HikaShop Business includes all the features from HikaShop Starter and HikaShop Essential.
* You can compare all our versions here.
* You can upgrade your version here.
Create a professional shop with powerful marketing tools.
The advanced features of HikaShop Essential, like fine-grained discounts and coupons or the guest checkout system, will allow you to increase your shop's sales.
HikaShop Business includes all the features from HikaShop Starter and HikaShop Essential
- Access levels on products, variants, categories, prices, discounts and coupons
- Currency rates auto update
- Default currency selection using geolocation
- White listing or black listing of zones using geolocation
- Geolocation information for users and orders
- Custom fields for orders, items and entries as well as custom file type
- Import of files as products using template products
- Easy copy of products
- Out of stock notifications
- Comparison system for products
- Dashboard with map widget and CSV data download
- Images watermarking
- Email customization
- Effects on products listing - carrousel with transition effects
- Customizable filters for products listings
- Tracking of affiliates clicks/leads/sales
- Affiliation program
- Google Analytics integration for e-commerce statistics
- HikaShop is compatible with every versions of Joomla from 2.5 to 3.x.

- GPL v3
- No limit of time
- 1 year free updates
- 1 year free HikaShop support for one website
- 1 year web cron service for one website
- HikaShop only supports MySQL (no postGreSQL or Oracle or MSSQL support)
- Installation guaranteed! If you have any problems installing HikaShop, we'll do it for you.
- 30-day money-back guarantee
Powerful Statistics
Watch and Analyse everything !
- See your results in a trice through all main sales report
- Find your potential improvement points effectively
- As usual HikaShop is adaptable to all your needs, and so you can create your own Reports to go more far
Many Effects
In one page set up your product !
- See your results in a trice through all main sales report
- Find your potential improvement points effectively
- As usual HikaShop is adaptable to all your needs, and so you can create your own Reports to go more far
Create your own Checkout !
- Have a step by step or one page checkout ? You choose according to your needs
- Just drap and drop your block element to create your own checkout workflow
- Even use the system to customize your own block elements via custom fields or Joomla tag system
Affiliate System
Highlight your products !
- Predefined configuration to suit the needs of the greatest number, display in grid, listing and table
- Inside this, discover many options to add Category title, product image, title, description or not.
- Add inside your product and category listing module to have carousel, best products or filter module
Checkout Workflow
HikaShop provide you tools to make your shop unique !
- From the start HikaShop offer you by default categories on 2 levels, breadcrumb, carousel, brands, latest products module and listing ! And many many more !
- Everything is parametrable from your module and Item menu HikaShop Options in one page.
- Adjust all from Items and Datas display to layout, or Box configuration, and select what have to display or not.
Access Control Level
Plan your business in the world !
- For the same product have several language versions !
- Use several Currencies and keep them up to date automatically.
- Use Geolocalisation to automatically set up currency and language for welcome your customer.