Request PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT : array ( 'WebAuthenticationDetail' => array ( 'UserCredential' => array ( 'Key' => 'KEY REMOVED', 'Password' => 'PASSWORD REMOVED', ), ), 'ClientDetail' => array ( 'AccountNumber' => 'ACCOUNT REMOVED', 'MeterNumber' => 'METER REMOVED', ), 'TransactionDetail' => array ( 'CustomerTransactionId' => ' *** Rate Request v10 using PHP ***', ), 'Version' => array ( 'ServiceId' => 'crs', 'Major' => '10', 'Intermediate' => '0', 'Minor' => '0', ), 'ReturnTransitAndCommit' => true, 'RequestedShipment' => array ( 'DropoffType' => 'REGULAR_PICKUP', 'ShipTimestamp' => '2017-08-14T19:58:08-04:00', 'ServiceType' => 'PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT', 'PackagingType' => 'YOUR_PACKAGING', 'TotalInsuredValue' => array ( 'Ammount' => 103.0, 'Currency' => 'USD', ), 'Shipper' => array ( 'Contact' => array ( 'PersonName' => 'AquaCorals', 'CompanyName' => 'AquaCorals', 'PhoneNumber' => '207-238-0076', ), 'Address' => array ( 'StreetLines' => array ( 0 => '34 Currier Road', ), 'City' => 'Fairfield', 'StateOrProvinceCode' => 'ME', 'PostalCode' => '04937', 'CountryCode' => 'US', ), ), 'Recipient' => array ( 'Contact' => array ( 'PersonName' => ' Matt Hunt', 'CompanyName' => '', 'PhoneNumber' => '2074658312', ), 'Address' => array ( 'StreetLines' => array ( 0 => '2263 Santa Clara Avenue', ), 'City' => 'Alameda', 'StateOrProvinceCode' => 'CA', 'PostalCode' => '94501', 'CountryCode' => 'US', 'Residential' => true, ), ), 'ShippingChargesPayment' => array ( 'PaymentType' => 'SENDER', 'Payor' => array ( 'AccountNumber' => 'REMOVED', 'CountryCode' => 'US', ), ), 'RateRequestTypes' => 'ACCOUNT', 'PackageCount' => 1, 'RequestedPackageLineItems' => array ( 0 => array ( 'SequenceNumber' => 1, 'GroupPackageCount' => 1, 'Weight' => array ( 'Value' => '9', 'Units' => 'LB', ), 0 => array ( 'Dimensions' => array ( 'Length' => 0, 'Width' => 0, 'Height' => 0, 'Units' => 'IN', ), ), ), ), ), 'RequestedPackageDetailType' => 'PACKAGE_SUMMARY', ) Response PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT : SoapFault::__set_state(array( 'message' => 'Could not connect to host', 'string' => '', 'code' => 0, 'file' => '/home/aquacorals/public_html/plugins/hikashopshipping/fedex/fedex.php', 'line' => 622, 'trace' => array ( 0 => array ( 'function' => '__doRequest', 'class' => 'SoapClient', 'type' => '->', 'args' => array ( 0 => ' REMOVEDREMOVEDREMOVEDREMOVED *** Rate Request v10 using PHP ***crs1000true2017-08-14T19:58:08-04:00REGULAR_PICKUPPRIORITY_OVERNIGHTYOUR_PACKAGINGUSDAquaCoralsAquaCorals207-238-007634 Currier RoadFairfieldME04937US Matt Hunt20746583122263 Santa Clara AvenueAlamedaCA94501UStrueSENDERREMOVEDUSACCOUNT111LB9 ', 1 => '', 2 => 'getRates', 3 => 1, 4 => 0, ), ), 1 => array ( 'file' => '/home/aquacorals/public_html/plugins/hikashopshipping/fedex/fedex.php', 'line' => 622, 'function' => '__call', 'class' => 'SoapClient', 'type' => '->', 'args' => array ( 0 => 'getRates', 1 => array ( 0 => array ( 'WebAuthenticationDetail' => array ( 'UserCredential' => array ( 'Key' => 'REMOVED', 'Password' => 'REMOVED', ), ), 'ClientDetail' => array ( 'AccountNumber' => 'REMOVED', 'MeterNumber' => 'REMOVED', ), 'TransactionDetail' => array ( 'CustomerTransactionId' => ' *** Rate Request v10 using PHP ***', ), 'Version' => array ( 'ServiceId' => 'crs', 'Major' => '10', 'Intermediate' => '0', 'Minor' => '0', ), 'ReturnTransitAndCommit' => true, 'RequestedShipment' => array ( 'DropoffType' => 'REGULAR_PICKUP', 'ShipTimestamp' => '2017-08-14T19:58:08-04:00', 'ServiceType' => 'PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT', 'PackagingType' => 'YOUR_PACKAGING', 'TotalInsuredValue' => array ( 'Ammount' => 103.0, 'Currency' => 'USD', ), 'Shipper' => array ( 'Contact' => array ( 'PersonName' => 'AquaCorals', 'CompanyName' => 'AquaCorals', 'PhoneNumber' => '207-238-0076', ), 'Address' => array ( 'StreetLines' => array ( 0 => '34 Currier Road', ), 'City' => 'Fairfield', 'StateOrProvinceCode' => 'ME', 'PostalCode' => '04937', 'CountryCode' => 'US', ), ), 'Recipient' => array ( 'Contact' => array ( 'PersonName' => ' Matt Hunt', 'CompanyName' => '', 'PhoneNumber' => '2074658312', ), 'Address' => array ( 'StreetLines' => array ( 0 => '2263 Santa Clara Avenue', ), 'City' => 'Alameda', 'StateOrProvinceCode' => 'CA', 'PostalCode' => '94501', 'CountryCode' => 'US', 'Residential' => true, ), ), 'ShippingChargesPayment' => array ( 'PaymentType' => 'SENDER', 'Payor' => array ( 'AccountNumber' => 'REMOVED', 'CountryCode' => 'US', ), ), 'RateRequestTypes' => 'ACCOUNT', 'PackageCount' => 1, 'RequestedPackageLineItems' => array ( 0 => array ( 'SequenceNumber' => 1, 'GroupPackageCount' => 1, 'Weight' => array ( 'Value' => '9', 'Units' => 'LB', ), 0 => array ( 'Dimensions' => array ( 'Length' => 0, 'Width' => 0, 'Height' => 0, 'Units' => 'IN', ), ), ), ), ), 'RequestedPackageDetailType' => 'PACKAGE_SUMMARY', ), ), ), ), 2 => array ( 'file' => '/home/aquacorals/public_html/plugins/hikashopshipping/fedex/fedex.php', 'line' => 455, 'function' => '_FEDEXrequestMethods', 'class' => 'plgHikashopshippingFedEx', 'type' => '->', 'args' => array ( 0 => array ( 'fedex_account_number' => 'REMOVED', 'fedex_meter_number' => 'REMOVED', 'fedex_api_key' => 'REMOVED', 'fedex_api_password' => 'REMOVED', 'show_eta' => NULL, 'show_eta_format' => '12', 'packaging_type' => 'YOUR_PACKAGING', 'include_price' => '0', 'currency_code' => 'USD', 'weight_approximation' => '', 'use_dimensions' => 0, 'dim_approximation_l' => '', 'dim_approximation_w' => '', 'dim_approximation_h' => '', 'methods' => array ( 'fedex_priority_overnight' => 'PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT', ), 'destZip' => '94501', 'destCountry' => 'US', 'zip' => '04937', 'total_insured' => 103.0, 'sender_company' => 'AquaCorals', 'sender_phone' => '207-238-0076', 'sender_address' => '34 Currier Road', 'sender_city' => 'Fairfield', 'weight' => 9.0, 'height' => 10.0, 'length' => 6.0, 'width' => 18.0, 'price' => 103.0, 'sender_state' => 'ME', 'sender_postcode' => '04937', 'recipient' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'address_id' => '338', 'address_user_id' => '2', 'address_title' => NULL, 'address_firstname' => 'Matt', 'address_middle_name' => NULL, 'address_lastname' => 'Hunt', 'address_company' => '', 'address_street' => '2263 Santa Clara Avenue', 'address_street2' => '', 'address_post_code' => '94501', 'address_city' => 'Alameda', 'address_telephone' => '2074658312', 'address_telephone2' => NULL, 'address_fax' => NULL, 'address_state' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'zone_id' => '4265', 'zone_namekey' => 'state_California_4265', 'zone_name' => 'California', 'zone_name_english' => 'CA', 'zone_code_2' => '', 'zone_code_3' => 'CA', 'zone_type' => 'state', 'zone_published' => '1', 'zone_currency_id' => '0', )), 'address_country' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'zone_id' => '223', 'zone_namekey' => 'country_United_States_of_America_223', 'zone_name' => 'United States of America', 'zone_name_english' => 'United States of America', 'zone_code_2' => 'US', 'zone_code_3' => 'USA', 'zone_type' => 'country', 'zone_published' => '1', 'zone_currency_id' => '0', )), 'address_published' => '1', 'address_vat' => NULL, 'address_default' => '0', 'address_type' => '', 'address_state_orig' => 'state_California_4265', 'address_country_orig' => 'country_United_States_of_America_223', )), 'country' => 'US', 'XMLpackage' => ' 02 Shop LB 9 ', 'pickup_type' => NULL, 'weight_unit' => 'LB', 'dimension_unit' => 'IN', 'quantity' => 1, ), 1 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'shipping_id' => '15', 'shipping_type' => 'fedex', 'shipping_zone_namekey' => 'country_United_States_of_America_223', 'shipping_tax_id' => '0', 'shipping_price' => 1.0300000000000000266453525910037569701671600341796875, 'shipping_currency_id' => '2', 'shipping_name' => 'FedEx - L', 'shipping_description' => '', 'shipping_published' => '1', 'shipping_ordering' => '2', 'shipping_currency' => '', 'shipping_params' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'shipping_percentage' => '1', 'shipping_per_product' => '0', 'shipping_price_per_product' => '', 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NULL, 'gc_recipient' => NULL, 'cart_product_wishlist_product_id' => '0', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_parent_id' => '0', )), 4222 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => 4222, 'cart_id' => '1295', 'product_id' => 687, 'cart_product_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_parent_id' => 0, 'cart_product_modified' => 1502753967, 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => 0, 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'amount' => NULL, 'gc_recipient' => NULL, 'cart_product_wishlist_product_id' => '0', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_parent_id' => '0', )), 4223 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => 4223, 'cart_id' => '1295', 'product_id' => 354, 'cart_product_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_parent_id' => 0, 'cart_product_modified' => 1502754697, 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => 0, 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'amount' => NULL, 'gc_recipient' => NULL, 'cart_product_wishlist_product_id' => '0', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_parent_id' => '0', )), ), 'additional' => array 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These elusive starfish will spend most of it\'s time resting under your rocks. Some will come out when they smell fish food added to the tank. Most often you will see their legs hanging out from under the rocks hoping to grab some fish food floating nearby. They are great tank cleaners because they will eat any uneaten fish food that would normally get stuck & decay under our rocks. Can sometimes be seen roaming the tank at night after the lights are off. NEVER take this starfish (or any other for that matter) out of the water!! Special Acclimation is needed! With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation time! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently jiggle the bag to release. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. If they end up upside down when released, gently flip them over as it takes energy for them to right themselves. Average size is approx 4-6 inch Pictures are examples only. Expect some variations. 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My gorgeous deep orange color pops in any reef environment. We\'re kind of like "where\'s Waldo" because we often move about the tank looking for the best food spot so here today, somewherelse over night! Fun to watch, beautiful to look at! Note: please do not target feed us. We are filter feeders so if you gently blow your rocks with a turkey baster a couple times a week, we\'ll be assured of plenty to eat. I don\'t recommend taking Flame Scallops out of the water as it may stress them. Please acclimate as outlined below. With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently take them out of the bag & place in a lower region of your tank. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. Pictures are examples only unless noted by WYSIWYG ', 'product_quantity' => '24', 'product_code' => 'Flame Scallop', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '935', 'product_created' => '1480555966', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '2.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1496329808', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 24, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502753968', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 'product_total_vote' => '0', 'product_page_title' => '', 'product_alias' => 'flame-scallop', 'product_price_percentage' => '0.0000000', 'product_msrp' => '0.0000000', 'product_canonical' => '', 'product_warehouse_id' => '1', 'product_quantity_layout' => 'show_default', 'product_status' => '', 'product_vendor_params' => '', 'product_sort_price' => '15.00000', 'old' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'quantity' => 1, )), 'images' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'file_id' => '605', 'file_name' => 'flamescallop', 'file_description' => '', 'file_path' => 'flamescallop.jpg', 'file_type' => 'product', 'file_ref_id' => '687', 'file_free_download' => '0', 'file_ordering' => '0', 'file_limit' => '0', )), ), 'categories' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'product_category_id' => '3784', 'category_id' => '15', 'product_id' => '687', 'ordering' => '2', 'category_parent_id' => '13', 'category_type' => 'product', 'category_name' => 'Clams & Scallops', 'category_description' => '', 'category_published' => '1', 'category_ordering' => '1', 'category_left' => '4', 'category_right' => '5', 'category_depth' => '3', 'category_namekey' => 'product_1468883011_1542334351', 'category_created' => '1468883011', 'category_modified' => '1487252851', 'category_access' => 'all', 'category_menu' => '0', 'category_keywords' => '', 'category_meta_description' => '', 'category_layout' => '', 'category_page_title' => '', 'category_alias' => 'clams', 'category_site_id' => '', 'category_canonical' => '', 'category_quantity_layout' => '', )), ), 'cart_product_total_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_total_variants_quantity' => 1, 'prices' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_id' => '586', 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_product_id' => '687', 'price_value' => 15.0, 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_access' => 'all', 'price_site_id' => '', 'price_users' => '', 'k' => 2, 'needed' => true, 'price_value_with_tax' => 15.0, 'taxes_added' => true, 'taxes' => array ( ), 'unit_price' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_value' => '15.00000', 'price_value_with_tax' => '15.00000', 'taxes' => array ( ), )), )), ), 'product_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume_orig' => 360.0, 'product_dimension_unit_orig' => 'in', 'product_weight_orig' => '2.000', 'product_weight_unit_orig' => 'lb', )), 4223 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4223', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '354', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Black Cap Basslet', 'product_description' => ' Black Cap Basslet - Gramma melacara Average Size 2.5" A deepwater Basslet that prefers subdued lighting. Do not keep with other Basslets. Community otherwise & totally reef safe. A stunning addition to any reef tank! ', 'product_quantity' => '1', 'product_code' => 'Black Cap Basslet', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '810', 'product_created' => '1469646483', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '3.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1493834164', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 1, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502754698', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 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These elusive starfish will spend most of it\'s time resting under your rocks. Some will come out when they smell fish food added to the tank. Most often you will see their legs hanging out from under the rocks hoping to grab some fish food floating nearby. They are great tank cleaners because they will eat any uneaten fish food that would normally get stuck & decay under our rocks. Can sometimes be seen roaming the tank at night after the lights are off. NEVER take this starfish (or any other for that matter) out of the water!! Special Acclimation is needed! With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation time! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently jiggle the bag to release. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. If they end up upside down when released, gently flip them over as it takes energy for them to right themselves. Average size is approx 4-6 inch Pictures are examples only. Expect some variations. 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My gorgeous deep orange color pops in any reef environment. We\'re kind of like "where\'s Waldo" because we often move about the tank looking for the best food spot so here today, somewherelse over night! Fun to watch, beautiful to look at! Note: please do not target feed us. We are filter feeders so if you gently blow your rocks with a turkey baster a couple times a week, we\'ll be assured of plenty to eat. I don\'t recommend taking Flame Scallops out of the water as it may stress them. Please acclimate as outlined below. With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently take them out of the bag & place in a lower region of your tank. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. Pictures are examples only unless noted by WYSIWYG ', 'product_quantity' => '24', 'product_code' => 'Flame Scallop', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '935', 'product_created' => '1480555966', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '2.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1496329808', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 24, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502753968', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 'product_total_vote' => '0', 'product_page_title' => '', 'product_alias' => 'flame-scallop', 'product_price_percentage' => '0.0000000', 'product_msrp' => '0.0000000', 'product_canonical' => '', 'product_warehouse_id' => '1', 'product_quantity_layout' => 'show_default', 'product_status' => '', 'product_vendor_params' => '', 'product_sort_price' => '15.00000', 'old' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'quantity' => 1, )), 'images' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'file_id' => '605', 'file_name' => 'flamescallop', 'file_description' => '', 'file_path' => 'flamescallop.jpg', 'file_type' => 'product', 'file_ref_id' => '687', 'file_free_download' => '0', 'file_ordering' => '0', 'file_limit' => '0', )), ), 'categories' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'product_category_id' => '3784', 'category_id' => '15', 'product_id' => '687', 'ordering' => '2', 'category_parent_id' => '13', 'category_type' => 'product', 'category_name' => 'Clams & Scallops', 'category_description' => '', 'category_published' => '1', 'category_ordering' => '1', 'category_left' => '4', 'category_right' => '5', 'category_depth' => '3', 'category_namekey' => 'product_1468883011_1542334351', 'category_created' => '1468883011', 'category_modified' => '1487252851', 'category_access' => 'all', 'category_menu' => '0', 'category_keywords' => '', 'category_meta_description' => '', 'category_layout' => '', 'category_page_title' => '', 'category_alias' => 'clams', 'category_site_id' => '', 'category_canonical' => '', 'category_quantity_layout' => '', )), ), 'cart_product_total_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_total_variants_quantity' => 1, 'prices' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_id' => '586', 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_product_id' => '687', 'price_value' => 15.0, 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_access' => 'all', 'price_site_id' => '', 'price_users' => '', 'k' => 2, 'needed' => true, 'price_value_with_tax' => 15.0, 'taxes_added' => true, 'taxes' => array ( ), 'unit_price' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_value' => '15.00000', 'price_value_with_tax' => '15.00000', 'taxes' => array ( ), )), )), ), 'product_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume_orig' => 360.0, 'product_dimension_unit_orig' => 'in', 'product_weight_orig' => '2.000', 'product_weight_unit_orig' => 'lb', )), 4223 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4223', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '354', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Black Cap Basslet', 'product_description' => ' Black Cap Basslet - Gramma melacara Average Size 2.5" A deepwater Basslet that prefers subdued lighting. Do not keep with other Basslets. Community otherwise & totally reef safe. A stunning addition to any reef tank! 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'0', 'product_id' => '428', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Serpent Starfish', 'product_description' => ' Serpent Starfish - Ophioderma sp. These elusive starfish will spend most of it\'s time resting under your rocks. Some will come out when they smell fish food added to the tank. Most often you will see their legs hanging out from under the rocks hoping to grab some fish food floating nearby. They are great tank cleaners because they will eat any uneaten fish food that would normally get stuck & decay under our rocks. Can sometimes be seen roaming the tank at night after the lights are off. NEVER take this starfish (or any other for that matter) out of the water!! Special Acclimation is needed! With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation time! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently jiggle the bag to release. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. If they end up upside down when released, gently flip them over as it takes energy for them to right themselves. Average size is approx 4-6 inch Pictures are examples only. Expect some variations. ', 'product_quantity' => '1', 'product_code' => 'Serpent Starfish', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '746', 'product_created' => '1470003039', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '4.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1470003639', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 1, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502753124', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 'product_total_vote' => '0', 'product_page_title' => 'Serpent Starfish - Reef Safe Serpent Starfish for Sale at AquaCorals!', 'product_alias' => 'serpent-starfish', 'product_price_percentage' => '0.0000000', 'product_msrp' => '0.0000000', 'product_canonical' => '', 'product_warehouse_id' => '1', 'product_quantity_layout' => 'show_default', 'product_status' => '', 'product_vendor_params' => '', 'product_sort_price' => '0.00000', 'old' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'quantity' => 1, )), 'images' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'file_id' => '271', 'file_name' => 'starfish-serpent', 'file_description' => '', 'file_path' => 'starfish-serpent.jpg', 'file_type' => 'product', 'file_ref_id' => '428', 'file_free_download' => '0', 'file_ordering' => '0', 'file_limit' => '0', )), ), 'categories' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'product_category_id' => '1356', 'category_id' => '44', 'product_id' => '428', 'ordering' => '2', 'category_parent_id' => '18', 'category_type' => 'product', 'category_name' => 'Starfish', 'category_description' => '', 'category_published' => '1', 'category_ordering' => '4', 'category_left' => '67', 'category_right' => '68', 'category_depth' => '4', 'category_namekey' => 'product_1468961022_2046708667', 'category_created' => '1468961022', 'category_modified' => '1468961022', 'category_access' => 'all', 'category_menu' => '0', 'category_keywords' => '', 'category_meta_description' => '', 'category_layout' => '', 'category_page_title' => '', 'category_alias' => 'starfish', 'category_site_id' => '', 'category_canonical' => '', 'category_quantity_layout' => '', )), ), 'cart_product_total_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_total_variants_quantity' => 1, 'prices' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_id' => '343', 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_product_id' => '428', 'price_value' => 29.0, 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_access' => 'all', 'price_site_id' => '', 'price_users' => '', 'k' => 1, 'needed' => true, 'price_value_with_tax' => 29.0, 'taxes_added' => true, 'taxes' => array ( ), 'unit_price' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_value' => '29.00000', 'price_value_with_tax' => '29.00000', 'taxes' => array ( ), )), )), ), 'product_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume_orig' => 360.0, 'product_dimension_unit_orig' => 'in', 'product_weight_orig' => '4.000', 'product_weight_unit_orig' => 'lb', )), 4222 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4222', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '687', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Flame Scallop', 'product_description' => ' Flame Scallop We are cool little bivalves that like to literally hang out & eat all day. My gorgeous deep orange color pops in any reef environment. We\'re kind of like "where\'s Waldo" because we often move about the tank looking for the best food spot so here today, somewherelse over night! Fun to watch, beautiful to look at! Note: please do not target feed us. We are filter feeders so if you gently blow your rocks with a turkey baster a couple times a week, we\'ll be assured of plenty to eat. I don\'t recommend taking Flame Scallops out of the water as it may stress them. Please acclimate as outlined below. With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently take them out of the bag & place in a lower region of your tank. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. Pictures are examples only unless noted by WYSIWYG ', 'product_quantity' => '24', 'product_code' => 'Flame Scallop', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '935', 'product_created' => '1480555966', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '2.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1496329808', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 24, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502753968', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 'product_total_vote' => '0', 'product_page_title' => '', 'product_alias' => 'flame-scallop', 'product_price_percentage' => '0.0000000', 'product_msrp' => '0.0000000', 'product_canonical' => '', 'product_warehouse_id' => '1', 'product_quantity_layout' => 'show_default', 'product_status' => '', 'product_vendor_params' => '', 'product_sort_price' => '15.00000', 'old' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'quantity' => 1, )), 'images' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'file_id' => '605', 'file_name' => 'flamescallop', 'file_description' => '', 'file_path' => 'flamescallop.jpg', 'file_type' => 'product', 'file_ref_id' => '687', 'file_free_download' => '0', 'file_ordering' => '0', 'file_limit' => '0', )), ), 'categories' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'product_category_id' => '3784', 'category_id' => '15', 'product_id' => '687', 'ordering' => '2', 'category_parent_id' => '13', 'category_type' => 'product', 'category_name' => 'Clams & Scallops', 'category_description' => '', 'category_published' => '1', 'category_ordering' => '1', 'category_left' => '4', 'category_right' => '5', 'category_depth' => '3', 'category_namekey' => 'product_1468883011_1542334351', 'category_created' => '1468883011', 'category_modified' => '1487252851', 'category_access' => 'all', 'category_menu' => '0', 'category_keywords' => '', 'category_meta_description' => '', 'category_layout' => '', 'category_page_title' => '', 'category_alias' => 'clams', 'category_site_id' => '', 'category_canonical' => '', 'category_quantity_layout' => '', )), ), 'cart_product_total_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_total_variants_quantity' => 1, 'prices' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_id' => '586', 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_product_id' => '687', 'price_value' => 15.0, 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_access' => 'all', 'price_site_id' => '', 'price_users' => '', 'k' => 2, 'needed' => true, 'price_value_with_tax' => 15.0, 'taxes_added' => true, 'taxes' => array ( ), 'unit_price' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_value' => '15.00000', 'price_value_with_tax' => '15.00000', 'taxes' => array ( ), )), )), ), 'product_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume_orig' => 360.0, 'product_dimension_unit_orig' => 'in', 'product_weight_orig' => '2.000', 'product_weight_unit_orig' => 'lb', )), 4223 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4223', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '354', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Black Cap Basslet', 'product_description' => ' Black Cap Basslet - Gramma melacara Average Size 2.5" A deepwater Basslet that prefers subdued lighting. 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), )), 'shipping_groups' => array ( 1 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'name' => '', 'products' => array ( 4221 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4221', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '428', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Serpent Starfish', 'product_description' => ' Serpent Starfish - Ophioderma sp. These elusive starfish will spend most of it\'s time resting under your rocks. Some will come out when they smell fish food added to the tank. Most often you will see their legs hanging out from under the rocks hoping to grab some fish food floating nearby. They are great tank cleaners because they will eat any uneaten fish food that would normally get stuck & decay under our rocks. Can sometimes be seen roaming the tank at night after the lights are off. NEVER take this starfish (or any other for that matter) out of the water!! Special Acclimation is needed! With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation time! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently jiggle the bag to release. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. If they end up upside down when released, gently flip them over as it takes energy for them to right themselves. Average size is approx 4-6 inch Pictures are examples only. Expect some variations. ', 'product_quantity' => '1', 'product_code' => 'Serpent Starfish', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '746', 'product_created' => '1470003039', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '4.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1470003639', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 1, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502753124', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 'product_total_vote' => '0', 'product_page_title' => 'Serpent Starfish - Reef Safe Serpent Starfish for Sale at AquaCorals!', 'product_alias' => 'serpent-starfish', 'product_price_percentage' => '0.0000000', 'product_msrp' => '0.0000000', 'product_canonical' => '', 'product_warehouse_id' => '1', 'product_quantity_layout' => 'show_default', 'product_status' => '', 'product_vendor_params' => '', 'product_sort_price' => '0.00000', 'old' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'quantity' => 1, )), 'images' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'file_id' => '271', 'file_name' => 'starfish-serpent', 'file_description' => '', 'file_path' => 'starfish-serpent.jpg', 'file_type' => 'product', 'file_ref_id' => '428', 'file_free_download' => '0', 'file_ordering' => '0', 'file_limit' => '0', )), ), 'categories' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'product_category_id' => '1356', 'category_id' => '44', 'product_id' => '428', 'ordering' => '2', 'category_parent_id' => '18', 'category_type' => 'product', 'category_name' => 'Starfish', 'category_description' => '', 'category_published' => '1', 'category_ordering' => '4', 'category_left' => '67', 'category_right' => '68', 'category_depth' => '4', 'category_namekey' => 'product_1468961022_2046708667', 'category_created' => '1468961022', 'category_modified' => '1468961022', 'category_access' => 'all', 'category_menu' => '0', 'category_keywords' => '', 'category_meta_description' => '', 'category_layout' => '', 'category_page_title' => '', 'category_alias' => 'starfish', 'category_site_id' => '', 'category_canonical' => '', 'category_quantity_layout' => '', )), ), 'cart_product_total_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_total_variants_quantity' => 1, 'prices' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_id' => '343', 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_product_id' => '428', 'price_value' => 29.0, 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_access' => 'all', 'price_site_id' => '', 'price_users' => '', 'k' => 1, 'needed' => true, 'price_value_with_tax' => 29.0, 'taxes_added' => true, 'taxes' => array ( ), 'unit_price' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_value' => '29.00000', 'price_value_with_tax' => '29.00000', 'taxes' => array ( ), )), )), ), 'product_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume_orig' => 360.0, 'product_dimension_unit_orig' => 'in', 'product_weight_orig' => '4.000', 'product_weight_unit_orig' => 'lb', )), 4222 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4222', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '687', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Flame Scallop', 'product_description' => ' Flame Scallop We are cool little bivalves that like to literally hang out & eat all day. My gorgeous deep orange color pops in any reef environment. We\'re kind of like "where\'s Waldo" because we often move about the tank looking for the best food spot so here today, somewherelse over night! Fun to watch, beautiful to look at! Note: please do not target feed us. We are filter feeders so if you gently blow your rocks with a turkey baster a couple times a week, we\'ll be assured of plenty to eat. I don\'t recommend taking Flame Scallops out of the water as it may stress them. Please acclimate as outlined below. With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently take them out of the bag & place in a lower region of your tank. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. 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These elusive starfish will spend most of it\'s time resting under your rocks. Some will come out when they smell fish food added to the tank. Most often you will see their legs hanging out from under the rocks hoping to grab some fish food floating nearby. They are great tank cleaners because they will eat any uneaten fish food that would normally get stuck & decay under our rocks. Can sometimes be seen roaming the tank at night after the lights are off. NEVER take this starfish (or any other for that matter) out of the water!! Special Acclimation is needed! With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation time! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently jiggle the bag to release. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. If they end up upside down when released, gently flip them over as it takes energy for them to right themselves. Average size is approx 4-6 inch Pictures are examples only. Expect some variations. 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My gorgeous deep orange color pops in any reef environment. We\'re kind of like "where\'s Waldo" because we often move about the tank looking for the best food spot so here today, somewherelse over night! Fun to watch, beautiful to look at! Note: please do not target feed us. We are filter feeders so if you gently blow your rocks with a turkey baster a couple times a week, we\'ll be assured of plenty to eat. I don\'t recommend taking Flame Scallops out of the water as it may stress them. Please acclimate as outlined below. With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently take them out of the bag & place in a lower region of your tank. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. Pictures are examples only unless noted by WYSIWYG ', 'product_quantity' => '24', 'product_code' => 'Flame Scallop', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '935', 'product_created' => '1480555966', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '2.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1496329808', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 24, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502753968', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 'product_total_vote' => '0', 'product_page_title' => '', 'product_alias' => 'flame-scallop', 'product_price_percentage' => '0.0000000', 'product_msrp' => '0.0000000', 'product_canonical' => '', 'product_warehouse_id' => '1', 'product_quantity_layout' => 'show_default', 'product_status' => '', 'product_vendor_params' => '', 'product_sort_price' => '15.00000', 'old' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'quantity' => 1, )), 'images' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'file_id' => '605', 'file_name' => 'flamescallop', 'file_description' => '', 'file_path' => 'flamescallop.jpg', 'file_type' => 'product', 'file_ref_id' => '687', 'file_free_download' => '0', 'file_ordering' => '0', 'file_limit' => '0', )), ), 'categories' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'product_category_id' => '3784', 'category_id' => '15', 'product_id' => '687', 'ordering' => '2', 'category_parent_id' => '13', 'category_type' => 'product', 'category_name' => 'Clams & Scallops', 'category_description' => '', 'category_published' => '1', 'category_ordering' => '1', 'category_left' => '4', 'category_right' => '5', 'category_depth' => '3', 'category_namekey' => 'product_1468883011_1542334351', 'category_created' => '1468883011', 'category_modified' => '1487252851', 'category_access' => 'all', 'category_menu' => '0', 'category_keywords' => '', 'category_meta_description' => '', 'category_layout' => '', 'category_page_title' => '', 'category_alias' => 'clams', 'category_site_id' => '', 'category_canonical' => '', 'category_quantity_layout' => '', )), ), 'cart_product_total_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_total_variants_quantity' => 1, 'prices' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_id' => '586', 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_product_id' => '687', 'price_value' => 15.0, 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_access' => 'all', 'price_site_id' => '', 'price_users' => '', 'k' => 2, 'needed' => true, 'price_value_with_tax' => 15.0, 'taxes_added' => true, 'taxes' => array ( ), 'unit_price' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_value' => '15.00000', 'price_value_with_tax' => '15.00000', 'taxes' => array ( ), )), )), ), 'product_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume_orig' => 360.0, 'product_dimension_unit_orig' => 'in', 'product_weight_orig' => '2.000', 'product_weight_unit_orig' => 'lb', )), 4223 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4223', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '354', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Black Cap Basslet', 'product_description' => ' Black Cap Basslet - Gramma melacara Average Size 2.5" A deepwater Basslet that prefers subdued lighting. Do not keep with other Basslets. Community otherwise & totally reef safe. A stunning addition to any reef tank! ', 'product_quantity' => '1', 'product_code' => 'Black Cap Basslet', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '810', 'product_created' => '1469646483', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '3.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1493834164', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 1, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502754698', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 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These elusive starfish will spend most of it\'s time resting under your rocks. Some will come out when they smell fish food added to the tank. Most often you will see their legs hanging out from under the rocks hoping to grab some fish food floating nearby. They are great tank cleaners because they will eat any uneaten fish food that would normally get stuck & decay under our rocks. Can sometimes be seen roaming the tank at night after the lights are off. NEVER take this starfish (or any other for that matter) out of the water!! Special Acclimation is needed! With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation time! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently jiggle the bag to release. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. If they end up upside down when released, gently flip them over as it takes energy for them to right themselves. Average size is approx 4-6 inch Pictures are examples only. Expect some variations. 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My gorgeous deep orange color pops in any reef environment. We\'re kind of like "where\'s Waldo" because we often move about the tank looking for the best food spot so here today, somewherelse over night! Fun to watch, beautiful to look at! Note: please do not target feed us. We are filter feeders so if you gently blow your rocks with a turkey baster a couple times a week, we\'ll be assured of plenty to eat. I don\'t recommend taking Flame Scallops out of the water as it may stress them. Please acclimate as outlined below. With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently take them out of the bag & place in a lower region of your tank. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. Pictures are examples only unless noted by WYSIWYG ', 'product_quantity' => '24', 'product_code' => 'Flame Scallop', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '935', 'product_created' => '1480555966', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '2.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1496329808', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 24, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502753968', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 'product_total_vote' => '0', 'product_page_title' => '', 'product_alias' => 'flame-scallop', 'product_price_percentage' => '0.0000000', 'product_msrp' => '0.0000000', 'product_canonical' => '', 'product_warehouse_id' => '1', 'product_quantity_layout' => 'show_default', 'product_status' => '', 'product_vendor_params' => '', 'product_sort_price' => '15.00000', 'old' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'quantity' => 1, )), 'images' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'file_id' => '605', 'file_name' => 'flamescallop', 'file_description' => '', 'file_path' => 'flamescallop.jpg', 'file_type' => 'product', 'file_ref_id' => '687', 'file_free_download' => '0', 'file_ordering' => '0', 'file_limit' => '0', )), ), 'categories' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'product_category_id' => '3784', 'category_id' => '15', 'product_id' => '687', 'ordering' => '2', 'category_parent_id' => '13', 'category_type' => 'product', 'category_name' => 'Clams & Scallops', 'category_description' => '', 'category_published' => '1', 'category_ordering' => '1', 'category_left' => '4', 'category_right' => '5', 'category_depth' => '3', 'category_namekey' => 'product_1468883011_1542334351', 'category_created' => '1468883011', 'category_modified' => '1487252851', 'category_access' => 'all', 'category_menu' => '0', 'category_keywords' => '', 'category_meta_description' => '', 'category_layout' => '', 'category_page_title' => '', 'category_alias' => 'clams', 'category_site_id' => '', 'category_canonical' => '', 'category_quantity_layout' => '', )), ), 'cart_product_total_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_total_variants_quantity' => 1, 'prices' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_id' => '586', 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_product_id' => '687', 'price_value' => 15.0, 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_access' => 'all', 'price_site_id' => '', 'price_users' => '', 'k' => 2, 'needed' => true, 'price_value_with_tax' => 15.0, 'taxes_added' => true, 'taxes' => array ( ), 'unit_price' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_value' => '15.00000', 'price_value_with_tax' => '15.00000', 'taxes' => array ( ), )), )), ), 'product_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume_orig' => 360.0, 'product_dimension_unit_orig' => 'in', 'product_weight_orig' => '2.000', 'product_weight_unit_orig' => 'lb', )), 4223 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4223', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '354', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Black Cap Basslet', 'product_description' => ' Black Cap Basslet - Gramma melacara Average Size 2.5" A deepwater Basslet that prefers subdued lighting. Do not keep with other Basslets. Community otherwise & totally reef safe. A stunning addition to any reef tank! 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These elusive starfish will spend most of it\'s time resting under your rocks. Some will come out when they smell fish food added to the tank. Most often you will see their legs hanging out from under the rocks hoping to grab some fish food floating nearby. They are great tank cleaners because they will eat any uneaten fish food that would normally get stuck & decay under our rocks. Can sometimes be seen roaming the tank at night after the lights are off. NEVER take this starfish (or any other for that matter) out of the water!! Special Acclimation is needed! With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation time! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently jiggle the bag to release. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. If they end up upside down when released, gently flip them over as it takes energy for them to right themselves. Average size is approx 4-6 inch Pictures are examples only. Expect some variations. 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My gorgeous deep orange color pops in any reef environment. We\'re kind of like "where\'s Waldo" because we often move about the tank looking for the best food spot so here today, somewherelse over night! Fun to watch, beautiful to look at! Note: please do not target feed us. We are filter feeders so if you gently blow your rocks with a turkey baster a couple times a week, we\'ll be assured of plenty to eat. I don\'t recommend taking Flame Scallops out of the water as it may stress them. Please acclimate as outlined below. With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently take them out of the bag & place in a lower region of your tank. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. Pictures are examples only unless noted by WYSIWYG ', 'product_quantity' => '24', 'product_code' => 'Flame Scallop', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '935', 'product_created' => '1480555966', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '2.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1496329808', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 24, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502753968', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 'product_total_vote' => '0', 'product_page_title' => '', 'product_alias' => 'flame-scallop', 'product_price_percentage' => '0.0000000', 'product_msrp' => '0.0000000', 'product_canonical' => '', 'product_warehouse_id' => '1', 'product_quantity_layout' => 'show_default', 'product_status' => '', 'product_vendor_params' => '', 'product_sort_price' => '15.00000', 'old' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'quantity' => 1, )), 'images' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'file_id' => '605', 'file_name' => 'flamescallop', 'file_description' => '', 'file_path' => 'flamescallop.jpg', 'file_type' => 'product', 'file_ref_id' => '687', 'file_free_download' => '0', 'file_ordering' => '0', 'file_limit' => '0', )), ), 'categories' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'product_category_id' => '3784', 'category_id' => '15', 'product_id' => '687', 'ordering' => '2', 'category_parent_id' => '13', 'category_type' => 'product', 'category_name' => 'Clams & Scallops', 'category_description' => '', 'category_published' => '1', 'category_ordering' => '1', 'category_left' => '4', 'category_right' => '5', 'category_depth' => '3', 'category_namekey' => 'product_1468883011_1542334351', 'category_created' => '1468883011', 'category_modified' => '1487252851', 'category_access' => 'all', 'category_menu' => '0', 'category_keywords' => '', 'category_meta_description' => '', 'category_layout' => '', 'category_page_title' => '', 'category_alias' => 'clams', 'category_site_id' => '', 'category_canonical' => '', 'category_quantity_layout' => '', )), ), 'cart_product_total_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_total_variants_quantity' => 1, 'prices' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_id' => '586', 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_product_id' => '687', 'price_value' => 15.0, 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_access' => 'all', 'price_site_id' => '', 'price_users' => '', 'k' => 2, 'needed' => true, 'price_value_with_tax' => 15.0, 'taxes_added' => true, 'taxes' => array ( ), 'unit_price' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_value' => '15.00000', 'price_value_with_tax' => '15.00000', 'taxes' => array ( ), )), )), ), 'product_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume_orig' => 360.0, 'product_dimension_unit_orig' => 'in', 'product_weight_orig' => '2.000', 'product_weight_unit_orig' => 'lb', )), 4223 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4223', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '354', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Black Cap Basslet', 'product_description' => ' Black Cap Basslet - Gramma melacara Average Size 2.5" A deepwater Basslet that prefers subdued lighting. Do not keep with other Basslets. Community otherwise & totally reef safe. A stunning addition to any reef tank! ', 'product_quantity' => '1', 'product_code' => 'Black Cap Basslet', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '810', 'product_created' => '1469646483', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '3.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1493834164', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 1, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502754698', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 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), )), 'shipping_groups' => array ( 1 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'name' => '', 'products' => array ( 4221 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4221', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '428', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Serpent Starfish', 'product_description' => ' Serpent Starfish - Ophioderma sp. These elusive starfish will spend most of it\'s time resting under your rocks. Some will come out when they smell fish food added to the tank. Most often you will see their legs hanging out from under the rocks hoping to grab some fish food floating nearby. They are great tank cleaners because they will eat any uneaten fish food that would normally get stuck & decay under our rocks. Can sometimes be seen roaming the tank at night after the lights are off. NEVER take this starfish (or any other for that matter) out of the water!! Special Acclimation is needed! With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation time! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently jiggle the bag to release. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. If they end up upside down when released, gently flip them over as it takes energy for them to right themselves. Average size is approx 4-6 inch Pictures are examples only. Expect some variations. 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My gorgeous deep orange color pops in any reef environment. We\'re kind of like "where\'s Waldo" because we often move about the tank looking for the best food spot so here today, somewherelse over night! Fun to watch, beautiful to look at! Note: please do not target feed us. We are filter feeders so if you gently blow your rocks with a turkey baster a couple times a week, we\'ll be assured of plenty to eat. I don\'t recommend taking Flame Scallops out of the water as it may stress them. Please acclimate as outlined below. With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently take them out of the bag & place in a lower region of your tank. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. Pictures are examples only unless noted by WYSIWYG ', 'product_quantity' => '24', 'product_code' => 'Flame Scallop', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '935', 'product_created' => '1480555966', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '2.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1496329808', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 24, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502753968', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 'product_total_vote' => '0', 'product_page_title' => '', 'product_alias' => 'flame-scallop', 'product_price_percentage' => '0.0000000', 'product_msrp' => '0.0000000', 'product_canonical' => '', 'product_warehouse_id' => '1', 'product_quantity_layout' => 'show_default', 'product_status' => '', 'product_vendor_params' => '', 'product_sort_price' => '15.00000', 'old' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'quantity' => 1, )), 'images' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'file_id' => '605', 'file_name' => 'flamescallop', 'file_description' => '', 'file_path' => 'flamescallop.jpg', 'file_type' => 'product', 'file_ref_id' => '687', 'file_free_download' => '0', 'file_ordering' => '0', 'file_limit' => '0', )), ), 'categories' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'product_category_id' => '3784', 'category_id' => '15', 'product_id' => '687', 'ordering' => '2', 'category_parent_id' => '13', 'category_type' => 'product', 'category_name' => 'Clams & Scallops', 'category_description' => '', 'category_published' => '1', 'category_ordering' => '1', 'category_left' => '4', 'category_right' => '5', 'category_depth' => '3', 'category_namekey' => 'product_1468883011_1542334351', 'category_created' => '1468883011', 'category_modified' => '1487252851', 'category_access' => 'all', 'category_menu' => '0', 'category_keywords' => '', 'category_meta_description' => '', 'category_layout' => '', 'category_page_title' => '', 'category_alias' => 'clams', 'category_site_id' => '', 'category_canonical' => '', 'category_quantity_layout' => '', )), ), 'cart_product_total_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_total_variants_quantity' => 1, 'prices' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_id' => '586', 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_product_id' => '687', 'price_value' => 15.0, 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_access' => 'all', 'price_site_id' => '', 'price_users' => '', 'k' => 2, 'needed' => true, 'price_value_with_tax' => 15.0, 'taxes_added' => true, 'taxes' => array ( ), 'unit_price' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_value' => '15.00000', 'price_value_with_tax' => '15.00000', 'taxes' => array ( ), )), )), ), 'product_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume_orig' => 360.0, 'product_dimension_unit_orig' => 'in', 'product_weight_orig' => '2.000', 'product_weight_unit_orig' => 'lb', )), 4223 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4223', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '354', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Black Cap Basslet', 'product_description' => ' Black Cap Basslet - Gramma melacara Average Size 2.5" A deepwater Basslet that prefers subdued lighting. Do not keep with other Basslets. Community otherwise & totally reef safe. A stunning addition to any reef tank! ', 'product_quantity' => '1', 'product_code' => 'Black Cap Basslet', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '810', 'product_created' => '1469646483', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '3.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1493834164', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 1, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502754698', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 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'4221,4222,4223', )), ), 2 => array ( ), 3 => array ( ), ), ), ), 7 => array ( 'file' => '/home/aquacorals/public_html/administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/cart.php', 'line' => 1211, 'function' => 'getShippings', 'class' => 'hikashopShippingClass', 'type' => '->', 'args' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_id' => '1295', 'user_id' => '2', 'session_id' => 'noqgousv55v89f03fjhkbdp097', 'cart_modified' => '1502754697', 'cart_coupon' => '', 'cart_type' => 'cart', 'cart_current' => '1', 'cart_share' => 'nobody', 'cart_name' => '', 'cart_params' => stdClass::__set_state(array( )), 'cart_currency_id' => 2, 'cart_payment_id' => '1', 'cart_shipping_ids' => array ( ), 'cart_billing_address_id' => '338', 'cart_shipping_address_ids' => '338', 'cart_fields' => '', 'cart_products' => array ( 4221 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => 4221, 'cart_id' => '1295', 'product_id' => 428, 'cart_product_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_parent_id' => 0, 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'state_Mississippi_4287' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'MS (Mississippi)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Montana_4288' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'MT (Montana)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_North_Carolina_4289' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'NC (North Carolina)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_North_Dakota_4290' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'ND (North Dakota)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Nebraska_4291' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'NE (Nebraska)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_New_Hampshire_4292' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'NH (New Hampshire)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_New_Jersey_4293' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'NJ (New Jersey)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_New_Mexico_4294' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'NM (New Mexico)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Nevada_4295' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'NV (Nevada)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_New_York_4296' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'NY (New York)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Ohio_4298' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'OH (Ohio)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Oklahoma_4299' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'OK (Oklahoma)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Oregon_4300' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'OR (Oregon)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Pennsylvania_4301' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'PA (Pennsylvania)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Puerto_Rico_4302' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'Puerto Rico', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Rhode_Island_4303' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'RI (Rhode Island)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_South_Carolina_4304' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'SC (South Carolina)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_South_Dakota_4305' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'SD (South Dakota)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Tennessee_4306' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'TN (Tennessee)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Texas_4307' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'TX (Texas)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Utah_4309' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'UT (Utah)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Virginia_4310' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'VA (Virginia)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Vermont_4312' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'VT (Vermont)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Washington_4313' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'WA (Washington)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Wisconsin_4314' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'WI (Wisconsin)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_West_Virginia_4315' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'WV (West Virginia)', 'disabled' => '0', )), 'state_Wyoming_4316' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'WY (Wyoming)', 'disabled' => '0', )), ), 'field_published' => '1', 'field_ordering' => '15', 'field_options' => array ( 'errormessage' => '', 'cols' => '', 'rows' => '', 'zone_type' => 'state', 'size' => '', 'format' => '', ), 'field_core' => '1', 'field_required' => '1', 'field_default' => '', 'field_access' => 'all', 'field_categories' => '', 'field_with_sub_categories' => '0', 'field_products' => '', 'field_frontcomp' => '1', 'field_backend' => '1', 'field_backend_listing' => '0', 'field_display' => ';vendor_order_show=1;vendor_order_edit=1;vendor_user_show=1;vendor_user_edit=1;', 'guest_mode' => true, 'field_js_added' => true, )), 'address_post_code' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'field_id' => '8', 'field_table' => 'address', 'field_realname' => 'Post code', 'field_namekey' => 'address_post_code', 'field_type' => 'text', 'field_value' => '', 'field_published' => '1', 'field_ordering' => '16', 'field_options' => array ( 'errormessage' => '', 'cols' => '', 'rows' => '', 'size' => '', 'format' => '', ), 'field_core' => '1', 'field_required' => '0', 'field_default' => '', 'field_access' => 'all', 'field_categories' => '', 'field_with_sub_categories' => '0', 'field_products' => '', 'field_frontcomp' => '1', 'field_backend' => '1', 'field_backend_listing' => '0', 'field_display' => ';vendor_order_show=1;vendor_order_edit=1;vendor_user_show=1;vendor_user_edit=1;', 'guest_mode' => true, 'field_js_added' => true, )), 'address_country' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'field_id' => '13', 'field_table' => 'address', 'field_realname' => 'Country', 'field_namekey' => 'address_country', 'field_type' => 'zone', 'field_value' => array ( 'country_United_States_of_America_223' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'value' => 'United States of America', 'disabled' => '0', )), ), 'field_published' => '1', 'field_ordering' => '17', 'field_options' => array ( 'errormessage' => '', 'cols' => '', 'rows' => '', 'zone_type' => 'country', 'size' => '', 'format' => '', ), 'field_core' => '1', 'field_required' => '1', 'field_default' => 'country_United_States_of_America_223', 'field_access' => 'all', 'field_categories' => '', 'field_with_sub_categories' => '0', 'field_products' => '', 'field_frontcomp' => '1', 'field_backend' => '1', 'field_backend_listing' => '0', 'field_display' => ';vendor_order_show=1;vendor_order_edit=1;vendor_user_show=1;vendor_user_edit=1;', 'guest_mode' => true, 'field_url' => '', 'field_js_added' => true, )), 'address_telephone' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'field_id' => '10', 'field_table' => 'address', 'field_realname' => 'Telephone', 'field_namekey' => 'address_telephone', 'field_type' => 'text', 'field_value' => '', 'field_published' => '1', 'field_ordering' => '18', 'field_options' => array ( 'errormessage' => '', 'cols' => '', 'rows' => '', 'size' => '', 'format' => '', ), 'field_core' => '1', 'field_required' => '1', 'field_default' => '', 'field_access' => 'all', 'field_categories' => '', 'field_with_sub_categories' => '0', 'field_products' => '', 'field_frontcomp' => '1', 'field_backend' => '1', 'field_backend_listing' => '0', 'field_display' => ';vendor_order_show=1;vendor_order_edit=1;vendor_user_show=1;vendor_user_edit=1;', 'guest_mode' => true, 'field_js_added' => true, )), ), 'products' => array ( 4221 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4221', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '428', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Serpent Starfish', 'product_description' => ' Serpent Starfish - Ophioderma sp. These elusive starfish will spend most of it\'s time resting under your rocks. Some will come out when they smell fish food added to the tank. Most often you will see their legs hanging out from under the rocks hoping to grab some fish food floating nearby. They are great tank cleaners because they will eat any uneaten fish food that would normally get stuck & decay under our rocks. Can sometimes be seen roaming the tank at night after the lights are off. NEVER take this starfish (or any other for that matter) out of the water!! Special Acclimation is needed! With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation time! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently jiggle the bag to release. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. If they end up upside down when released, gently flip them over as it takes energy for them to right themselves. Average size is approx 4-6 inch Pictures are examples only. Expect some variations. ', 'product_quantity' => '1', 'product_code' => 'Serpent Starfish', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '746', 'product_created' => '1470003039', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '4.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1470003639', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 1, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502753124', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 'product_total_vote' => '0', 'product_page_title' => 'Serpent Starfish - Reef Safe Serpent Starfish for Sale at AquaCorals!', 'product_alias' => 'serpent-starfish', 'product_price_percentage' => '0.0000000', 'product_msrp' => '0.0000000', 'product_canonical' => '', 'product_warehouse_id' => '1', 'product_quantity_layout' => 'show_default', 'product_status' => '', 'product_vendor_params' => '', 'product_sort_price' => '0.00000', 'old' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'quantity' => 1, )), 'images' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'file_id' => '271', 'file_name' => 'starfish-serpent', 'file_description' => '', 'file_path' => 'starfish-serpent.jpg', 'file_type' => 'product', 'file_ref_id' => '428', 'file_free_download' => '0', 'file_ordering' => '0', 'file_limit' => '0', )), ), 'categories' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'product_category_id' => '1356', 'category_id' => '44', 'product_id' => '428', 'ordering' => '2', 'category_parent_id' => '18', 'category_type' => 'product', 'category_name' => 'Starfish', 'category_description' => '', 'category_published' => '1', 'category_ordering' => '4', 'category_left' => '67', 'category_right' => '68', 'category_depth' => '4', 'category_namekey' => 'product_1468961022_2046708667', 'category_created' => '1468961022', 'category_modified' => '1468961022', 'category_access' => 'all', 'category_menu' => '0', 'category_keywords' => '', 'category_meta_description' => '', 'category_layout' => '', 'category_page_title' => '', 'category_alias' => 'starfish', 'category_site_id' => '', 'category_canonical' => '', 'category_quantity_layout' => '', )), ), 'cart_product_total_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_total_variants_quantity' => 1, 'prices' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_id' => '343', 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_product_id' => '428', 'price_value' => 29.0, 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_access' => 'all', 'price_site_id' => '', 'price_users' => '', 'k' => 1, 'needed' => true, 'price_value_with_tax' => 29.0, 'taxes_added' => true, 'taxes' => array ( ), 'unit_price' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_value' => '29.00000', 'price_value_with_tax' => '29.00000', 'taxes' => array ( ), )), )), ), 'product_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume_orig' => 360.0, 'product_dimension_unit_orig' => 'in', 'product_weight_orig' => '4.000', 'product_weight_unit_orig' => 'lb', )), 4222 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4222', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '687', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Flame Scallop', 'product_description' => ' Flame Scallop We are cool little bivalves that like to literally hang out & eat all day. My gorgeous deep orange color pops in any reef environment. We\'re kind of like "where\'s Waldo" because we often move about the tank looking for the best food spot so here today, somewherelse over night! Fun to watch, beautiful to look at! Note: please do not target feed us. We are filter feeders so if you gently blow your rocks with a turkey baster a couple times a week, we\'ll be assured of plenty to eat. I don\'t recommend taking Flame Scallops out of the water as it may stress them. Please acclimate as outlined below. With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently take them out of the bag & place in a lower region of your tank. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. Pictures are examples only unless noted by WYSIWYG ', 'product_quantity' => '24', 'product_code' => 'Flame Scallop', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '935', 'product_created' => '1480555966', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '2.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1496329808', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 24, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502753968', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 'product_total_vote' => '0', 'product_page_title' => '', 'product_alias' => 'flame-scallop', 'product_price_percentage' => '0.0000000', 'product_msrp' => '0.0000000', 'product_canonical' => '', 'product_warehouse_id' => '1', 'product_quantity_layout' => 'show_default', 'product_status' => '', 'product_vendor_params' => '', 'product_sort_price' => '15.00000', 'old' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'quantity' => 1, )), 'images' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'file_id' => '605', 'file_name' => 'flamescallop', 'file_description' => '', 'file_path' => 'flamescallop.jpg', 'file_type' => 'product', 'file_ref_id' => '687', 'file_free_download' => '0', 'file_ordering' => '0', 'file_limit' => '0', )), ), 'categories' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'product_category_id' => '3784', 'category_id' => '15', 'product_id' => '687', 'ordering' => '2', 'category_parent_id' => '13', 'category_type' => 'product', 'category_name' => 'Clams & Scallops', 'category_description' => '', 'category_published' => '1', 'category_ordering' => '1', 'category_left' => '4', 'category_right' => '5', 'category_depth' => '3', 'category_namekey' => 'product_1468883011_1542334351', 'category_created' => '1468883011', 'category_modified' => '1487252851', 'category_access' => 'all', 'category_menu' => '0', 'category_keywords' => '', 'category_meta_description' => '', 'category_layout' => '', 'category_page_title' => '', 'category_alias' => 'clams', 'category_site_id' => '', 'category_canonical' => '', 'category_quantity_layout' => '', )), ), 'cart_product_total_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_total_variants_quantity' => 1, 'prices' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_id' => '586', 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_product_id' => '687', 'price_value' => 15.0, 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_access' => 'all', 'price_site_id' => '', 'price_users' => '', 'k' => 2, 'needed' => true, 'price_value_with_tax' => 15.0, 'taxes_added' => true, 'taxes' => array ( ), 'unit_price' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_value' => '15.00000', 'price_value_with_tax' => '15.00000', 'taxes' => array ( ), )), )), ), 'product_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume_orig' => 360.0, 'product_dimension_unit_orig' => 'in', 'product_weight_orig' => '2.000', 'product_weight_unit_orig' => 'lb', )), 4223 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4223', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '354', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Black Cap Basslet', 'product_description' => ' Black Cap Basslet - Gramma melacara Average Size 2.5" A deepwater Basslet that prefers subdued lighting. Do not keep with other Basslets. Community otherwise & totally reef safe. A stunning addition to any reef tank! ', 'product_quantity' => '1', 'product_code' => 'Black Cap Basslet', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '810', 'product_created' => '1469646483', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '3.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1493834164', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 1, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502754698', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 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), )), 'shipping_groups' => array ( 1 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'name' => '', 'products' => array ( 4221 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4221', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '428', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Serpent Starfish', 'product_description' => ' Serpent Starfish - Ophioderma sp. These elusive starfish will spend most of it\'s time resting under your rocks. Some will come out when they smell fish food added to the tank. Most often you will see their legs hanging out from under the rocks hoping to grab some fish food floating nearby. They are great tank cleaners because they will eat any uneaten fish food that would normally get stuck & decay under our rocks. Can sometimes be seen roaming the tank at night after the lights are off. NEVER take this starfish (or any other for that matter) out of the water!! Special Acclimation is needed! With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation time! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently jiggle the bag to release. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. If they end up upside down when released, gently flip them over as it takes energy for them to right themselves. Average size is approx 4-6 inch Pictures are examples only. Expect some variations. ', 'product_quantity' => '1', 'product_code' => 'Serpent Starfish', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '746', 'product_created' => '1470003039', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '4.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1470003639', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 1, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502753124', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 'product_total_vote' => '0', 'product_page_title' => 'Serpent Starfish - Reef Safe Serpent Starfish for Sale at AquaCorals!', 'product_alias' => 'serpent-starfish', 'product_price_percentage' => '0.0000000', 'product_msrp' => '0.0000000', 'product_canonical' => '', 'product_warehouse_id' => '1', 'product_quantity_layout' => 'show_default', 'product_status' => '', 'product_vendor_params' => '', 'product_sort_price' => '0.00000', 'old' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'quantity' => 1, )), 'images' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'file_id' => '271', 'file_name' => 'starfish-serpent', 'file_description' => '', 'file_path' => 'starfish-serpent.jpg', 'file_type' => 'product', 'file_ref_id' => '428', 'file_free_download' => '0', 'file_ordering' => '0', 'file_limit' => '0', )), ), 'categories' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'product_category_id' => '1356', 'category_id' => '44', 'product_id' => '428', 'ordering' => '2', 'category_parent_id' => '18', 'category_type' => 'product', 'category_name' => 'Starfish', 'category_description' => '', 'category_published' => '1', 'category_ordering' => '4', 'category_left' => '67', 'category_right' => '68', 'category_depth' => '4', 'category_namekey' => 'product_1468961022_2046708667', 'category_created' => '1468961022', 'category_modified' => '1468961022', 'category_access' => 'all', 'category_menu' => '0', 'category_keywords' => '', 'category_meta_description' => '', 'category_layout' => '', 'category_page_title' => '', 'category_alias' => 'starfish', 'category_site_id' => '', 'category_canonical' => '', 'category_quantity_layout' => '', )), ), 'cart_product_total_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_total_variants_quantity' => 1, 'prices' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_id' => '343', 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_product_id' => '428', 'price_value' => 29.0, 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_access' => 'all', 'price_site_id' => '', 'price_users' => '', 'k' => 1, 'needed' => true, 'price_value_with_tax' => 29.0, 'taxes_added' => true, 'taxes' => array ( ), 'unit_price' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_value' => '29.00000', 'price_value_with_tax' => '29.00000', 'taxes' => array ( ), )), )), ), 'product_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume_orig' => 360.0, 'product_dimension_unit_orig' => 'in', 'product_weight_orig' => '4.000', 'product_weight_unit_orig' => 'lb', )), 4222 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4222', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '687', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Flame Scallop', 'product_description' => ' Flame Scallop We are cool little bivalves that like to literally hang out & eat all day. My gorgeous deep orange color pops in any reef environment. We\'re kind of like "where\'s Waldo" because we often move about the tank looking for the best food spot so here today, somewherelse over night! Fun to watch, beautiful to look at! Note: please do not target feed us. We are filter feeders so if you gently blow your rocks with a turkey baster a couple times a week, we\'ll be assured of plenty to eat. I don\'t recommend taking Flame Scallops out of the water as it may stress them. Please acclimate as outlined below. With tank lights off, do not open their bag & float for 15 minutes to equalize any temperature difference. After 15 minutes, open the bag, check the bag salinity with a refractometer & if your tank is more than 2 degrees different than their bag DOUBLE the acclimation! Continue to float & gently start adding some of your tank water to the bag. On average the bags I use for them will need 1/2 cup every 15 minutes - do this for an hour then submerse the entire bag under your tank water and gently take them out of the bag & place in a lower region of your tank. My water is reef water & is totally safe to add to your tank. Pictures are examples only unless noted by WYSIWYG ', 'product_quantity' => '24', 'product_code' => 'Flame Scallop', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '935', 'product_created' => '1480555966', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '2.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1496329808', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 24, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502753968', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 'product_total_vote' => '0', 'product_page_title' => '', 'product_alias' => 'flame-scallop', 'product_price_percentage' => '0.0000000', 'product_msrp' => '0.0000000', 'product_canonical' => '', 'product_warehouse_id' => '1', 'product_quantity_layout' => 'show_default', 'product_status' => '', 'product_vendor_params' => '', 'product_sort_price' => '15.00000', 'old' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'quantity' => 1, )), 'images' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'file_id' => '605', 'file_name' => 'flamescallop', 'file_description' => '', 'file_path' => 'flamescallop.jpg', 'file_type' => 'product', 'file_ref_id' => '687', 'file_free_download' => '0', 'file_ordering' => '0', 'file_limit' => '0', )), ), 'categories' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'product_category_id' => '3784', 'category_id' => '15', 'product_id' => '687', 'ordering' => '2', 'category_parent_id' => '13', 'category_type' => 'product', 'category_name' => 'Clams & Scallops', 'category_description' => '', 'category_published' => '1', 'category_ordering' => '1', 'category_left' => '4', 'category_right' => '5', 'category_depth' => '3', 'category_namekey' => 'product_1468883011_1542334351', 'category_created' => '1468883011', 'category_modified' => '1487252851', 'category_access' => 'all', 'category_menu' => '0', 'category_keywords' => '', 'category_meta_description' => '', 'category_layout' => '', 'category_page_title' => '', 'category_alias' => 'clams', 'category_site_id' => '', 'category_canonical' => '', 'category_quantity_layout' => '', )), ), 'cart_product_total_quantity' => 1, 'cart_product_total_variants_quantity' => 1, 'prices' => array ( 0 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_id' => '586', 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_product_id' => '687', 'price_value' => 15.0, 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_access' => 'all', 'price_site_id' => '', 'price_users' => '', 'k' => 2, 'needed' => true, 'price_value_with_tax' => 15.0, 'taxes_added' => true, 'taxes' => array ( ), 'unit_price' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'price_currency_id' => '2', 'price_min_quantity' => '0', 'price_value' => '15.00000', 'price_value_with_tax' => '15.00000', 'taxes' => array ( ), )), )), ), 'product_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume' => 360.0, 'product_total_volume_orig' => 360.0, 'product_dimension_unit_orig' => 'in', 'product_weight_orig' => '2.000', 'product_weight_unit_orig' => 'lb', )), 4223 => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'cart_product_id' => '4223', 'cart_product_quantity' => '1', 'cart_product_option_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_parent_id' => '0', 'cart_product_wishlist_id' => '0', 'product_id' => '354', 'product_parent_id' => '0', 'product_name' => 'Black Cap Basslet', 'product_description' => ' Black Cap Basslet - Gramma melacara Average Size 2.5" A deepwater Basslet that prefers subdued lighting. Do not keep with other Basslets. Community otherwise & totally reef safe. A stunning addition to any reef tank! ', 'product_quantity' => '1', 'product_code' => 'Black Cap Basslet', 'product_published' => '1', 'product_hit' => '810', 'product_created' => '1469646483', 'product_sale_start' => '0', 'product_sale_end' => '0', 'product_delay_id' => '0', 'product_tax_id' => '11', 'product_type' => 'main', 'product_vendor_id' => '0', 'product_manufacturer_id' => '0', 'product_url' => '', 'product_weight' => '3.000', 'product_keywords' => '', 'product_weight_unit' => 'lb', 'product_modified' => '1493834164', 'product_meta_description' => '', 'product_dimension_unit' => 'in', 'product_width' => '6.000', 'product_length' => '6.000', 'product_height' => '10.000', 'product_max_per_order' => 1, 'product_access' => 'all', 'product_group_after_purchase' => '', 'product_min_per_order' => '0', 'product_contact' => '0', 'product_display_quantity_field' => '0', 'product_last_seen_date' => '1502754698', 'product_sales' => '0', 'product_waitlist' => '0', 'product_layout' => '', 'product_average_score' => '0', 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