkusr.user_id', 'order_status' => 'hkc.category_name', 'order_discount_code' => 'vmo.coupon_code', 'order_discount_price' => 'vmo.coupon_discount', 'order_created' => 'vmo.created_on', 'order_ip' => 'vmo.ip_address', 'order_currency_id' => 'hkcur.currency_id', 'order_shipping_price' => 'vmo.order_shipment', 'order_shipping_method' => "'vm import'", 'order_shipping_id' => '1', 'order_payment_id' => 0, 'order_payment_method' => "'vm import'", 'order_full_price' => 'vmo.order_total', 'order_modified' => 'vmo.modified_on', 'order_partner_id' => 0, 'order_partner_price' => 0, 'order_partner_paid' => 0, 'order_type' => "'sale'", 'order_partner_currency_id' => 0, 'order_shipping_tax' => 'vmo.order_shipment_tax', 'order_discount_tax' => 0 ); //TODO: Check WHERE clause $sql1 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_order` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_orders` AS vmo '. 'INNER JOIN `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_currencies` vmc ON vmo.order_currency = vmc.virtuemart_currency_id '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_currency` hkcur ON CONVERT(vmc.currency_code_3 USING utf8) = CONVERT( hkcur.currency_code USING utf8) '. //needed ? 'JOIN `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_orderstates` AS vmos ON vmo.order_status = vmos.order_status_code '. 'JOIN `#__hikashop_category` AS hkc ON vmos.order_status_name = hkc.category_name AND hkc.category_type = \'status\' '. //No U founded 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_user` AS hkusr ON vmo.virtuemart_user_id = hkusr.user_cms_id '. 'WHERE vmo.virtuemart_order_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_order . ' '. 'GROUP BY vmo.virtuemart_order_id '. 'ORDER BY vmo.virtuemart_order_id ASC;'; $data = array( 'address_user_id' => 'vmui.virtuemart_user_id', 'address_firstname' => 'vmui.first_name', 'address_middle_name' => 'vmui.middle_name', 'address_lastname' => 'vmui.last_name', 'address_company' => '', 'address_street' => "CONCAT(vmui.address_1,' ',vmui.address_2)", 'address_post_code' => '', 'address_city' => '', 'address_telephone' => 'vmui.phone_1', 'address_telephone2' => 'vmui.phone_2', 'address_fax' => 'vmui.fax', 'address_state' => 'vms.state_3_code', 'address_country' => 'vmc.country_3_code', 'address_published' => "case when vmui.address_type = 'BT' then 7 else 8 end", 'address_vat' => $vat_cols, 'address_vm_order_info_id' => 'vmui.virtuemart_order_id' ); //TODO: Check WHERE clause //OK but even if already exists $sql2_1 = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_address` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_order_userinfos` AS vmui '. "INNER JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_states` vms ON vmui.virtuemart_state_id = vms.virtuemart_state_id ". "INNER JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_countries` vmc ON vmui.virtuemart_country_id = vmc.virtuemart_country_id ". 'WHERE vmui.virtuemart_order_id > '.$this->options->last_vm_order.' ORDER BY vmui.virtuemart_order_userinfo_id ASC'; } else { return false; } $sql2_2 = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_address` AS a '. 'JOIN `#__hikashop_zone` AS hkz ON (a.address_country = hkz.zone_code_3 AND hkz.zone_type = "country") '. 'SET address_country = hkz.zone_namekey, address_published = 6 WHERE address_published >= 7;'; $sql2_3 = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_address` AS a '. // todo 'JOIN `#__hikashop_zone_link` AS zl ON (a.address_country = zl.zone_parent_namekey) '. 'JOIN `#__hikashop_zone` AS hks ON (hks.zone_namekey = zl.zone_child_namekey AND hks.zone_type = "state" AND hks.zone_code_3 = a.address_state) '. 'SET address_state = hks.zone_namekey, address_published = 5 WHERE address_published = 6;'; $sql2_4 = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_address` AS a '. 'SET address_published = 0 WHERE address_published > 4;'; //-- $sql3 = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_order` AS o '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_address` AS a ON a.address_vm_order_info_id = o.order_vm_id '. 'SET o.order_billing_address_id = a.address_id, o.order_shipping_address_id = a.address_id '. "WHERE o.order_billing_address_id = 0 AND address_published >= 7 ;"; //-- $sql4 = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_order` AS o '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_address` AS a ON a.address_vm_order_info_id = o.order_vm_id '. 'SET o.order_shipping_address_id = a.address_id '. "WHERE o.order_shipping_address_id = 0 AND address_published >= 8 ;"; //-- if ($this->vm_version==1) { $sql5 = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_order` AS a '. 'JOIN `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_order_payment` AS o ON a.order_vm_id = o.order_id '. 'JOIN `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_payment_method` AS p ON o.payment_method_id = p.payment_method_id '. "SET a.order_payment_method = CONCAT('vm import: ', p.payment_method_name) ". 'WHERE a.order_vm_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_order; } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { $buffTable=$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_paymentmethods_".$this->vm_current_lng; $sql5 = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_order` AS a '. 'JOIN `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_orders` AS vmo ON a.order_vm_id = vmo.virtuemart_order_id '. 'JOIN `'.$buffTable.'` AS vmp ON vmo.virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = vmp.virtuemart_paymentmethod_id '. "SET a.order_payment_method = CONCAT('vm import: ', vmp.payment_name) ". 'WHERE a.order_vm_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_order; } $this->db->setQuery($sql1); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Imported orders: ' . $total . ' (including '.$guest.' guests)

'; $this->db->setQuery($sql2_1); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Imported orders addresses: ' . $total . '

'; $this->db->setQuery($sql3); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Updating billing addresses: ' . $total . '

'; $this->db->setQuery($sql4); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Updating shipping addresses: ' . $total . '

'; $this->db->setQuery($sql5); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Updating order payments: ' . $total . '

'; $this->db->setQuery($sql2_2); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Updating orders: ' . $total; $this->db->setQuery($sql2_3); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '/' . $total; $this->db->setQuery($sql2_4); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '/' . $total . '

'; $ret = true; return $ret; } /** * */ function importOrderItems() { if( $this->db == null ) return false; echo '

titlefont.'>titlestyle.'>Step 11 : Import Order Items

'; $ret = false; $offset = $this->options->current; $count = 100; $data = array( 'order_id' => 'hko.order_id', 'product_id' => 'hkp.hk_id', 'order_product_quantity' => 'vmoi.product_quantity', 'order_product_name' => 'vmoi.order_item_name', 'order_product_code' => 'vmoi.order_item_sku', 'order_product_price' => 'vmoi.product_item_price', 'order_product_tax' => '(vmoi.product_final_price - vmoi.product_item_price)', 'order_product_options' => "''" ); if ($this->vm_version==1) { //TODO: Check WHERE clause $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_order_product` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_order_item` AS vmoi '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_order` AS hko ON vmoi.order_id = hko.order_vm_id '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkp ON hkp.vm_id = vmoi.product_id '. 'WHERE vmoi.order_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_order . ';'; } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_order_product` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_order_items` AS vmoi '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_order` AS hko ON vmoi.virtuemart_order_id = hko.order_vm_id '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkp ON vmoi.virtuemart_product_id = hkp.vm_id '. 'WHERE vmoi.virtuemart_order_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_order . ';'; } else { return false; } $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Orders Items imported : '. $total .'

'; $ret = true; return $ret; } /** * */ function importDownloads() { if( $this->db == null ) return false; echo '

titlefont.'>titlestyle.'>Step 12 : Import Downloads

'; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $categoryClass = hikashop_get('class.category'); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $ret = false; $count = 100; $offset = $this->options->current; if( $offset == 0 ) { $offset = $app->getUserState($this->sessionParams.'last_vm_pfile'); if (!$offset) $offset = $this->options->last_vm_pfile; } $sql = "SELECT `config_value` FROM `#__hikashop_config` WHERE config_namekey = 'download_number_limit';"; $this->db->setQuery($sql); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $dl_limit = $data[0]->config_value; if ($this->vm_version==1) { $sql = 'SELECT vmf.file_id,vmf.file_name,vmf.file_is_image FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_product_files` AS vmf WHERE vmf.file_id > '.$offset.' ORDER BY vmf.file_id ASC LIMIT '.$count.';'; $this->db->setQuery($sql); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $max = 0; foreach($data as $c) { $file_name = str_replace('\\','/',$c->file_name); if( strpos($file_name,'/') !== false ) { $file_name = substr($file_name, strrpos($file_name,'/')); } $dstFolder = $this->options->uploadsecurefolder; if($c->file_is_image){ $dstFolder = $this->options->uploadfolder; } $this->copyFile($this->copyImgDir,$c->file_name, $dstFolder.$file_name); $max = $c->file_id; } } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { //Will try to copy images we already copied in importProduct() $sql = 'SELECT vmm.virtuemart_media_id,vmm.file_meta,vmm.file_is_product_image '. 'FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_products` vmp ' . "INNER JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_product_medias` AS vmpm ON vmp.virtuemart_product_id = vmpm.virtuemart_product_id " . "INNER JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_medias` vmm ON vmpm.virtuemart_media_id = vmm.virtuemart_media_id " . 'WHERE vmm.virtuemart_media_id > '.$offset. ' ORDER BY vmm.virtuemart_media_id ASC LIMIT '.$count.';'; $this->db->setQuery($sql); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $max = 0; foreach($data as $c) { $file_name = str_replace('\\','/',$c->file_meta); if( strpos($file_name,'/') !== false ) { $file_name = substr($file_name, strrpos($file_name,'/')); } $dstFolder = $this->options->uploadsecurefolder; if($c->file_is_product_image){ $dstFolder = $this->options->uploadfolder; } $this->copyFile($this->copyImgDir,$c->file_meta, $dstFolder.$file_name); $max = $c->virtuemart_media_id; } $app->setUserState($this->sessionParams.'last_vm_pfile',$max); } else { return false; } if( $max > 0 ) { echo '

Copying files...
(Last processed file id: ' . $max . ')

'; $this->options->current = $max; $this->refreshPage = true; return $ret; } if ($this->vm_version==1) { $data = array( 'file_name' => 'vmf.file_title', 'file_description' => 'vmf.file_description', 'file_path' => "SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(vmf.file_name, '/', -1), '\\\\', -1)", 'file_type' => "case when vmf.file_is_image = 1 then 'product' else 'file' end", 'file_ref_id' => 'hkp.hk_id' ); $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_file` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_product_files` AS vmf '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkp ON hkp.vm_id = vmf.file_product_id '. 'WHERE vmf.file_id > '.$this->options->last_vm_pfile.';'; } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { $data = array( 'file_name' => 'vmm.file_title', 'file_description' => 'vmm.file_description', 'file_path' => "SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(vmm.file_meta, '/', -1), '\\\\', -1)", 'file_type' => "case when vmm.file_is_product_image = 1 then 'product' else 'file' end", 'file_ref_id' => 'hkp.hk_id' ); $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_file` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_products` vmp '. "INNER JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_product_medias` AS vmpm ON vmp.virtuemart_product_id = vmpm.virtuemart_product_id ". "INNER JOIN `".$this->vmprefix."virtuemart_medias` vmm ON vmpm.virtuemart_media_id = vmm.virtuemart_media_id " . 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkp ON vmm.virtuemart_media_id = hkp.vm_id '. 'WHERE vmm.virtuemart_media_id > '.$this->options->last_vm_pfile.';'; } else { return false; } $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Downloable files imported : ' . $total . '

'; if ($this->vm_version==1) { $data = array( 'file_id' => 'hkf.file_id', 'order_id' => 'hko.order_id', 'download_number' => '(' . $dl_limit . '- vmd.download_max)' ); //TODO: Check WHERE clause $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_download` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_product_download` AS vmd '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_order` AS hko ON hko.order_vm_id = vmd.order_id '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkp ON hkp.vm_id = vmd.product_id '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_file` AS hkf ON ( CONVERT(hkf.file_name USING utf8) = CONVERT(vmd.file_name USING utf8) )'. "WHERE hkf.file_type = 'file' AND (hkp.hk_id = hkf.file_ref_id) AND (vmd.product_id > ".$this->options->last_vm_prod.' OR vmd.order_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_order . ');'; } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { /* NO DOWNLOADS TABLE */ echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Downloable order files imported : 0

'; return true; } $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Downloable order files imported : ' . $total . '

'; $ret = true; return $ret; } /** * */ function importDiscount() { if( $this->db == null ) return false; echo '

titlefont.'>titlestyle.'>Step 9 : Import Discount

'; $sql = "SELECT `config_value` FROM `#__hikashop_config` WHERE config_namekey = 'main_currency';"; $this->db->setQuery($sql); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $main_currency = $data[0]->config_value; // // // $data = array( 'discount_type' => "'coupon'", //coupon or discount 'discount_published' => '1', 'discount_code' => '`coupon_code`', 'discount_currency_id' => $main_currency, 'discount_flat_amount' => "case when percent_or_total = 'total' then coupon_value else 0 end", 'discount_percent_amount' => "case when percent_or_total = 'percent' then coupon_value else 0 end", 'discount_quota' => "case when coupon_type = 'gift' then 1 else 0 end" ); if ($this->vm_version==1) { $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO #__hikashop_discount (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM '.$this->vmprefix.'vm_coupons WHERE coupon_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_coupon; } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) //OK { $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO #__hikashop_discount (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM '.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_coupons WHERE virtuemart_coupon_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_coupon; } else { return false; } $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Discount codes / coupons imported : ' . $total . '

'; // // if ($this->vm_version==1) { $data = array( 'discount_type' => "'discount'", //coupon or discount 'discount_published' => '1', 'discount_code' => "CONCAT('discount_', vmp.product_sku)", 'discount_currency_id' => $main_currency, 'discount_flat_amount' => "case when vmd.is_percent = 0 then vmd.amount else 0 end", 'discount_percent_amount' => "case when vmd.is_percent = 1 then vmd.amount else 0 end", 'discount_quota' => "''", 'discount_product_id' => 'hkp.hk_id', 'discount_category_id' => '0', 'discount_start' => "vmd.start_date", 'discount_end' => "vmd.end_date" ); $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO #__hikashop_discount (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM '.$this->vmprefix.'vm_product vmp '. 'INNER JOIN `'.$this->vmprefix.'vm_product_discount` vmd ON vmp.product_discount_id = vmd.discount_id '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkp ON hkp.vm_id = vmp.product_id '. 'WHERE vmp.product_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_prod; } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { $data = array( 'discount_type' => "'discount'", 'discount_published' => '1', 'discount_code' => "CONCAT('discount_', vmp.product_sku)", 'discount_currency_id' => $main_currency, 'discount_flat_amount' => "case when vmc.percent_or_total = 'total' then vmc.coupon_value else 0 end", 'discount_percent_amount' => "case when vmc.percent_or_total = 'percent' then vmc.coupon_value else 0 end", 'discount_quota' => "''", 'discount_product_id' => 'hkp.hk_id', 'discount_category_id' => '0', 'discount_start' => "vmc.coupon_start_date", 'discount_end' => "vmc.coupon_expiry_date" ); $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO #__hikashop_discount (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM '.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_products vmp '. 'INNER JOIN `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_product_prices` vmpp ON vmp.virtuemart_product_id = vmpp.virtuemart_product_id '. 'INNER JOIN `'.$this->vmprefix.'virtuemart_coupons` vmc ON vmpp.product_discount_id = vmc.virtuemart_coupon_id '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkp ON hkp.vm_id = vmp.virtuemart_product_id '. 'WHERE vmp.virtuemart_product_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_prod; } $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Discount product imported : ' . $total . '

'; $ret = true; return $ret; } //TODO : TEST function importReviews() { if( $this->db == null ) return false; echo '

titlefont.'>titlestyle.'>Step 13 : Import Product reviews

'; $ret = false; $offset = $this->options->current; $count = 100; if ($this->vm_version==1) { $data = array( 'vote_ref_id' => 'hkvp.hk_id', 'vote_type' => "'product'", 'vote_user_id' => 'hkusr.user_id', 'vote_rating' => 'vpr.review_votes', 'vote_comment' => 'vpr.comment', 'vote_useful' => '0', //review_ok ? 'vote_pseudo' => 'u.username', 'vote_ip' => "''", 'vote_email' => '', 'vote_date' => 'CURDATE()' ); $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_vote` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `#__vm_product_reviews` AS vpr '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkvp ON vpr.product_id = hkvp.vm_id '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_user` AS hkusr ON vpr.userid = hkusr.user_cms_id '. 'INNER JOIN `#__users` AS u ON hkusr.user_cms_id = '. 'WHERE vpr.review_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_review . ';'; $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); $sql = 'SELECT hkvp.hk_id as hkid, vpr.review_id as vmvote FROM `#__vm_product_reviews` AS vpr '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkvp ON vpr.product_id = hkvp.vm_id '. 'WHERE vpr.review_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_review . ' '. 'ORDER BY hkvp.hk_id; '; } elseif ($this->vm_version==2) { $data = array( 'vote_ref_id' => 'hkvp.hk_id', 'vote_type' => "'product'", 'vote_user_id' => 'hkusr.user_id', 'vote_rating' => '', 'vote_comment' => 'vrr.comment', 'vote_useful' => '0', //review_ok ? 'vote_pseudo' => 'u.username', 'vote_ip' => 'vrr.lastip', 'vote_email' => '', 'vote_date' => 'vrv.created_on' ); $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__hikashop_vote` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($data)).'`) '. 'SELECT '.implode(',',$data).' FROM `#__virtuemart_rating_reviews` AS vrr '. 'INNER JOIN `#__virtuemart_rating_votes` AS vrv ON vrr.virtuemart_rating_review_id = vrv.virtuemart_rating_vote_id '. //join with double primary keys Zzzz 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkvp ON vrr.virtuemart_product_id = hkvp.vm_id '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_user` AS hkusr ON vrr.created_by = hkusr.user_cms_id '. 'INNER JOIN `#__users` AS u ON hkusr.user_cms_id = '. 'WHERE vrr.virtuemart_rating_review_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_review . ';'; $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); $total = $this->db->getAffectedRows(); $sql = 'SELECT hkvp.hk_id as hkid, as vmvote FROM `#__virtuemart_rating_votes` AS vrv '. 'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_vm_prod` AS hkvp ON vrv.virtuemart_product_id = hkvp.vm_id '. 'WHERE vrv.virtuemart_rating_vote_id > ' . (int)$this->options->last_vm_review . ' '. 'ORDER BY hkvp.hk_id; '; } else { return false; } $this->db->setQuery($sql); $this->db->query(); $data = $this->db->loadObjectList(); $continue = false; $idmain = $sum = $divide = $nbentries = 0; foreach($data as $d) { if (!$continue) $idmain = $d->hkid; $sum += $d->vmvote; $divide++; if ($idmain==$d->hkid) { $continue = true; continue; } else { $average = $sum / $divide; $sql = 'UPDATE `#__hikashop_product` SET `product_average_score` = '.$average.', `product_total_vote` = '.$divide.' WHERE product_id = '.$d->hkid; $this->db->query(); $nbentries += $this->db->getAffectedRows(); $sum = $divide = 0; $continue = false; } } echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Products reviews imported : '. $total .'

'; echo '

pmarginstyle.'>bullstyle.'>• Products average scores updated : '. $nbentries .'

'; $ret = true; return $ret; } }