HikaMarket, the multivendor add-on for HikaShop has a new major release!
With some important modifications in the order/transaction system and new (responsive) interfaces.
Required HikaShop version : 3.2.0 or newer
Joomla 1.5 is not supported anymore
HikaShop 3.0 added its own responsive grid system and HikaShop 3.2 introduced some core modifications regarding Joomla's evolution.
So we worked hard on HikaMarket to update the general views and make them use HikaShop's new grid system ; we also rewrote some important parts of the core.
With all of these modifications, we can now provide a new major release of HikaMarket.
Since HikaMarket 2.0.0 is a major release, please do not update your live website without proper tests.
What's new:
- Improved interfaces to be better adapted to HikaShop 3.
- New product edition page with collapsable blocks
- New product listing with an overlay block for the category tree
- Introduction of the order/transactions system.
- Update of the MangoPay plugin regarding the users' feedback.
- Improving the support of Joomla 3.7 and Joomla 3.8
- Introduction of some statistics in the backend
How to use
You first need to be sure that your HikaShop is up-to-date with the version 3.2.0 (or newer).
Then, you need to download the install package of HikaMarket 2.0 here:
Download HikaMarket 2.0
Since it is a major release ; it is best to perform the update on a local website or a pre-production website.
When we will have enough feedback, we will make HikaMarket 2.0 available throught the Joomla update system.
More about the future features of HikaMarket
The order/transaction system has been made in order to avoid the use of the HikaShop order table for the "vendor refunds".
Thanks to that, the subsales now always store the final vendor price and the transaction keeps the history of what has been paid (or need to be paid) to the vendor.
That major modification of the data structure will allow us to provide in the future the edition of the orders by the vendors.
With the activation of a specific setting in HikaMarket, the new mode will create orders, and vendors will have the right to edit them. In such mode, HikaMarket won't create anymore the "sub sales".
Without the subsales, only one vendor will be assigned to the order and for that specific condition, the vendor will have access to the edition (based on his ACLs).
That order/transaction system also improves the support of Adaptive payment plugins and simplify the process for performing actions like refunds.
Keep in touch folks.
Team HikaShop