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Yesterday 01:25

hikashop - user addresses

Category: General Talk about HikaShop


I am attaching the screenshots of the configuration of both fields.

As you indicated, I changed the template to a default one from Joomla, that way the form is displayed complete and with design details that are not seen with the template we normally use.
Following your suggestion, I searched for the custom views, removed the registration.php file from the path /templates/r_senehix/html/com_hikashop/user/ and something changed, the user and password inputs were modified, but the state and country inputs still do not appear, what would be the rewritten file corresponding to the other fields?
r_senehix is ​​the template I use on the site

Thank you very much!
19 Sep 2024 13:17

Payment / Registration Issues

Category: Payment Methods


1. The URL /index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=checkout&task=after_end&order_id=2&lang=en&Itemid=250 is the URL of the default success page of HikaShop.
It should contain the default thank you message. If you don't see it, it means that your template must not be displaying system messages or has some override to change this in a wrong way. Check what you have with the default template of Joomla.
Also, if the page is completely blank, it could indicate a fatal error. In that case, activate the "debug" setting of the Joomla configuration and try again. You should then get an error message on that blank page.

2. It could be that something is wrong with the state of the checkout. For example, if the current cart requires shipping, but that there are no shipping methods available, HikaShop displays an error message and cancels the creation of the order.
Now, as I explained in point 1, it's possible that your template is not displaying system messages. So try with the default template of Joomla and if this is the problem, then you'll have the error message on the checkout page.
Another possibility is that something cancels the order creation without providing any error message, like a plugin.
Could you provide precise instructions to reproduce the issue on your website ?
08 May 2024 11:52

Privacy consent

Category: General Talk about HikaShop

thanks for the quick response.
The Shop is not online yet, therefore, I am afraid I cannot give you access.

I understand now that in the Hikashop Registration Form the consent is given by by pushing buttons, rather than checking boxes.

I found out that tthe buttons work: the consent is given or declined, depending which button is pushed. There is just no visual feedback upon clicking on them.
When I click on "I agree" I find this source code:

When I click on "No" this cource code is shown:

It seems the classes "btn-success" and "btn-danger" are not found.
I guess the class "active" indcates which button has been pushed.
I agree that this is probably a Joomla Template issue. I am using the RCA Theme "Explorer" template.
07 May 2024 22:42

Privacy consent

Category: General Talk about HikaShop


That's not what I see on my end:
I'm thinking the display issue you have might be related to your Joomla template.
But I can't say much more without directly looking at your registration form and analyzing the CSS there.
Could you provide the URL ?
18 Mar 2024 16:37

Même adresse de livraison

Category: Support en Français (French Support)


Merci pour l'accès. Pourtant, le souci est conforme à ce que je décrivais dans mon précédent message.
Vous avez un override sur checkout / sub_block_login_registration.php à partir d'une version 3.4.0 d'HikaShop.
Or, HikaShop 3.4.0 n'avait pas cette case à cocher "même adresse".
Il n'y avait qu'un formulaire d'adresse et l'adresse fournie était automatiquement utilisée pour la livraison et la facturation. c'était ensuite à l'utilisateur d'éditer l'adresse de livraison sur la vue adresse pour la changer si nécessaire.

Si vous renommez le fichier templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/html/com_hikashop/checkout/sub_block_login_registration.php via FTP, la case à cocher va apparaître. Par contre, vous perdrez les modifications que vous aviez fait auparavant et que je pointais dans mon précédent message.
02 Feb 2024 08:06

Add custom fields to shopping cart and notification emails

Category: Checkout

On the front end, the user needs to fill out the address form before checkout
Also, on the backend, the "Ask address on the registration" field is enabled:

I only removed the price from the admin notification email template, which doesn't show the address in the email preview or notification email. You can change the admin email in the backend and test it if you want.

30 Jan 2024 22:47

Alignment of Username & Password Fields

Category: Checkout

-- url of the page with the problem -- :
-- HikaShop version -- : 5.0.3
-- Joomla version -- : 3.10.12
-- PHP version -- : 7.4.33
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Chrome
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : none

We are using the "Selector" registration display method during checkout so we can offer Guest, Registration & Login options. However on a phone, the fields are pushed far to the right and/or elongated abnormally making it very difficult for the customer to login. Its hard to explain, but please see the attached images.
This is probably more of a template issue, but the company who designed the template is no longer in business so am hoping you can help.

Please advise how I can get the fields to show properly on a phone.
27 Dec 2023 09:07

Checkout starting from Chart (not logged in) - Buttons won't work

Category: Checkout


Joomla 4.3 changed the way the form validator system works on their end. It's a javascript file which is responsible for hightlight the border of input fields in green or red when the user is filling them.
Before, it was possible to target a DIV and now it's only possible to target a form element.
Because of this, we had to change the line:
var container = document.getElementById('hikashop_checkout_login_<?php echo $this->step; ?>_<?php echo $this->module_position; ?>');
var container = document.getElementById('hikashop_checkout_form');
in the file components/com_hikashop/views/checkout/tmpl/sub_block_login_registration.php

When I press the login or next button on your checkout while the login form is displayed, I can see these error messages in the console of my browser :
These error messages are specifically for the input fields of the registration form, so I'm feeling these are the reason why the form is not submitted on your website.
Now, when I try to reproduce the problem on my local test server, I do not get the error messages in the console and the login form is submitted, even though I still have the same change as you. So the problem is not just with this code change, and it might actually be unrelated.
And since it works on my end without changing anything, the first reason which comes to mind would be some kind of issue with the javascript of the template you're using, but looking at your pages code, it seems you're using Cassiopeia, the default template of Joomla, like me on my test server.

So basically, I'm not sure what's going on.
You could first try reverting the change I talked about above, to see if it helps.

Regarding the buttons question:
The login / register buttons are displayed by the "login" block you have in the step of your checkout workflow. There is actually a setting there to hide the "register" button.
The "next" / "finish" button at the bottom is the main button of the checkout system which allows the user to go from one step to the next one.
While both buttons can potentially do the same thing, it is not necessarily always the case. For example, if you have a step with only the "coupon" or "cart" block, you need that "next" / "finish" button to be able to go to the next step.
14 Dec 2023 11:27

Please select a payment method ???

Category: Checkout


This is the activation page.
HikaShop sends to Joomla a message to be displayed on that page.
However, it seems your template doesn't display Joomla messages:
So that's an issue you should report to your template provider as it's the template which is supposed to display the message there.

However, one simple way to circumvent the problem is to turn off the user account validation in the settings of the joomla user manager. That way, the users will be directly logged in after the registration.
28 Nov 2023 14:22

How to show the default variant and categories

Category: Product & Category Display


1. Well, the best is to create menu items via the Joomla menu manager and select the type "HikaShop cart page", "HikaShop order listing" or "HikaShop wishlist page". Then, you can access these pages via the menu items URL.

2. I'm not sure why that would be. What you can do though is to activate the "Redirect Joomla registration to HikaShop Plugin" via the Joomla plugins manager in order to use the HikaShop registration page instead of Joomla's. Hopefully VM won't cause the problem anymore. Otherwise, you'll have to check with VM support why this is happening.

3. I think you need to create a menu item for that so that the login module can use it to display the password reset form:
Without it, the login module uses the current menu item and since you've configured many modules to display above the main area on the current menu item, you get the form at the bottom.
If the menu item doesn't help, you'll have to check with the support of your template provider as the login area seems to be displayed by the template on your pages.

4. I suppose that's because you didn't provide any price in the main products, only in the variants. When you use a HikaShop products listing, HikaShop will, in such a case, load the prices of the variants and select the appropriate one to display. I suppose that this RCA module doesn't bother with this and only takes into account the prices directly linked to the main product.
So you could provide a main price in the main product and that would solve the problem.
Or instead of using this RCA carousel module, you could use the built-in carousel system in HikaShop Business:
Or you could contact the support of your template and report this issue so that they could fix it.
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