HikaSerial 5.0.0

Release date : July 1, 2024

HikaShop 5.0.4 (or newer) required

  • Features
    • Joomla 5 compatibility
    • Support of Dark Theme
  • Improvements
    • Joomla 4/5 compatibility improvements.
    • Updating backend invoice serial view
    • Adding 'advanced date' format in AttachSerial.
    • New setting for Paypal recurring and recurring notifications.
  • Fixes
    • Router fix for specific SEF configuration.
    • Fix for incorrect serial format generator on specific configuration.
    • Fix for the group subscriber plugin and onAfterSubscriptionsExpire trigger.
    • Fix in subscription download view.
    • Fix order view with latest PHP versions.
    • MailToCustomField fix for PDF Serials.
    • Remove warning for serial content with latest PHP versions.

HikaSerial 4.0.2

Release date : December 17, 2022

HikaShop 4.4.0 (or newer) required

  • Improvements
    • Improving links in subscription views.
    • Updating router for J4
    • New setting for subscription upgrade mode
  • Fixes
    • Joomla 3 & 4 compatibility updates
    • Fixing the user search, removing usage of hikashop_search which can mess-up some JS code
    • Fix the user ACL on product helper loadProducts function
    • Paypal recurring subscr_id fix

HikaSerial 4.0.1

Release date : December 09, 2021

HikaShop 4.4.0 (or newer) required

  • Improvements
    • Updating TCPDF library
    • Avoid pollution from other plugins in attachserial generated images
    • Improving groupsubscriber plugin for active subscription support
    • We now consider that a cart with a discount cannot be fully recurring
    • Adding more log data in the Paypal recurring payment plugin
    • Display improvement with Joomla 4
  • Fixes
    • Joomla 4 compatibility fix

HikaSerial 4.0.0

Release date : August 22, 2021

HikaShop 4.4.0 (or newer) required

  • Improvements
    • Joomla 4 support
    • Updating TCPDF library
    • Backend serial listing optimization
    • PDFSerial patch for color management
    • Coupon generator new setting for customer assignation
    • Force the initialization of the subscription start date for order created confirmed
    • Attachserial can support sub-formatting with dynamic content
    • New triggers to extends AttachSerial and PdfSerial plugins
  • Fixes
    • Backend serial listing pagination fix.
    • Fix the task storage the backend serial listing
    • Fix the serial order_product assignation for HikaShop recurring orders

HikaSerial 3.1.2

Release date : October 10, 2020

HikaShop 4.0.0 (or newer) required

  • Behavior
    • Recurring optional is now enabled by default
  • Improvements
    • Support of "Show Footer" HikaShop setting
    • Updating the logs in Paypal recurrning plugin
  • Fixes
    • Fix the search in subscription listing.
    • Fix override for the "serial" views.
    • Fix for paypal recurring when subscriptions IPN are not in the default order.
    • Fix for saving subscription extradata in the backend form.

HikaSerial 3.1.1

Release date : May 08, 2020

HikaShop 4.0.0 (or newer) required

  • Features
    • PDFSerial plugin have two new formating setting to display or strip HTML
  • Improvements
    • New hidden setting "serials_email_admin" to display serials in the admin mail notification
    • Remove a potential PHP warning in the refresh quantity feature
  • Fixes
    • Fix the filter of serials in vendor sub-orders
    • Fix the loading of view override for the "subscription" under a HikaShop menu

HikaSerial 3.1.0

Release date : March 12, 2020

HikaShop 4.0.0 (or newer) required

  • Features
    • New PDF Secure plugin
  • Improvements
    • Adding the search on the name, username and email address for the subscriptions listing in the backend.
    • Give extra data object within the order detail.
  • Fixes
    • Fix for the HikaShop checkout redirection.
    • Fix for "PDF Serial" plugin regarding the name based on the serial data.
    • Fix for "points consumer" plugin for a notification message.
    • Fix for paypal recurring payment plugin and the retrieval of the duration of the subscription.

HikaSerial 3.0.1

Release date : April 22, 2019

HikaShop 4.0.0 (or newer) required

  • Features
    • Internal Cron system for HikaSubscription
  • Improvements
    • Support of variant in HikaMarket serial listing
    • Change the URL generation for subscription listing
    • Support of onHikashopLanguageChange trigger
    • New tags for the filename in the PDF plugin
  • Fixes
    • Fix for Serial Private Content plugin

HikaSerial 3.0.0

Release date : December 11, 2018

HikaShop 4.0.0 (or newer) required

  • Features
    • Support of HikaShop 4 and its new features
    • New "Pack Groups" feature
    • Subscription auto-renew feature
    • Support of Joomla 4
  • Improvements
    • Drop support of Joomla 1.5
    • Optimizations for the refresh quantities algorithm
    • Improve Paypal recurring plugin regarding the loading of recurring data in the order.
  • Fixes
    • Fix loading of subscription upgrade when there is no plan.
    • Fix in the Acymailing integration
    • Fix backend popups for the integration with HikaShop 4

HikaSerial 2.2.0

Release date : July 04, 2018

HikaShop 3.5.0 (or newer) required

  • Features
    • Subscription upgrades
    • Support of subscription into Hikashop regular carts
  • Improvements
    • The recurring can be optional so Hikashop can propose non recurring payment plugins.
    • We can display the subscription information in HikaShop cart details.
    • Updating the Paypal recurring plugins to support new currencies.
  • Fixes
    • Fix for subscription plugin having simple input in configuration.
    • Fix for the "private content" plugin (support of J3.8).

HikaSerial 2.1.1

Release date : April 20, 2018

HikaShop 3.2.2 (or newer) required

  • Important modification
    • The trigger "onBeforeSerialDownloadFile" is now only called for virtual files starting with "#hikaserial:"
  • Improvements
    • Introduction of the progressive download for serials.
    • Point consumer - support of easy social points.
    • Add "renew_create" in getSubscriptionsRenewals.
    • Add an option in the consume module to have a target menu.
    • Modification of the download system and email triggers.
  • Fixes
    • Fix for the pack listing optimization when there is no pack.
    • Fix the support of upload in plans.
    • Fix for random pickup.
    • Fix destination email address for queue.
    • Fix for plan plugins configuration interface.
    • Fix display of tag for subscriber plugins in backend listing.

HikaSerial 2.1.0

Release date : February 7, 2018

HikaShop 3.2.2 (or newer) required

  • Features
    • Subscription downloads
  • Improvements
    • Migration to the hikaInput system
    • Major modification in the HikaSerial structure to follow JED requirements
    • Support of the "Display view files" from the HikaShop configuration
    • Optimization in the import system
  • Fixes
    • Typo fix in the Paypal recurring plugin (subscription)
    • Various fixes regarding the cron-task processing (subscription)

HikaSerial 2.0.2

Release date : December 20, 2017

HikaShop 3.2.2 (or newer) required

  • Features
    • New Subscription edition available
    • Subscription New Plans/Subscriptions system
    • Subscription Integration with HikaShop 3.2.2 recurring system
    • Subscription Paypal Recurring payment plugin
  • Improvements
    • New hidden setting ":limit_serial_per_email" to limit the number of serial display in emails notifications
    • The "attach serial plugin" can now strip HTML tags.
  • Fixes
    • Fix an error with the HikaShop order listing integration when there is no order in the listing
    • Fix the display of the status filter in the backend serial listing
    • Fix packaging regarding the PHPQRCode lib and the namespace

HikaSerial 2.0.1

Release date : November 13, 2017

HikaShop 3.2.1 (or newer) required

  • Features
    • Download of Serials for an order.
  • Improvements
    • Improve the support of fonts in the PDF Serial plugin.
    • Adding a "onSerialRefreshQuantity" trigger for future improvements.
    • Points consumer compatibility with AltaUserPoints.
    • Implementation of "orderdown" and "orderup" for the HikaSerial plugins.
    • Addition of the consume date into the serial table.
    • Improvement of the display of the serials statuses in the front-end interface.
    • AttachSerial force the modification of the language based on the full order object.
    • Update for the pack class and the storage of params.
    • Adding a namespace into the phpqrcode lib.
    • Refactoring of the serial listing in backend to handle high amount of data.
    • Improvement of the "import as text" to handle important amount of data.
  • Fixes
    • Fix for the PDFSerial plugin and the file extension
    • Fix for the checkout coupon block (to remove coupon).
    • Fix incremental loading for HikaSerial packs (via namebox).
    • Fix for Acymailing 5.8 support
    • Fix regarding the serialmarket view (which extends from HikaMarketView and not HikaSerialView class).
    • Various minor fixes

HikaSerial 2.0.0

Release date : June 30, 2017

HikaShop 3.1.1 (or newer) required

  • Features
    • PDF Serial plugin.
    • Support of HikaShop bundles.
    • New dashboard
  • Improvements
    • Updating interfaces
    • Unified randomize generation.
    • Improvements in the preload email mailtocustomfield.
    • The plugin mailtocustomfield can now call the trigger "onDisplaySerials".
    • The coupon generator can now load the coupons with the trigger "onDisplaySerials".
    • The coupon generator now store the discount_id in the serial extra data.
    • New trigger "onBeforeMarketSerialExport".
    • The text import now support "check duplicates".
    • Filters in the trigger onBeforeSerialCheck are now named
    • It is now possible to change the order in HikaSerial plugin instances
    • The serial market views can now be override under HikaSerial context.
    • New hidden setting to not display serials to vendors notifications.
    • Support of Joomla 3.7 backend menus
  • Fixes
    • Fix error with refresh quantity and some specific version of MySQL.
    • Fix for display of serials for vendors.
    • Fix for redirection URL check during consumption.
    • Fix for "time limited" plugin.
    • Fix in Serial class check function when using pack filter.
    • Fix the display of the "options" toolbar button in the HikaSerial dashboard
    • Fix for front-end serial listing and "assignable order status".

HikaSerial 1.10.4

Release date : May 9, 2016

HikaShop 2.6.2 (or newer) required

  • Features
    • HikaMarket integration - vendor can import serials.
  • Improvements
    • Integration with HikaMarket 1.7.0 order edition.
    • Refactoring of the "Refresh Quantity" algorithm.
    • The trigger "OnBeforeSerialSave" now provide the old value in the variable "$serial->old"
    • Addition of some SQL optimizations
    • The trigger "onDisplaySerials" is now call before some other triggers to let them have the formated serials.
    • Plugins which are using the trigger "onDisplaySerials" now store the original data in the serial object.
  • Fixes
    • Fixing the loading of the values in the pack namebox.

HikaSerial 1.10.3

Release date : April 21, 2016

HikaShop 2.6.0 (or newer) required

  • Improvements
    • Updating the Barcode2 library in order to support the modification of the with and of the font size.
    • Updating the plugin attach serial to add a new option which will force the download of the image.
    • Improving UTF8 support for the attach serial plugin
    • SQL optimisations in the front-end pack listing.
  • Fixes
    • Fixing an issue with GD and attach serial image path.
    • Fix missing translation in the HikaShop customer dashboard

HikaSerial 1.10.2

Release date : February 2, 2016

HikaShop 2.6.0 (or newer) required

  • Features
    • Serial listing for customers in the front-end.
    • Random pickup setting in the pack edition.
  • Improvements
    • Improving design of serial select in the HikaShop product edition.
    • The AttachSerial plugin can now handle more barcode/qrcode formats.
  • Fixes
    • Fix an issue with the serial consumption page when not having the parameter object.
    • Fix for random pickup issue introduced in an hot fix of previous release.

HikaSerial 1.10.1

Release date : December 4, 2015

HikaShop 2.6.0 (or newer) required

  • Features
    • New setting to avoid the serial duplication during the import.
  • Improvements
    • Adding the support of ajax search with the HikaShop namebox system
  • Fixes
    • Fix an issue with the serial assignation during order confirmation when having quantities.
    • Fix a warning in the Acymailing integration plugin
    • Fix an issue with the HikaSerial coupon checkout block to avoid serial checks when trying to delete a coupon.
    • Fix "add pack" javascript issue.

HikaSerial 1.10.0

Release date : September 30, 2015

HikaShop 2.6.0 (or newer) required

  • Features
    • Edition of the packs in the front-end (require HikaMarket)
    • New plugin: content / SerialPrivateContent
    • New plugin: editor-xtd / SerialPrivateContent
    • Adding new translation (Bulgarian).
  • Improvements
    • Improve the backend design for "pack", "serial" and "configuration".
    • We now display some warning message in the backend when the serial association can't be made with an order, because the pack is empty (or the generation failed).
    • The HikaSerial consume module is now using a Joomla module view.
    • Display the serial assignations stored in the order edition in the HikaShop backend.
    • Change the structure of the data for the assignSerials function in order to manage some special cases.
    • Removing Mootools inclusions.
    • Improvement of the integration with the HikaShop/HikaMarket product page edition.
    • The HikaSerial "pack" type now use the HikaShop namebox system for his display.
    • Updating design for HikaShop 2.5 support.
    • Improving "serial per order" plugin with new restrictions (quantity and price)
    • The plugin "attach serial" now handle height and size for the barcode generation
    • Improving "serial per order" plugin
  • Fixes
    • Fix for the plugin "mail to custom field"
    • Fix the install error message for the HikaShop version requirement.
    • Fix for the getLayout and Joomla 3.4
    • The "orderserial / show" view now return unserialized data for the "extra data".
    • Updating "ALTER IGNORE" queries for MySQL 5.7 support.
    • Fix for popups and Joomla 3.4
    • Fixes for JSON consume page
    • Fix for attach serial plugin and guest users

HikaSerial 1.9.1

Release date : March, 13 2015

HikaShop 2.4.0 (or newer) required

  • Compatibility with Joomla 3.4 for the router modifications
  • The point consumer plugin can now give points to the linked user and not the logged one.
  • Fix the load of parameters with Joomla 3.4
  • We force the menu position for Joomla 3 (HikaShop 2.4 compatibility)
  • Removing extra "th" in HikaMarket product edition.
  • Removing some PHP warning

HikaSerial 1.9.0

Release date : December, 1 2014

HikaShop 2.3.4 (or newer) required

  • Order Serials: assign dynamically a pack/serial to an order
  • Addition of a new trigger: onSerialOrderPreUpdate
  • Support of the new HikaShop namebox system for the order status and serial status selection
  • New plugin: serial per order
  • New plugin: mail to custom field (HikaShop Business required)
  • Fix in the plugin attach serial for the management of the order products

HikaSerial 1.8.5

Release date : November, 9 2014

HikaShop 2.3.4 (or newer) required

  • The coupon generator plugin now unpublish an HikaShop coupon when the corresponding serial is unassigned
  • Addition of a new trigger: onAfterSerialUnassigned
  • Support of the new HikaShop namebox system for the pack selection
  • Check and consume feature can now support pack_id and pack_name parameters
  • We add a warning message when opening a plugin not compatible with the HikaSerial API
  • Various warning fix

HikaSerial 1.8.4

Release date : September, 25 2014

HikaShop 2.2.3 (or newer) required

  • Joomla 3.3.4 compatiblity

HikaSerial 1.8.3

Release date : July, 25 2014

HikaShop 2.2.3 (or newer) required

  • New "Time limited generator" plugin
  • New "EAN generator" plugin
  • Improving attach serial plugin: display virtual path for product file download
  • various minor fixes

HikaSerial 1.8.2

Release date : April, 16 2014

HikaShop 2.2.3 (or newer) required

  • Possibility to consume the serials with a confirmation step (smartphone compatibility)
  • Integration of Joomla ACL for the backend accesses
  • various minor fixes

HikaSerial 1.8.1

Release date : February, 19 2014

HikaShop 2.2.3 (or newer) required

  • Improving the serial consumption for selling e-tickets
  • New "group filter consumer" plugin

HikaSerial 1.8.0

Release date : December, 7 2013

HikaShop 2.2.3 (or newer) required

  • Improving attach serial plugin
    • New "price" type
    • New "image" type
    • Product option management
    • Product image
    • Fix for fonts
  • Improving the import of serials
  • Serial export
  • Refactoring of most of plugins
  • Improving interfaces (new pack selectors, columns in plugin listings, a lot of little modifications)
  • New "points generator" plugin
  • New "points consumer" plugin
  • Compatibility with HikaShop 2.2.2 emails
  • Improving the acymailing plugin

HikaSerial 1.7.4

Release date : August, 15 2013

  • Adding the Auto Updater (Joomla 2.5 and 3.x)
  • Improving series generator
  • Copying plugins configurations
  • Improving "product add check" plugin
  • New languages
  • Support of the new order edition of HikaShop and HikaMarket
  • Improving the module system
  • Fix for consume module
  • Fixing some popups
  • "No assign user" option in packs
  • "Unlimited quantity" option in packs
  • Fix title in Joomla backend
  • Including a sample coupon image in the package

HikaSerial 1.7.3

Release date : April, 10 2013

  • New module: HikaSerial consume module
  • New option: Forbidden consume for guests
  • Improving attachserial plugin with Entry support
  • Fix "generate" button in J3

HikaSerial 1.7.2

Release date : March, 31 2013

  • New plugin: Product Add Consumer (use a serial to add a product in the user cart)
  • Include serials into HikaShop order export
  • Improving attachserial plugin (font per block, specific width and height limitations)

HikaSerial 1.7.1

Release date : March, 07 2013

  • Better variants support
  • Generators could now generate "extradata" with serials
  • Fix serial history and J3
  • Improving attachserial plugin

HikaSerial 1.7.0

Release date : February, 19 2013

  • Adding a QRCode library
  • Adding a BarCode library
  • AttachSerial plugin v2: configure information that you want to add in your image, include texts, dates, qrcodes and barcodes

HikaSerial 1.6.1

Release date : February, 07 2013

  • Compatibility with HikaShop 2.1.0
  • Integration with HikaMarket 1.1.0
  • Minor improvement in AttachSerial plugin
  • Adding support of taxes in Coupon Generator plugin

HikaSerial 1.6.0

Release date : January, 10 2013

  • New plugin: AttachSerial.
    The plugin allow you to create dynamic images with your serial content into. The image could be automatically attached in your email or download as a file.
  • Import product associations.
  • Integration in the HikaShop menu.
  • Improving the coupon generator
    You can specify a percentage of the linked products price which would be use for the coupon flat amount.
  • Removing PHP 5.4 warnings
  • Fix with Sef

HikaSerial 1.5.0

Release date : November, 5 2012

  • Joomla 3.0 support (1.5 and 2.0 supported too)
  • PHP 5.4 support
  • Feature: unique downloadable content thanks to new trigger.
  • Improvement: Can now select a validity period for discount in coupon generator plugin.

HikaSerial 1.4.0

Release date : August, 29 2012

  • Feature: Serial history.
  • Feature: Edit and manage translations.
  • New serial status: deleted.
  • New view: back_order_invoice.
  • New triggers: onBeforeSerialCheck / onAfterSerialCheck
  • Feature: Delete serials in two passes ("deleted" status then delete in the database).
  • Bug fix: pack "unassigned" option not read correctly.
  • Bug fix: Serial extra data could not be displayed correctly in the backend sometimes.

HikaSerial 1.3.1

Release date : August, 14 2012

  • Interface improvement: delete button for serials.
  • Check and Consume web-services

HikaSerial 1.3.0

Release date : July, 31 2012

  • Serial extra data - Store additional data with your serials.
  • Secure eBook generator - Generate activation codes for your Secure eBook products.
  • Series generator - Generate series of serials (for seats or no-random serials).
  • Acymailing integration plugin - Add auto-generated serials into your Acymailing newsletters.
  • New menu design

HikaSerial 1.2.0

Release date : June, 12 2012

  • Interface improvements
  • Adding new language translations.
  • Generate button - You can now possible to populate your serial database for a pack which have a compatible generator plugin.
  • HikaSerial Consumer system - Serial could be create as "assigned" and the customer can use (consume) his serial in the front end. When the serial is consumed, plugins are called for special actions.
  • Group Association Consumer plugin - A plugin which could be used as example. It allow to associate the user to a special group when the serial is consumed.

HikaSerial 1.1.0

Release date : May, 07 2012

  • HikaSerial Plugin system - It is now possible to list all hikaserial plugin and to configure them. HikaSerial gives a base for all plugin in order to simplify the development of the interfaces and the integrations.
  • Random Generator plugin - A plugin which could be used as example.
  • Coupon Generator plugin - A generator plugin which create HikaShop discount coupons. The serial is the coupon code and is generated by the plugin.

HikaSerial 1.0.0

Release date : April, 23 2012