Duplicate-Orders (PayPal-Checkout): 1x Open + 1x Confirmend

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2 months 2 weeks ago #360980

-- HikaShop version -- : 5.0.4
-- Joomla version -- : 4.4.4
-- PHP version -- : 8.2.18
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Chrome 124.0.6367

I currently use the PayPal Checkout plugin. Unfortunately, two orders are generated when using the plugin. One remains in the status "open", the other is then correctly set to the order status "confirmed" together with the invoice when the PayPal payment is completed. Unfortunately, this confuses customers as two orders appear to be recorded. I have to explain this regularly and then correct the first (open) order manually. Is there a configuration for this that I have overlooked, or any fix?


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2 months 1 week ago #360982


Are you able to reproduce the issue ?
I've never heard of such an issue.

What is probably happening is this:
- user clicks on the "finish" button at the end of the checkout
- HikaShop creates the order for the cart
- selected payment plugin display the payment form
- user clicks on the cancel button of the payment form
- user comes back to the checkout
- user clicks again on the finish button
- HikaShop creates a second order for the cart
- selected payment plugin display the payment form
- user pays for the order
- the cart is cleared

This happens from time to time on our website. The user can get confused if you configured HikaShop to send an email to the user when the order is created, before the payment. I would recommend turning off the "order creation notification" email via the menu System>Emails in order to only send the email to the user when the order is confirmed. That should avoid the confusion on the user's end.

Now, if you really get 2 orders created each time to click on the "finish" button, then that's really not normal. I'm not sure how this would be possible though.

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2 months 1 week ago #361014

I have deactivated the mail notification for the time being, but I have unclean bookings for the accounting department. I can reproduce the problem 100% with every PayPal payment in the store. As a user, I do not interrupt the payment, but go through the steps in a straight line:

- user clicks on the "finish" button at the end of the checkout
- HikaShop creates the order for the cart (created)
- selected payment plugin display the payment form
- paypal-form opens
- user pays for the order (finished the payment in paypal)
- HikaShop creates a second order for the cart (funded)
- the cart is cleared

In my case, separate OrderIDs are created in each case and the first payment created is not cleanly updated and completed after the payment. It does not seem to find the initial order (created) and simply creates it and then updates the status correctly.

How can I narrow down the problem? Could it be related to other PayPal plugins?


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2 months 1 week ago #361017


Could you provide screenshots of the history area of both such orders (while logged in in english) ?
Supposing that what you describe is exactly what happens, then that would mean that another plugin is removing the "order_id" to the $order object in the onBeforeOrderUpdate event fired by HikaShop when the paypal checkout plugin requests HikaShop to update the status of the order in order to set it to "confirmed".
First, I would think this could happen with a massaction. For example, if you had one set with a trigger "before an order is updated", with an action "update the values" on the "order_id" column with a value being 0, then it would lead to this exact behavior.
So please check your mass actions.
If it's not this, then I would suspect a custom plugin or a third party plugin implementing the "onBeforeOrderUpdate event of HikaShop's Order API. Do you have any ?

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2 months 1 week ago #361104

I have executed 2x orders again and as you can see, a duplicate order is created in each case. I have shown screenshots of the order details and exported the Hika order table entries as a ZIP. I have not found any third-party tools or external solutions. I have deleted all deactivated PayPal plugins in the system administration. Since the orders also end up directly in the Hikashop, it would have to be a 3rd party tool for the Hikashop, which I don't have.

Hier aber nochmals die Liste:
Plugins: "Hika"

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Select Hikashop Massaction Product Plugin Hikashop Massaction Product Plugin hikashop massaction_product Public 11290
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Select Hikashop Google Analytics 4 Plugin Hikashop Google Analytics 4 Plugin system hikashop_ga4 Public 11387


Extensions, Sorted by: Name - ascending,
StatusSort Table By: Status NameSort Table By: Name LocationSort Table By: Location TypeSort Table By: Type Version DateSort Table By: Date Author FolderSort Table By: Folder Locked Package IDSort Table By: Package ID IDSort Table By: ID
Select HikaShop HikaShop Administrator Component 5.0.4 04 mai 2024 hikashop.com N/A No 11273
Select HikaShop affiliate plugin HikaShop affiliate plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop system No 11362
Select HikaShop bank transfer payment plugin HikaShop bank transfer payment plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop hikashoppayment No 11307
Select HikaShop Cart Module HikaShop Cart Module Site Module 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop N/A No 11378
Select HikaShop Cart notification Plugin HikaShop Cart notification Plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop hikashop No 11278
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Select HikaShop Content Module HikaShop Content Module Site Module 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop N/A No 11377
Select HikaShop credit card payment plugin HikaShop credit card payment plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop hikashoppayment No 11317
Select HikaShop Currency Switcher Module HikaShop Currency Switcher Module Site Module 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop N/A No 11379
Select HikaShop Dashboard HikaShop Dashboard Administrator Module 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop N/A No 11380
Select Hikashop Date Picker Plugin Hikashop Date Picker Plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop hikashop No 11281
Select Hikashop Email History Plugin Hikashop Email History Plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop hikashop No 11282
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Select Hikashop Massaction Category Plugin Hikashop Massaction Category Plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop hikashop No 11288
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Select HikaShop massaction plugin HikaShop massaction plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop system No 11365
Select Hikashop Massaction Product Plugin Hikashop Massaction Product Plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop hikashop No 11290
Select Hikashop Massaction User Plugin Hikashop Massaction User Plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop hikashop No 11291
Select HikaShop order history plugin HikaShop order history plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop hikashop No 11285
Select Hikashop Orders Automatic Cancel Plugin Hikashop Orders Automatic Cancel Plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop hikashop No 11292
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Select HikaShop product tag translation plugin HikaShop product tag translation plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop system No 11367
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Select HikaShop User Points plugin HikaShop User Points plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop hikashop No 11299
Select HikaShop user synchronization plugin HikaShop user synchronization plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop system No 11372
Select HikaShop Wishlist Module HikaShop Wishlist Module Site Module 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop N/A No 11382
Select Redirect Joomla registration to HikaShop plugin Redirect Joomla registration to HikaShop plugin Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop system No 11369
Select Smart Search - HikaShop Products Smart Search - HikaShop Products Site Plugin 5.0.4 12 05 2024 HikaShop finder No 11276

Best regards

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2 months 1 week ago #361105


Thank you for the details.
I don't see anything strange with your plugins list or your screenshots.
There is one thing I find strange. In your SQL file you can see the "order_created" and "order_modified" values of the orders.
So if we take the orders with the order_id 144 and 145, you can see that :
- The order 144 is created at 1716038196. As it is not modified after its creation, the order_modified has the same value.
- The order 145 is created at 1716038198 so this means 2 seconds later.
- The order 145 is then modified at 1716038214 (for the confirmation of the order after the payment), so 16 seconds after its creation.
This is strange with the process you provided:

- user clicks on the "finish" button at the end of the checkout
- HikaShop creates the order for the cart (created)
- selected payment plugin display the payment form
- paypal-form opens
- user pays for the order (finished the payment in paypal)
- HikaShop creates a second order for the cart (funded)
- the cart is cleared

This would mean that between the click of the "finish" button at the end of the checkout, the display of the paypal buttons, the click on one of them, you providing the necessary information to paypal for the payment, only 2 seconds would happen, which is impossible.
And then, after that, the second order would be created and confirmed 16 seconds later without any reason for this delay.
What I proposed as a possible scenario in my first reply is much more likely based on the timestamps of these orders.

Could you please double check your scenario ? I'm thinking you might have been confused somehow.

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