Gift certificate purchase to consumption process.

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10 years 7 months ago #159280

I am new to Hikashop, new to everything :unsure: . I successfully made gift certificates - packs, coupon generator, attach serial, attach to product. I think I understand how the system works. :) I love the QRCODE, its cool. B)

I have the following questions:

The process is not how I had envisioned a gift certificate to work. I wanted buyers to have the option of buying a gift certificate if they want to buy a gift certificate. Right now, every buyer who buys will have the attached serial ( QRCODE + the long cart URL), hence, every buyer has the option to give the purchase to someone else. Can I let users have the option to purchase a gift certificate from start? A user who wants to purchase gift certificate must finish the process of registration before they see the attached serial.

The URL I used in "Attach Serial" is super long. Too long to display within coupon_01.png. I know how to extend the graphic but would prefer a way to break the URL into 2-3 lines. I am unsure if the window displaying coupon_01.png will auto extend if I make the png longer? Alternatively, is there a shorter URL. I'm referring to the shopping cart's URL. I got the URL from the product page "HTML LInk"

Can the serial be used a second time by a different person? The buyer can potentially send that information to many people and everyone could get the product for free.

I was not able to tell by looking at the Order that was generated with the consumption of the gift certificate. The serial number isn't published on the order form when the receiver of the gift certificate uses the code. Did I miss seeing the code?


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10 years 7 months ago #159297


1. I don't understand your first point.
If someone wants to buy a product (which is a gift certificate) he will made this decision... So I really don't understand
The serial is generated when an order is confirmed, so you have to be registered, you have to make an order.. So I don't understand either.

2. You can choose what you want to put into the QRCode, if you want a short url, you can create a short url.
HikaSerial with the "consumption" feature allow to you to perform special action when using a serial. So it is possible to do your specific action using a plugin instead of having a huge url.
The HikaSerial plugin "addproduct" is here for that purpose.

3. In HikaSerial, the serial is unique and can only be use once.
But if you create some HikaShop coupon code for example, the generated coupon could be use more than once ; depending the configuration of your coupon template.

4. The serial is linked with the order which generated it.
You can't link the serial with "the order of the consumption of the gift certificate" because there is no way to know it.
You can know when an HikaShop coupon is used for an order, but when you use a serial it is not linked with an order.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

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10 years 7 months ago #159346

Thanks Jerome for answering questions on a weekend. No need to answer me on the weekend. Is there step by step tutorial file on how to use the Hikaserial plugin "Product-Add Consumer"? I assume it's the plug in that you mentioned "addproduct". I activated the plugin but don't know how to use it.

Here's a screen shot of my problem of the long URL.

This is what happens

Here's a screen shot of my webpage. I made 2 carts for each product, one normal cart without gift certificate and another for the gift certificate. I'm simple minded. This method seems to work for me although it is not efficient. Too many shopping carts.

My users are not tech savvy, they may or may not know how to use a QRCODE. They will likely need to consume the coupon some other way, manually. Am I right to assume that the code that is generated (10 characters) can be manually entered through the URL to consume the gift if users do not use the QRCODE? I have not tested this because that URL is too long and not click-able.

Last edit: 10 years 7 months ago by ivorymoose. Reason: Make it neater.

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10 years 7 months ago #159372


The plugin "attach serial" allow you to specify a width and an height for the different elements.
So you can display the url on two (or more) lines if you want. By setting a width the text will continue on a new line.

I don't know your url but I will recommend you to use Joomla menu to get SEF and shorter url.
The "add product" plugin allow you to add a product when a serial is consume. The configuration of the plugin is quite simple, it require a pack and a product to add in the user cart when a serial from the pack is consumed.

There are several ways to use HikaSerial for such thing. Like I said you can create HIkaShop coupon code and let your customer use the coupons like classical coupons in order to have a 100% on a specific product for example.
Or you can use the "add product" plugin and a consumption module (or the special HikaSerial coupon step in the checkout workflow).
You should first know what you will prefer for your customer and then configure HikaSerial to feet your requirements.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

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10 years 7 months ago #159535

Hi Jerome,

I want the coupon to contain the code and URL of the cart check-out. I want a QRCODE for users who know how to use a QRCODE.

I am unable to shorten the long URL, Joomla is configured properly for search engine friendly URLs. I am unwilling to explore ways to shorten URLs further because I use a plugin known as Joomdle. The URLs are already as short as they can get. I tried using Bit-ly to shorten the URL but the coupon would be publish when I use Bit-ly.

The problem now is, when the gift receiver consumes the Coupon via scanning the QRCODE or input the code in the checkout process, the $ amount is not set to $0. The gift receiver goes step by step and eventually has to pay for the course. When I tried it the first time last night, the amount was set to $0 when the QRCODE was scanned and the new user was registered into Joomla. Now, the cost is not reduced to $0. The gift receiver is lead step by step till the end of the check out process where he has to pay.

I don't know how to use "add product" plugin and would rather not use it unless you have step by step documentation on how to use it.

I hope you can help me, I took pictures of my settings. I did not show the AttachSerial plugin because the settings is the same as before. I was not able to shorten the URL. So, that's also a problem.

Thanks. Ivy :)

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10 years 7 months ago #159544


Why not using a short link with some explanations ?
Or a direct short link to the product ?
You are creating an HikaShop coupon code, so the user have to put this code during the checkout, if the user don't know how to use a QRcode, the best I think, is to provide him a clear and short explanation.

For the plugin "add product", like I said, you have to specify a pack and a product.
When the user will "consume" a serial in HikaSerial, the corresponding product will be added into his cart.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

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10 years 7 months ago #160192

Hello Jerome,

I am still unable to make the gift certificates work properly although it's working better than before. Thanks for the suggestion to direct gift receivers to a separate page with instructions on how to consume the gift. A lot of extra work :( but many of my users will not be able to scan QRcodes.

Now, the problem is:

1. A new serial is generated each time a gift receiver consumes a serial.
2. The gift receiver gets a coupon with new code attached to his confirmation email.
3. The new serial status indicates "used" but someone else can still consume it.
4. The old serial status is set to "used" after the gift receiver consumes it but someone else is still able to reuse the code.

I think this is because I don't know how to set the template coupon, some of settings is wrong. Here's my attached screen shot of the template coupon.

Then, I would like to know if I can make "HIKASHOP_CHECK_OUT_PLG.SERIAL.COUPON" much shorter to just "Coupon"

Thanks again.


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10 years 7 months ago #160203


You have to change the "quota" and not the "quota per user". Otherwise everybody will be able to use it.
Please note that the coupon and the serials are separate. When you use a serial or when you use a coupon, it does not affect the other.
Using a coupon and consuming a serial are two things totally different.

About the "HIKASHOP_CHECKOUT_PLG.SERIAL_COUPON" there is a missing translation that you can add directlu in your language override.



Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

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10 years 7 months ago #160480

Hi Jerome,

Thanks the help. :) I've solved every problem except one.....

1. When a gift receiver consumes a serial, he receives a confirmation email with a new coupon and new serial number. This new coupon code can be used.

In the coupon or discount template, I set:

quota = 1
quota per user = 0
percentage = 100
number of times used = 0

Not sure if the coupon template setting is the problem. The gift receiver should not receive a new coupon with a new serial when he consumes a gift certificate. I use the classical method of consuming the gift via the check out process.

Everything else is working nicely.

Thanks again.

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10 years 7 months ago #160481


I can't understand why a new confirmation email is received when a serial is consumed.
There is no HikaSerial plugin which allow such thing.
So I will need more details about your configuration, because without it, I really can't understand and help you for this problem.

But please note my previous message:

Please note that the coupon and the serials are separate. When you use a serial or when you use a coupon, it does not affect the other.

You might confuse the serial consuming and the HikaShop discount coupon. Which are two very very different things.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

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10 years 7 months ago #160761

Hi Jerome, Good day to you :)

I did some self study. Based on the Hikaserial documentation, a serial is generated each time an order's status is changed to confirmed.

In my set up. the gift receiver enters the serial code in the checkout process for that specific cart, then he/she clicks through the check-out steps with 0 payment. In the end, a confirmation email is triggered. I believe it's this confirmation email that results in the generation of another new serial. Take note that the "Coupon" is Hikaserial Coupon (I renamed it), and not the usual Hikashop Coupon. Not sure if this is correct.

I use the plugin ProductAddConsumer but I am not sure what "Block Product" means, so I left it unchanged. I also did not do anything to connect this ProdcutAddConsumer to the check-out process. Basically, I just left it like this after creating it. Must I manually assign it to the check-out process or product?

If this does not help. I can give you access to my website's admin backend to take a look at the settings. Not sure how else this can be done. Alternatively, I can also take more screen shots.


Last edit: 10 years 7 months ago by ivorymoose.

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10 years 7 months ago #160766


So, someone buy a gift certificate which allow to buy a product which also generate a serial.
I guess the problem is just here.

Why the product "ED Tech (13 & Above) Gift Certificate IDS" also generate a serial ?
You giving a product which give a serial which give a product which give a serial which.... etc

Can you just remove the pack assignation for this "ED Tech (13 & Above) Gift Certificate IDS" product ?
Or give another product, which does not have a link with an HikaSerial pack ?


Jerome -
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10 years 7 months ago #160978

Jerome wrote: Hi,

You giving a product which give a serial which give a product which give a serial which.... etc


:lol: :silly: :P I had a good laugh when I read that. It is now working.......thanks Jerome! :blush:

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10 years 7 months ago #160984


You're welcome !


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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