---------- Forwarded message --------- De : Stripe Support  Date: mar. 15 mars 2022 à 11:21 Subject: Re: Chat with LES JARDINS COMTOIS (commandelesjardinscomtois@gmail.com) To: LES JARDINS COMTOIS (commandelesjardinscomtois@gmail.com) Hi there, Thanks for chatting with me earlier about payment and I'm glad I was able to shed some light into this.  To recap, this payment is set for required 3D Secure and requests that the customer authorizes the payment from their issuing bank. You'll see that here:  https://dashboard.stripe.com/logs/req_8bhcCIvSwbwFdQ Here's more information regarding 3D Secure:  https://stripe.com/docs/payments/3d-secure#disputed-payments  The better way to explain this is: 1. Your Stripe account is set to request 3D Secure if the issuing bank requires it. 2. Your shop and Stripe account is already set up for this. 3. The payment is "Incomplete" as it awaits bank/customer action for authorization. 4 The payment fails if there's no action from the bank/customer to authorize. As banks 3D Secure action to authorize differs (e.g. OTP, manually authorize from their app or bank authorization), the customer needs to check with their issuing bank. I hope this helps. Feel free to reach out to me by replying to this email if you have further questions. Kind regards, Lio