Just FYI,
I have also downloaded a fresh translation file from backend by pressing button "Load the latest version from our server" in Hikashop's language panel.
I have removed all language overrides and saved this virgin file.
This did not help.
I also have AwoCoupon Pro installed. Can it be the cause? It has inserted the following code in discount.php file:
# awocoupon_code START ===============================================================
JPluginHelper::importPlugin( 'hikashop' );
$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
$item = $dispatcher->trigger( 'onBeforeCouponLoad', array( &$coupon, & $do) );
if(!$do) return current($item);
# awocoupon_code END =================================================================
In debug mode I have following files, which were not loaded:
**Не загружен** : JROOT/language/ru-RU/ru-RU.mod_hikashop_cart.ini
**Не загружен** : JROOT/modules/mod_hikashop_cart/language/ru-RU/ru-RU.mod_hikashop_cart.ini
**Не загружен** : JROOT/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_hikashop_cart.ini
**Не загружен** : JROOT/modules/mod_hikashop_cart/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_hikashop_cart.ini
I have following strings which are detected as "not translated" when Language Debug mode is ON:
# JROOT/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php
I have also made a language override for COUPON_NOT_VALID, which did not work for me as well..
I have cleared browser's cash. I have also tried to see the page from another browser on another PC under different OS.
What else can I try? Any idea?...