Cannot empty checkout

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10 years 1 week ago #159218

Xavier I would try to wait many hours because that is the only way you will reproduce the issue. The goal is to reproduce the issue so you can try to resolve or identify the bug.

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10 years 6 days ago #159587


Do we have any update about this issue?

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10 years 5 days ago #159733


Sorry but not yet, when I try to reproduce the issue the cart has been emptied.
I will try to came back in 6 hours in order to find back the cart and try to delete items.

Have you tried to change the session settings ? duration, etc ?

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10 years 5 days ago #159798

if i change session to none the problem with the remove products from the checkout is solved but then i cannot login to the backend!
my url if you want to check the problem on my end is
To reproduce the issue login, add a product to the cart and then logout. The next time you login the product is in the cart (intended) but if you try to delete it from the checkout page the delete icon completes the order! If you add another product to the cart and then try to remove a product everything works fine.

Thanks again

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10 years 5 days ago #159825

I have the same problem with the cart:
when I order an article, then try to remove it by clicking the x, nothing happens.
The cart simply doesn't refresh itself and empties itself.
When you click the x, the cart should refresh and empty itself, no?

When I try with another browser the cart is empty. The problem persists in other browsers too.

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10 years 3 days ago #160098

That's maybe coming from a cache issue so can you disable the Joomla cache, and clear it ? You'll also have to disable it in the joomla config, and unpublish the cache plugin. Also can you clear your browser's cache and try it again ?

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10 years 1 day ago #160267

The recommendations you have listed are already disabled. This is not a cache issue. There is something wrong in the software. I been reading some of hikashops respondes and it seems to be the same cache responds in some of the issues. What if some one wanted to use the Joomla Cache? Isn't the software suppose to compliment Joomla and not the other way around. Any-who that solution doesn't work for this bug and this is a really big bug. I have tested this is firefox, i.e., chrome, safari, opera. The results are all the same. You can not empty the cart unless you add something to it. How are customers suppose to know that? I was reading the comments before switching from virtuemart and everyone said what great support. Then again it may be me. Did the cache solution work for anyone else?

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10 years 1 day ago #160270

here is more information from

HikaShop this is a bug. When ever the cart has something in it for a long period of time and when you come back to clear the cart it will not clear.

When I try to clear the cart it refreshes to and it doesn't clear the cart.

When I add some thing to the cart then try to delete it works and refreshes to http://website/checkout/step/step-1 so I can delete the other products.

Then I try to delete the last item in the cart it deletes it works and returns to

-- url of the page with the problem -- : local
-- HikaShop version -- : 3.2.1
-- Joomla version -- : 3.3.1
-- PHP version -- : 5.3.24
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : all
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : none

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10 years 1 day ago #160275

I can delete the product from the cart module but not when I go to the check page.

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10 years 1 day ago #160279


You say that the HikaShop cart system should be able to work with the Joomla cache turned on, but it's technically not possible, and it's not because of a problem in HikaShop but because of the way the cache system works.
The goal of a page cache system, like the one in Joomla, is to store a copy of the page that has been processed so that next time the user or someone else accesses the page, the cached version is automatically sent to the user, without processing the whole page again.
Here is an example so that you can understand :
So let's say that you display the product page once. The cache system will store the processed page for later. Then click on the add to cart button on the page. HikaShop will add the product to the cart and then redirects you back to the page you were on. However, as the page you were on was already cached, it won't be processed again. So if you have a cart module on the side of the page displaying the content of the cart, you'll still see that the cart is empty even though you just added a product to it. If you go on another page of the website where the cart module is displayed, you'll see that the product is there.
But then, another user comes in, and when he accesses one of the pages you were one, after you added the product to the cart, it will also see that product in the cart module on these pages sine they were also cached.

To summarize the caching issue: An ecommerce system displays dynamic data and thus, for it to work with a caching system, the cache system needs to be able to take into account that dynamic data and not cache it. Unfortunately, the caching system in Joomla isn't advanced enough to support that and you would have similar caching issues with any Joomla ecommerce solution if you activate the cache.
In fact the caching system is the main cause of problems with cart update issues (based on years of support) and that's why it's the first thing we recommend to check on your website, not because we don't want to fix issues in HikaShop.
And the fact that several people think that they have the same problem because the behavior they see looks the same to them doesn't mean that they have the same problem. For example, if your car isn't starting, it doesn't mean necessarily that the motor is broken. It could well be that there is no gas in the tank or that there is no electricity in the battery.

Now back on topic.

I'll be happy to look at your website in order to understand what is your problem and what we can do to avoid it. Would it be possible to put your website online (even temporarily) so that we can look at the cart ? Also, if you can provide a step by step procedure in order to reproduce the problem, that would be great. That way, we know what to look for.

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10 years 16 hours ago #160408


Same problem here, I can make changes to the cart when I first create it without problems.
Then once I log out and log back in, the cart is there again but I can not remove anything, also even if I complete the purchase it will fail (which is not nice)
But on the contrary, if I add one more product to the cart, both the old products and the newly added will be there and making changes to the cart will be possible, completing the purchase will also be possible, everything as normal.


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10 years 12 minutes ago #160504

Ok wait is this not the same issue

Thanks Nicolas I will wait on the next version. Is there a date for the release?

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9 years 11 months ago #160600


We can't give a date at this time for the next release.

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9 years 11 months ago #160660

Cool thanks for your efforts :cheer:

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9 years 11 months ago #160957

Indeed it was just a simple cache issue. I disabled the Joomla cache and the issue is resolved.

Too bad my site has to work without cache now but I guess that's the price to pay to get the cart to work properly.

I hope there will be a workaround for this in the future...

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9 years 11 months ago #160979

@BenoitADC Why not simply use a more advanced caching system that the default one in Joomla ?
As I said in my previous post, it is not technically possible to make HikaShop work with the Joomla cache system. The cache system would have to be changed for that.

@Jovian Try to change the "session handler" option of the Joomla configuration and see if that helps.

@wideservices Changing the "session handler" should not impact the login on the backend (besides being logged out on the spot after the change).

@nokki00 the release will be before the end of June if all goes well.

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9 years 11 months ago #161075


I logged in, there was a product in the cart (from yesterday probably), I tried to delete it from the checkout process by clicking "x"and the order was completed. The product was not deleted. The session handler was "none". Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

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9 years 11 months ago #161420


I tried the following : I uninstalled the Hikashop and deleted the all the Hikashop plugins from the Extension Manager. Then I installed it again. I created a product listing menu, a cart module and a "my account" menu. I created a user from the front end. I logged in with this user and I added a product to the cart. Then I logged out. After that I logged in. I clicked for "proceed to checkout" from the cart module and then clicked 'X' for deleted the product. The first time it worked, the product was deleted and I returned in a product listing menu. If I try all this for a second time the product will not be deleted. Session handler was Database. The second time that didn't worked correctly I change the database handler to none but nothing changed according to the problem.

Is there an option that if a user clicks log out, and log in again automatically the products will be deleted?

Thanks in advance

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9 years 11 months ago #161465
Last edit: 9 years 11 months ago by erickb.

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9 years 11 months ago #161758


Do we have any update about this issue? Also about the new release of Hikashop will it solve the problem?

Thanks in advance

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