Von: SkandiButik Gesendet: Montag, 11. September 2017 15:21 An: Lena Muster Betreff: Account details for Lena Muster at http://test08052017- 9888894sw.webtech-websolutions.de/ Hi Lena Muster, Thank you for registering at http://test08052017-9888894sw.webtech-websolutions.de/. Your account must be activated by clicking on the link below. You will then be able to continue your order. http://test08052017-9888894sw.webtech- websolutions.de/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=user&task=activate&activation=3222cf0b0c153 ddafa87cb8b480c55b5&infos=eyJwYXNzIjoiTWRxbUJkTEUiLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImluZm9Ac3ctd2Vic2 9sdXRpb25zLmRlIn0%3D&id=9&Itemid=619&lang=en You can log in the website with the following username and password. Username : info@sw-websolutions.de Password : MdqmBdLE Best regards, SkandiButik