Just switched Hiskashop on for first time and got a sale. A couple of things have happened. I am using Paypal standard and the Australia Post shipping plugin. There are a number of errors I have found and its cost me a little bit of money as a result.
1. Received a Hikashop email beck saying an order was created. This appeared fine - the prices were all good for the products, the shipping and tax amount
2. Then received email saying "A Paypal notification was refused because the IP XXX is not in the list of valid IPs :
3. Then received email saying "A Paypal notification was refused because the amount received (46.40AUD) is different from the order amount (47.33AUD)
I have checked Paypal and there is an amount of $46.40 in there. So the IP email as per No.2 doesn't seem to be an issue unless the client gets this email to (I hope not)
The big issue is number 3 where the values are different.
The product total was $35.80. The Shipping Amount is $10.60 (which includes a shipping Fee of $4.00). Total of $46.40. I have a percentage of 2.5% on the Paypal Credit plugin to try and cover the cost of the Paypal Fees charged but this has not worked at all so I have lost this amount of money on the transaction.
With the shipping Fee in the Australia Post plugin, when I was testing out the front end of the website, I found that if I put $4.00 in, the amount showed as $4.40 (added the 10% tax). So I replaced the $4.00 with $3.64 and it shows ok as $4.00 on the front-end. HOWEVER, when it went through to paypal, it disregards the 10% tax and only uses the $3.64 amount, not the $3.64 + 10% tax = $4.00 which shows on the main hikashop front end of the website. This is an error.
So I have lost on this sale. I do not know how this percentage works - should it be negative as a credit card fee? What is the 2.5% supposed to be taken from. I would expect it to be 2.5% of the total amount which in my case should have been $46.40 + 2.5% = $47.56. Where has the $47.33 come from?
Total lost now is $1.16 from incorrect balance sent to Paypal, plus now Paypal have charged their Fee on the $46.40 of $1.46 so total lost on the sale is $2.62.
When I look at the order in Hikashop Admin - it shows the correct product price of $35.80, the correct shipping price of $10.60 ($6.60 + $4.00 Handling fee) but it also shows a Payment Fee of 0.93c. How is this worked out if I have a percentage of 2.5%. I cant work out the maths. Total transaction should be $35.80 + $10.60 = $46.40 + 2.5% Fee = Grand Total of $47.56.
There is a tax amount showing in the Hika Order as well of 0.96c. I have no idea where this number comes from. If tax is 10%, the on the total of $47.56 that should be $47.56/11 = $4.32. Even on the incorrect total that went to Paypal of $46.40, the tax amount should show as $4.22. I found it, the Tax amount of 0.96c is only taken on the shipping and shipping Fee. This is incorrect, the tax should be on the entire amount received from the client.
4. The other thing I have noticed on the emails received from Hikashop are showing incorrect URLS. They show https://mywebsite when it should show
. My SSL certificate is for
- how can I correct the emails?