HikaShop documentation

Installation / Configuration
- Create your first product
- Content display on front end
- Discover HikaShop in video webinar with Nicolas and
- Order your first product on your store
- How to build an event registration page
- Affiliate Program
- Product options and characteristics
- How to customize the display
- Shipping prices per product
- Configure your Checkout Workflow
- Display by Color
Joomla components
- Newsletters with AcyMailing
- Newsletters with MailChimp
- Multisite support with Joomla Multi Site
- Map search products/vendors with My Maps location
- CComment Pro
- Joomdle
- EmailScheduler by Yiero
- Subscriptions with Emerald
- Subscriptions with Akeeba Subscriptions
- Universal Product Slider by Offlajn
- EB AJAX Search
- Geek Elasticsearch
- Cherry Picker
- JS Megafilter
- WidgetKit content provider
- Joomla SEO tool by 4SEO
- Unpaid orders reminder
- Event registration with RSVP Pro
- Social network with EasySocial
- XT Search for Algolia
- Login As User
Products display
- RCA HikaShop Products with Countdown Module by RcaTheme
- RCA HikaShop Categories Module by RcaTheme
- RCA HikaShop Search Module
- RCA HikaShop Products Listing Mini Module by RcaTheme
- RCA HikaShop Product Carousel Module by RcaTheme
- RCA HikaShop Product Tab Module by TZ RcaTheme
- Direct HikaShop checkout link on your TZ Portofolio and article by TZ Portofolio
- Dynamic slide generator for your content by Smart Slider 3
- Images lightbox with Shadowbox image popup
- Add free product link to cart total with hikashop-free-product by RickR2H
- WebRotate 360° product viewer
- Image tools for HikaShop by Magic Toolbox (zoom, slideshow and more)
- DJ MediaTools (slideshows and galleries)
- DropEditor: Take advantage of an easy to use WYSIWYG editor to edit faster your products
- Fancy effects for Hikashop listing with Product Wall by JoomlaXTC
- Free HikaShop Theme by Joomspirit
- Frontpage Slideshow by JoomlaWorks
- Item Rating: set criteria and make review of product from your shop
- Lof SlideShow by landofcoder
- Slideshow CK
- Advanced menus for HikaShop with MaxiMenuCK
- Create advertise for your product with NotiFly by Themexpert
- News Show Pro GK5
- Content development with BackPic
- Calc Builder Price calculator by Moonsoft
External services
- SalesForce by
- Acumulus by Siel online
- Billy regnskabsprogram
- Danea by Lacasettabio
- Kash Flow accounting service
- POS (point of sale) for webshops
- QuickBooks
- Amazon Market Place
- Google Products
- Facebook Merchant Center
- Sales statistics with Google Analytics
- Taxes with Avalara
- Taxes with TaxCloud
- Xmap and mapX (Site map extensions)
- Yandex Market XML
Social networks
- Community Builder
- JomSocial
- Easy Profile by Kyratn
- FaceBook, Twitter and Google like buttons on the product page
- HikaShare: social networks like buttons on the product page by Nordmograph
- Facebook comments for HikaShop
- Hikasocial, Social media rewards
- Social backlinks: share automatically Hikashop products on social networks
- Tagz : Make your social shares look great by Roosterz
HikaShop specific extensions
- Advanced Search Manager by
- HikaCoupon by Glimlag
- HikaInvoices by Edwin 2 Win
- HS Product Import by Joomdev
- Invoice Manager by JoomlaThat
- SJ Mini Cart Pro module for HikaShop
- AWOCoupon, AWOReferal and AWOAffiliate
- Affiliate Tracker by Joomla That
- Compare Desk
- Content Statistics
- PDF invoice plugin
- Calc Builder Extended by Moonsoft S.L.
- HikaShop Webwinkelkeur plugin
Payment plugins By HikaShop
Please note that all the payment plugins that we developed are already included in HikaShop. You can configure them via the menu System>Payment methods by clicking on the "new" button and then selecting your payment plugin.
- Adyen
- AlertPay
- AliPay Direct
- ATOS SIPS (for most French banks)
- (AIM and SIM)
- Bank transfer
- Be2Bill
- Beanstream
- Bluepaid
- BluePay
- Borgun
- CardSave (Hosted and Direct)
- Cielo
- Check
- Collect on delivery
- Credit card (collect of the information for manual processing)
- ePay
- eSelect Plus / Moneris
- eWay Australia
- FirstData Global Gateway
- FirstData Global Gateway e4 (via API)
- FirstData Payeezy (via API)
- Google Checkout
- Google wallet
- Intuit Innovative Gateway
- iPayDNA
- iVeri (South Africa)
- MIGS (for Bendigo, Commweb and ANZ egate)
- Monetico paiement (CM-CIC)
- Ogone
- Paybox
- PayGate
- PayJunction
- Payline Data (via API)
- Payment Express (both PxPay and PxPost APIs)
- Paypal (Legacy)
- Paypal Checkout
- Paypal Adaptive (included in HikaMarket)
- Paypal Advanced
- PayPal Express Checkout
- PayPal Integral Evolution
- Paypal Pro
- PayPlug
- PayU India
- PostFinance (obsolete)
- Purchase Order
- SagePay
- ServiRed
- Skrill (Moneybookers)
- Sofort
- User Points (compatible with AlphaUserPoints)
- SVEA webpay payment method
- VirtualMerchant
- Western Union
- Westpac API payway
- Westpac NET payway
- WorldNet TPS
Third party Payment plugins
Please note that for payment plugins developed by third party developers you'll need to see with the developer how to purchase/download/install/configure the payment plugin.
Some plugins made by third parties has been included in HikaShop package and are maintained by the team.
- 2 Checkout by MintJoomla
- 2Checkout inline by Norrnext
- Accosapg by ManishMittal
- Apple Pay via MultiSafePay by Tsuki Dev
- Allpay by Allpay
- Allpay by Allenn Chang
- Alpha Bank e-Commerce by WebIt
- Alpha Bank IRIS Online by WebIt
- Banca Sella by Webit
- Bankwire with automatic transaction pairing by
- Becopay by Becopay
- Besteron by
- Billplz by Wuzul
- Bitaps by MGS Creativa
- Bitcoin by Extreme_one - GitHub
- Bitcoinpay by MGS Creativa
- Bluefin by PolishedGeek
- Braintree by 3by400
- CardPay for HikaShop by
- Cardstream by Cardstream ( - GitHub
- Cetelem Spain by
- Clic and Pay by credit du
- Cofidis Czech by
- Cofidis Slovakia by
- Cofidis Spain by
- Cofidis Hungary by
- ComGate / Agmo by
- CECA by Ayuda Joomla
- Coinbase Commerce by Nordmograph
- CoinPayments by CoinPayments
- ComNpay by comNpay
- Credit Card Payment CSOB Gateway by
- CCBill for HikaShop by
- Dojo Payments by WebIt
- DotPay (Poland) by
- DotPay (Poland) by Mateuszpy ( - GitHub
- DotPay by 3D Studio Production
- by EBS
- Ecard by ETNCommerce
- Electroneum by Joomlaproffs - GitHub
- Electroneum by 3D Studio Production
- Emporiki bank by WebIt
- ePay
- Eservice by 3D Studio Production
- Essox by
- Eurobank by WebIt
- eWay Rapid by Obsidev - GitHub
- Gate2Payment by
- FastSpring by Deligence Technologies - GitHub
- FirstData Payeezy for HikaShop by
- Fiserv by WebIt
- G2A Pay by G2A Pay
- GoPay by Website21
- GoPay Inline by
- Ginger Payment by Dmitrijev
- Hello bank! / Cetelem Czech by
- HomeCredit by
- IcePay by Kaleidoscoop
- iDEAL by Chill Creations
- iDEAL by ideal-checkout
- iDEAL with RO Payments, by Rolandd
- Ing Psp by Dmitrijev
- Ipay88 by Dreamztech
- Ipay88 by Wanzul
- Interklassa by Argens
- IRIS Online Payments by WebIt
- JCC Payment Systems by WebIt
- Kaznachey by saxum2010 ( - GitHub
- KeyClient by maxgag51
- Klarna by Ignisdev
- LemonWay by LXW
- LiqPay by
- MALL Pay by
- MercadoPago by MGS Creativa
- Mobikwik Wallet by Mobikwik
- Mollie by SkySpider
- MolPay by Kheechieng
- Monek Online Payments by WebIt
- MultiSafePay by Tsuki Dev
- M'Pesa by Patrick Mutwiri - GitHub
- NBG Pay by WebIt
- NetGiro by Stefan Novakovic - GitHub
- NewebPay by NewebPay
- Nextpay by
- Nexi Xpay by WebIt
- Nochex by Nochex
- Novalnet by Novalnet (supports dozens of payment methods like Apple Pay, Google Pay, credit cards, Bitpay, Skrill, TrustPay, Yandex, WeChat Pay, etc)
- OKPay by DigitalArtJoomla - GitHub
- OZOW Secure Payments by WebIt
- Pagseguro by Jobadoo - GitHub
- Pasat 4B by ModulosDePago
- Pay2Go by Pay2Go
- PayDollar by Tsuki Dev
- PayDollar AsiaPay by iWebsite4You
- Payeezy by 3D Studio Production
- Payeezy Hosted Page US by Sklep z programami
- PayFast by PayFast
- Paylane by 3D studio production
- Payline by Payline
- PaymentSense by PaymentSense
- PayMill by PayMill - GitHub
- by (
- PayPal Plus by Tsuki Dev
- PayPal REST by Tsuki Dev
- Paysafecard by WebIt
- PaySec by
- PaySera by PaySera - GitHub
- Paystream by Paystream
- PayU Latam by
- PayU Czech / Poland by 3D Studio Production
- PayU by
- PayU Poland by
- PayU Romania by iWebsite4You
- PayU Romania by 3D Studio Production
- PayU Turkey by iWebsite4You
- PayU Turkey by 3D Studio Production
- PayWay Sinergia IGFS by Tsuki Dev
- PayZen by Lyra Network
- Payzone by Payzone
- Pesapal by Patrick Mutwiri
- PesoPay by Tsuki Dev
- by CMSTechs
- Pin Payment by KrugerHeavyIndustries
- Piraeus Bank by WebIt
- Platron by Platron for Russia - GitHub
- POLi payments by zwebtheme
- PostFinance Checkout by Tsuki Dev
- Privat24 by
- QuickPay by QuickPay
- RaboBank OmniKassa by Chill Creations
- RaboBank OmniKassa by Kaleidoscoop
- RealEx by Willows Consulting
- Redsýs by (for most Spanish banks)
- Remita by Tsuki Dev
- Robokassa by
- Saferpay by Webit (supports six-payment)
- Secure Trading by Secure Trading
- Sermepa by InFoAL
- SiamPay by Tsuki Dev
- Simplify by Webit
- SOFORT Überweisung by Gregor Kralik - GitHub
- Spgateway by Spgateway
- Square by Tsuki Dev
- Sumup by Sébastien Gamarde
- Systempay CyberPlus / SP Plus by Systempay
- SwipeHQ by SwipeHQ
- Targetpay plugin by Kaleidoscoop
- Takepayment plugin by Takepayment
- Tyl by NatWest by Webit
- Total Web Solutions by Total Web Solutions
- ThePay by
- Tpay by 3D Studio Production
- TripleA by Smart Accounts
- TrustPay by
- TWINT by Tsuki Dev
- Twisto by
- Ubrir by - GitHub
- United Bank for Africa plugin by
- USA ePay by PolishedGeek
- Viva payments by WebIt
- VoguePay by VoguePay
- WebMoney by
- GP WebPay for KB by
- by CMSTechs
- Webpay Basic (Chile) by Tiktaalik Dev
- WebToPay by WebToPay
- WeChat by Hoicoi Masty
- Winbank by WebIt (Piraeus Bank)
- WorldPay Business Gateway - GitHub
- WorldPay Global Gateway - GitHub
- Yandex.Money by VampiRUS.Shop
- Yandex.Money by igor-i-shop
- Yandex.Money External Card by igor-i-shop
- Yandex.Kassa by VampiRUS.Shop
- Zarinpal by (ZarinPal development team) - GitHub
- ZipPay & ZipMoney by Tsuki Dev
Shipping plugins
- Australia Post
- BPost - GitHub
- CanPAR - GitHub
- Canada Post
- Canada Post (advanced)
- CDEK by Igor-i-shop
- Colissimo
- Correios - GitHub
- - GitHub
- FastWay by Hill Range Services
- FedEx
- Manual shipping methods
- Mondial Relay (field)
- Mondial Relay (plugin)
- MyParcel
- Purolator by WyldCode
- Russian Post by Igor-i-ishop
- Sendle by Softwarhetec
- ShipRush Integration
- Shipstation Integration
- UPS OAuth
- Weights plugin
Developer area
Other resources
- Training class for HikaShop by OSTraining (video tutorials in English)
- Formations pour HikaShop (Français)
- Joomla! 2.5 - Créez et administrez vos sites Web comprenant un chapitre sur la création d'une boutique en ligne avec HikaShop (Français)
- Créer un lien "ajouter au panier" à partir d'Hikashop sur un article Joomla (tutoriel vidéo en Français)
- Tutoriels vidéos (en Français)
- Book in German on HikaShop (Das deutsche Praxishandbuch zu HikaShop)
- Video tutorials for HikaShop and Joomla (English)
- Basic HikaShop setup (English)
- Introduction to HikaShop by Aaamazing
- Create your own Joomla Ecommerce website within 7 steps by Themexpert
HikaSerial Documentation
Global informations
HikaSerial is a Joomla extension for HikaShop which would allow you to assign serials to your products.Installation / Configuration
- Generator Plugin: Random
- Generator Plugin: Coupon
- Generator Plugin: Series
- Generator Plugin: Secure-eBook
- Generator Plugin: Points
- Generator Plugin: EAN
- Generator Plugin: Time limited
- Consumer Plugin: Group Association
- Consumer Plugin: Product Add
- Consumer Plugin: Points
- Consumer Filter Plugin: Group Filter
- Generic Plugin: Attach Serial
- Generic Plugin: Mail to custom field
- Generic Plugin: Serial Per Order
HikaMarket Documentation
What is HikaMarket
HikaMarket is a multivendor and front-end edition Joomla extension for HikaShop.
Installation / Configuration
HikaAuction Documentation
Global informations
HikaAuction is a Joomla extension for HikaShop which would allow you to create auctions and let your custom bid for products.Installation / Configuration