We're happy to launch the beta program for a new edition of HikaSerial: Subscription!
A new subscription system for HikaShop
Last week, we released HikaSerial 2.0.0 with important modifications in the core. They were the necessary ground work for that new edition of HikaSerial.
It's been awhile that we wanted to provide a subscription system and we realized that HikaSerial was a really good base for such kind of component.
Main features:
Plans & Subscriptions
After the packs and the serials, here comes the plans and subscriptions!
Even if the basis is almost the same, the way to configure the HikaSubscription Plans is not the same as the configuration of HikaSerial Packs.
You will be able to create plans, and you will be able to link HikaShop products to these plans in order for customers to be able to purchase these products which will generate them a subscription (or renew an existing one) based on the conditions configured in the plan.
The biggest change between HikaSerial and HikaSubscription is regarding the actions.
For the packs, you needed to create a generator and configure the consumption plugins, but for plans, these are already available in the Plan configuration directly.
One other modification is related to the generation of Subscription data which are directly using the random generator.
A Subscription is quite similar to a Serial, but it has a start date and an end date.
Because a subscription can be renewed, it is not linked with a single order but with many (the one which started the subscription and the ones which renewed the subscription).
You will also be able to see every details of the history of the subscription.
Queue & Notifications
Because the subscriptions have an expiration, you need to have a cron task configured in order to perform automated jobs.
It includes the modification of the subscriptions (expiration, closure) and also the notification to the customers by email.
Like a mailing system, HikaSubscription will create a queue of the emails it has to send based on how you configured the email notifications for each plan.
How to participate to the HikaSubscription beta
The beta program is only available to HikaSerial users.
Once the final release is out, HikaSerial Standard users with an active subscription will be able to upgrade to HikaSerial Subscription for only the difference of the price between HikaSerial Subscription (80€) and HikaSerial Standard (39.95€).
Also, we provide a 30 days money back guarantee for all of our products, so even if you're not sure that it will meet your needs, don't hesitate to try it out.
Because it is a beta, we do not recommend to use it in a production website until the final release.
You first need to be sure that your HikaShop is up-to-date with the version 3.1.1 (or newer).
Then, you would need download the install package of HikaSerial Subscription and just install it on your website like you did with HikaShop 3.
Download HikaSubscription Beta
Please send your feedbacks on the beta in this section of our forum.
Keep in touch folks.
Team HikaShop