Module to filter and sort products in the frontend

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10 years 11 months ago #109857

Hi, what "HikaShop Business" could put a filter module on all product pages so users could filter the products based on price, manufacturer and any other attributes? I would be interested to know whether you could put something to be ordained products based on price, or alphabetically, or by manufacturer. Now I have "HikaShop Essential", and I do not have that option, right? A greeting.

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10 years 11 months ago #109891

Hi Ronon,

We worked on this feature and it will be included in the next version of Business version Hikashop.
This version should be available in few days.

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10 years 11 months ago #110941

Hi, I just bought HikaShop Business and wanted to know if it is available the filter by price, as I have tried to create two filters, one showing the products that match your price range, and the other showing the products ordered by price, and none of the two filters work because when applied, does not show any product in the frontend. I am attaching two screenshots so you can see how I set the filters.

I also wanted to know if there is any chance of putting a button to clear all filters, if they have been applied several at once. For example, if a user has applied a filter to show the products of a single manufacturer, and also if put to display sorted by name, if it would be possible to add a button to delete the two filters to time, instead of manually deleting one and then the other.

Thanks for your help, greetings.

Last edit: 10 years 11 months ago by Ronon.

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10 years 11 months ago #111004

Hi there,

Could you please give me a link to your website so I can take a look at your filters and product?
About the reset button, it's also something we already implemented, it will be available in the next version of Hikashop which should be released today or tomorrow :).

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10 years 11 months ago #111012

Hi, my online store it's a sexshop:

I enabled the three filters price so you can see what they do.

I am attaching a screenshot in which you frame the filters that give problems.

Thank you for your help.


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10 years 11 months ago #111027

Hi there,

It looks like something we already fixed, do you have the last version of Hikashop?
I yes, I'll need a backend access to find the origin of the issue, you can PM me these informations .

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10 years 11 months ago #111116

I think that it's indeed something we already fixed.
Do you mind if I install the last version of Hikashop on your website? It should be out soon and it will still update.

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10 years 11 months ago #111118

Okay, install it if you do not lose any settings or data that I have in store. Thank you.

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10 years 11 months ago #111136

I finally found the problem.
It comes from the namekeys in the data which are not unique.
So you can either give me a database access so I can change set the filter_namekey column as a unique or you can do it yourself.
Then, you'll have to recreate your filters so they'll have a unique namekey.

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10 years 11 months ago #111138

Okay, I am sending you a private message now with the data from the database.

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10 years 11 months ago #111141

I did the change but it seems we still have a bug.
I will take a look at it.

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10 years 11 months ago #111148

Thank you ;)

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10 years 11 months ago #111262

I finally solved the issue...
That was not easy at all :D!

In the end problem was coming from the fact your product had a product_tax_id set while this tax rate wasn't existing anymore.
So the SQL query was looking for product with this tax id.
We solved the issue and it looks like the filters are working again ;)

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10 years 11 months ago #111269

Omg, I made a test ordered by manufacturer and get this error ...

SELECT DISTINCT b.* FROM #__hikashop_product_category AS a LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM #__hikashop_product AS product2 LEFT JOIN #__hikashop_price AS price2 ON product2.product_id=price2.price_product_id WHERE (price2.price_access = 'all' OR price2.price_access LIKE '%,1,%' OR ISNULL(price2.price_access)) AND product2.product_type='main' GROUP BY product2.product_id ORDER BY price2.price_min_quantity ASC) AS b ON a.product_id=b.product_id INNER JOIN #__hikashop_category AS Ordenar_por_Precio_11 ON Ordenar_por_Precio_11.category_id=a.category_id AND b.product_manufacturer_id IN (398) WHERE b.product_published=1 AND b.product_type = 'main' AND a.category_id IN (289) AND (b.product_access = 'all' OR b.product_access LIKE '%,1,%') AND ( ( case when b.price_currency_id IS NULL then 0 when b.price_currency_id = '1' and b.product_tax_id = '207' then b.price_value+b.price_value*0.21 when b.price_currency_id = '1' and b.product_tax_id = '11' then b.price_value+b.price_value*0 when b.price_currency_id = '1' and b.product_tax_id NOT IN ('207','11','0') then b.price_value end ) >= 0 ) ORDER BY a.ordering ASC

The "product_tax_id" what I have in mind for when I import products from a CSV file, because that properly respects me prices include VAT. I'll try to do an import to see if it works well.

Price filters work well, thanks.

Last edit: 10 years 11 months ago by Ronon.

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10 years 11 months ago #111270

Sorry, I was just checking something. I was not an error but a debug message ;).
I should work now.

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10 years 11 months ago #111271

Now it works perfectly! Thank you very much, I'll make an import of products from CSV file to see if all goes well with the new version. Regards.

Last edit: 10 years 11 months ago by Ronon.

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10 years 11 months ago #111276

Hello again, I'm importing the products now. It seems that the matter well, but get this error, it's weird because in my CSV file only one column, and that says there are two. Anyway, those are importing fine, so I do not care much to say ...

The column "product_code" is twice in your CSV. Only the second column data will be taken into account.
The column "categories" is twice in your CSV. Only the second column data will be taken into account.
The column "product_manufacturer_id" is twice in your CSV. Only the second column data will be taken into account.
The column "product_name" is twice in your CSV. Only the second column data will be taken into account.
The column "product_description" is twice in your CSV. Only the second column data will be taken into account.
The column "images" is twice in your CSV. Only the second column data will be taken into account.
The column "price_value" is twice in your CSV. Only the second column data will be taken into account.
The column "price_value_with_tax" is twice in your CSV. Only the second column data will be taken into account.
The column "product_tax_id" is twice in your CSV. Only the second column data will be taken into account.

For example, my CSV file has this structure:

10130;Juegos Sociedad;FEMARVI;LA PIRAMIDE PROHIBIDA;LA PIRÁMIDE PROHIBIDA es uno de los juegos eróticos para grupos más famoso del mercado.<BR /><BR />Podéis poner vuestros propios límites, de manera que conforme vais ascendiendo a la cima de la pirámide tendréis que ir superando pruebas cada vez más comprometedoras. Besos, intercambio de prendas, caricias, piropos, susurros... y un deseo final que tendrá que hacer cumplir quien gane.<BR /><BR />Consigue llegar a lo más alto con quién quieras, o con quién puedas, y podrás realizar tu Fantasía Sexual más íntima, ¡Atrévete!.<BR /><BR />Ideal para fiestas y despedidas o para disfrutar con tu pareja.<BR /><BR />Este juego es preferentemente para grupos, ambos sexos, o si se desea para dos personas.<BR /><BR />Contenido<BR /><BR />- 1 tablero<BR />- 2 dados<BR />- 8 fichas<BR />- de 2 a 8 jugadores ;;37,48;45,35;1


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10 years 11 months ago #111278

Wow, this is frustrating because after importing 4,600 products because filters do not work. Not because I want to be bothering importing products 2 times a week. I will disable the filters for now. Greetings.

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10 years 11 months ago #111287

The import error messages may be normal depending of your configuration.
However I do not understand why filters wouldn't work. What's the matter?

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10 years 11 months ago #111298

Hi, now it works fine, do not know why this morning went. Thank you.

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