AddressEdit for shipping and Billing Address

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11 years 11 months ago #54942

The popup system uses the file component.php of your template. There, you should have a jdoc include tag for the header files (which include the css file normally).
More info on that:

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11 years 2 months ago #96774

I am having trouble with address also. I am not sure if it related to this topic, but it seems similar.

Right now, there is no way to ever your address. when I click on the NEW button, the pop up is blank. it's doing it on the front end and back end. Please see the attachements. The only things I see is the word "address" and the "OK" button.

When I press the "OK" button, if create an entry for Telephone.
Hikashop is installed here: . please message me privately for login details if you need to take a look. thanks.

I am stumped what is causing thing. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Last edit: 11 years 2 months ago by qrstraining. Reason: forgot to put link in

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11 years 2 months ago #96786


Did you unpublished all your "address" field through "Hikashop->Display->Custom fields" ? if that's the case, publishing them will probably solve your problem.

Hope this will help you.

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11 years 2 months ago #96792

this is how my fields are configured


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11 years 2 months ago #96823

Ok, when I'm going through your checkout the popup is disabled, and I'm being redirected to a page where I can fill my information, so I don't have any popup.

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11 years 2 months ago #98926

Yes, the regular joomla site registration works. It uses the community builder form.

The problem is in Hika shop. there is a problem for our customers who have not registered for our site, and they need to purchase something. They cannot put in their address or any other contact details. Please see this video link below that illustrates our problem. If we cannot resolve this, we cannot use hikashop, and we'll need to ask for a refund. thanks.

Attempting to update or add address on backend

Attempting to add address on front end

I really want to get this up and running and this is the last thing we need to work in order to make this shop live.


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11 years 2 months ago #99078


This probably means that you have a query error on the field table of HikaShop because of an update issue.

Please turn on the "debug mode" option of the joomla configuration and try again. You should then have a big error message when you try to edit the address which should explain what is going on. That way we shoul be able to tell you what to do.

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11 years 1 month ago #100195

this is what shows up:

SELECT `data`
FROM `qrs_session`
WHERE `session_id` = '0ed60f96d9d9c862bd611ca586c626a6'
SELECT folder AS type, element AS name, params
FROM qrs_extensions
WHERE enabled >= 1
AND type ='plugin'
AND state >= 0
AND access IN (1,2,3)
ORDER BY ordering
SELECT extension_id AS id, element AS "option", params, enabled
FROM qrs_extensions
WHERE `type` = 'component'
AND `element` = 'com_languages'
SELECT `params`
FROM `qrs_extensions`
WHERE `type` = 'component'
AND `element` = 'com_sef'
FROM qrs_sef_subdomains
SELECT, m.menutype, m.title, m.alias, m.note, m.path AS route,, m.type, m.level, m.language,m.browserNav, m.access, m.params, m.home, m.img, m.template_style_id, m.component_id, m.parent_id,e.element as component
FROM qrs_menu AS m
LEFT JOIN qrs_extensions AS e
ON m.component_id = e.extension_id
WHERE m.published = 1
AND m.parent_id > 0
AND m.client_id = 0
ORDER BY m.lft
SELECT id, home, template, s.params
FROM qrs_template_styles as s
LEFT JOIN qrs_extensions as e
ON e.element=s.template
AND e.type='template'
AND e.client_id=s.client_id
WHERE s.client_id = 0
AND e.enabled = 1
FROM qrs_hikashop_config
FROM qrs_languages
WHERE published=1
ORDER BY ordering ASC
FROM qrs_sef_subdomains
WHERE subdomain='www'
SELECT `a`.`vars`, `u`.`sefurl`
FROM `qrs_sefaliases` AS `a`
INNER JOIN `qrs_sefurls` AS `u`
ON `u`.`id` = `a`.`url`
WHERE `a`.`alias` = ''
SELECT element,params
FROM qrs_extensions
WHERE type='sef_ext'
SELECT extension_id AS id, element AS "option", params, enabled
FROM qrs_extensions
WHERE `type` = 'component'
AND `element` = 'com_k2'
SELECT extension_id AS id, element AS "option", params, enabled
FROM qrs_extensions
WHERE `type` = 'component'
AND `element` = 'com_j2store'
INSERT INTO `qrs_rokuserstats` (`user_id`,`ip`,`session_id`,`page`,`referrer`)
VALUES ('42','','0ed60f96d9d9c862bd611ca586c626a6','/?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=address&redirect=checkout&task=add&step=0&type=billing&Itemid=844&tmpl=component',' ')
SELECT extension_id AS id, element AS "option", params, enabled
FROM qrs_extensions
WHERE `type` = 'component'
AND `element` = 'com_hikashop'
SELECT a.*,b.*
FROM qrs_hikashop_user AS a
LEFT JOIN qrs_users AS b
WHERE a.user_cms_id=42
SELECT a.*,b.*
FROM qrs_hikashop_user AS a
LEFT JOIN qrs_users AS b
WHERE a.user_id=2087
FROM qrs_user_usergroup_map AS map
LEFT JOIN qrs_usergroups AS a
ON = map.group_id
WHERE map.user_id = 42
FROM qrs_hikashop_field as a
WHERE a.`field_published` = 1
AND a.`field_frontcomp` = 1
AND a.field_namekey!='address_name'
AND a.field_table='address'
AND (a.field_access = 'all' OR a.field_access LIKE '%,8,%')
ORDER BY a.`field_ordering` ASC
FROM qrs_menu
WHERE id = '844'
FROM qrs_modules
WHERE id IN (264);
SELECT id, link, language
FROM qrs_menu
WHERE home=1
UPDATE `qrs_session`
SET `data` = '__default|a:8:{s:15:\"session.counter\";i:25;s:19:\"session.timer.start\";i:1366563530;s:18:\"session.timer.last\";i:1366563710;s:17:\"\";i:1366563710;s:22:\"session.client.browser\";s:119:\"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.43 Safari/537.31\";s:8:\"registry\";O:9:\"JRegistry\":1:{s:7:\"\0*\0data\";O:8:\"stdClass\":1:{s:12:\"com_hikashop\";O:8:\"stdClass\":12:{s:16:\"shipping_address\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"billing_address\";s:4:\"3792\";s:12:\"ssl_redirect\";i:0;s:7:\"zone_id\";s:3:\"223\";s:7:\"cart_id\";i:16;s:8:\"cart_new\";s:1:\"1\";s:15:\"shipping_method\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"shipping_id\";s:0:\"\";s:13:\"shipping_data\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"payment_method\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"payment_id\";i:0;s:12:\"payment_data\";s:0:\"\";}}}s:4:\"user\";O:5:\"JUser\":23:{s:9:\"\0*\0isRoot\";b:1;s:2:\"id\";s:2:\"42\";s:4:\"name\";s:17:\"QRS ADMINISTRATOR\";s:8:\"username\";s:5:\"admin\";s:5:\"email\";s:24:\"\";s:8:\"password\";s:65:\"c901a0f61e36306c795e02bb6d46955b:OcUjZX5UwpINqlRBdu6knwvz8l7rDmKH\";s:14:\"password_clear\";s:0:\"\";s:8:\"usertype\";s:10:\"deprecated\";s:5:\"block\";s:1:\"0\";s:9:\"sendEmail\";s:1:\"0\";s:12:\"registerDate\";s:19:\"2012-03-18 18:14:52\";s:13:\"lastvisitDate\";s:19:\"2013-04-21 16:59:18\";s:10:\"activation\";s:1:\"0\";s:6:\"params\";s:96:\"{\"admin_style\":\"2\",\"admin_language\":\"\",\"language\":\"\",\"editor\":\"jce\",\"helpsite\":\"\",\"timezone\":\"\"}\";s:6:\"groups\";a:1:{i:8;s:1:\"8\";}s:5:\"guest\";i:0;s:10:\"\0*\0_params\";O:9:\"JRegistry\":1:{s:7:\"\0*\0data\";O:8:\"stdClass\":6:{s:11:\"admin_style\";s:1:\"2\";s:14:\"admin_language\";s:0:\"\";s:8:\"language\";s:0:\"\";s:6:\"editor\";s:3:\"jce\";s:8:\"helpsite\";s:0:\"\";s:8:\"timezone\";s:0:\"\";}}s:14:\"\0*\0_authGroups\";a:2:{i:0;i:1;i:1;i:8;}s:14:\"\0*\0_authLevels\";a:3:{i:0;i:1;i:1;i:2;i:2;i:3;}s:15:\"\0*\0_authActions\";N;s:12:\"\0*\0_errorMsg\";N;s:10:\"\0*\0_errors\";a:0:{}s:3:\"aid\";i:0;}s:13:\"session.token\";s:32:\"741a6aa5cde0a9c0347c209b0cfcd427\";}' , `time` = '1366563711'
WHERE `session_id` = '0ed60f96d9d9c862bd611ca586c626a6'
SELECT Tables:
4 × SELECT extension_id AS id, element AS "option", params, enabled
FROM qrs_extensions
2 × SELECT a.*,b.*
FROM qrs_hikashop_user AS a
LEFT JOIN qrs_users AS b
FROM qrs_user_usergroup_map AS map
LEFT JOIN qrs_usergroups AS a
ON = map.group_id
1 × SELECT *
FROM qrs_hikashop_field as a
1 × SELECT element,params
FROM qrs_extensions
1 × SELECT *
FROM qrs_menu
1 × SELECT id, link, language
FROM qrs_menu
1 × SELECT *
FROM qrs_modules
1 × SELECT `a`.`vars`, `u`.`sefurl`
FROM `qrs_sefaliases` AS `a`
INNER JOIN `qrs_sefurls` AS `u`
ON `u`.`id` = `a`.`url`
1 × SELECT *
FROM qrs_languages
1 × SELECT *
FROM qrs_sef_subdomain
1 × SELECT `params`
FROM `qrs_extensions`
1 × SELECT folder AS type, element AS name, params
FROM qrs_extensions
1 × SELECT, m.menutype, m.title, m.alias, m.note, m.path AS route,, m.type, m.level, m.language,m.browserNav, m.access, m.params, m.home, m.img, m.template_style_id, m.component_id, m.parent_id,e.element as component
FROM qrs_menu AS m
LEFT JOIN qrs_extensions AS e
ON m.component_id = e.extension_id
1 × SELECT id, home, template, s.params
FROM qrs_template_styles as s
LEFT JOIN qrs_extensions as e
ON e.element=s.template
AND e.type='template'
AND e.client_id=s.client_id
1 × SELECT `data`
FROM `qrs_session`
1 × SELECT *
FROM qrs_hikashop_confi
FROM qrs_sef_subdomains
OTHER Tables:
1 × UPDATE `qrs_session`
SET `data` = '__default|a:8:{s:15:\"session.counter\";i:25;s:19:\"session.timer.start\";i:1366563530;s:18:\"session.timer.last\";i:1366563710;s:17:\"\";i:1366563710;s:22:\"session.client.browser\";s:119:\"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.43 Safari/537.31\";s:8:\"registry\";O:9:\"JRegistry\":1:{s:7:\"\0*\0data\";O:8:\"stdClass\":1:{s:12:\"com_hikashop\";O:8:\"stdClass\":12:{s:16:\"shipping_address\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"billing_address\";s:4:\"3792\";s:12:\"ssl_redirect\";i:0;s:7:\"zone_id\";s:3:\"223\";s:7:\"cart_id\";i:16;s:8:\"cart_new\";s:1:\"1\";s:15:\"shipping_method\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"shipping_id\";s:0:\"\";s:13:\"shipping_data\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"payment_method\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"payment_id\";i:0;s:12:\"payment_data\";s:0:\"\";}}}s:4:\"user\";O:5:\"JUser\":23:{s:9:\"\0*\0isRoot\";b:1;s:2:\"id\";s:2:\"42\";s:4:\"name\";s:17:\"QRS ADMINISTRATOR\";s:8:\"username\";s:5:\"admin\";s:5:\"email\";s:24:\"\";s:8:\"password\";s:65:\"c901a0f61e36306c795e02bb6d46955b:OcUjZX5UwpINqlRBdu6knwvz8l7rDmKH\";s:14:\"password_clear\";s:0:\"\";s:8:\"usertype\";s:10:\"deprecated\";s:5:\"block\";s:1:\"0\";s:9:\"sendEmail\";s:1:\"0\";s:12:\"registerDate\";s:19:\"2012-03-18 18:14:52\";s:13:\"lastvisitDate\";s:19:\"2013-04-21 16:59:18\";s:10:\"activation\";s:1:\"0\";s:6:\"params\";s:96:\"{\"admin_style\":\"2\",\"admin_language\":\"\",\"language\":\"\",\"editor\":\"jce\",\"helpsite\":\"\",\"timezone\":\"\"}\";s:6:\"groups\";a:1:{i:8;s:1:\"8\";}s:5:\"guest\";i:0;s:10:\"\0*\0_params\";O:9:\"JRegistry\":1:{s:7:\"\0*\0data\";O:8:\"stdClass\":6:{s:11:\"admin_style\";s:1:\"2\";s:14:\"admin_language\";s:0:\"\";s:8:\"language\";s:0:\"\";s:6:\"editor\";s:3:\"jce\";s:8:\"helpsite\";s:0:\"\";s:8:\"timezone\";s:0:\"\";}}s:14:\"\0*\0_authGroups\";a:2:{i:0;i:1;i:1;i:8;}s:14:\"\0*\0_authLevels\";a:3:{i:0;i:1;i:1;i:2;i:2;i:3;}s:15:\"\0*\0_authActions\";N;s:12:\"\0*\0_errorMsg\";N;s:10:\"\0*\0_errors\";a:0:{}s:3:\"aid\";i:0;}s:13:\"session.token\";s:32:\"741a6aa5cde0a9c0347c209b0cfcd427\";}' , `time` = '1366563711'
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VALUES ('42','','0ed60f96d9d9c862bd611ca586c626a6','/?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=address&redirect=checkout&task=add&step=0&type=billing&Itemid=844&tmpl=component',' '

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11 years 1 month ago #100328

That's not an error but the trace of the queries on the page. So that's normal.

Could you provide a backend access to your website via our contact form so that we can check your settings ?

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11 years 1 month ago #100682

I checked your settings and I see that you edited each custom address field via the menu Display->Custom fields and changed their access level from "all" to "custom" without selecting any use group, which means that they are accessible to no one and thus that's why you don't see them.
Please change their access level to "all" as it is by default and you will see your address fields everywhere as it should be.

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