Adding time to 'product available from' date

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11 years 10 months ago #58008

Hi, I'm almost finished setting up my installation of Hikashop, loving it so far.

Small query: I do timed updates of my products, so when I have a product that has an 'available from' date that's in the future, I'd like to display the hour/minute that it will be available in addition to the date which I already have. I think I've found the location in the code where this is set - under Views, product/quantity.php, but I don't know how to alter the date format to include the time.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

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11 years 10 months ago #58078


You can just remove the format from there and it will use the default format of date which includes the hour/minute.
So you will have that code:
echo JText::sprintf('ITEM_SOLD_ON_DATE',hikashop_getDate($start_date));

instead of the default:
echo JText::sprintf('ITEM_SOLD_ON_DATE',hikashop_getDate($start_date,$this->params->get('date_format','%d %B %Y')));

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11 years 10 months ago #58085

Great, that's worked.

Thank you very much!

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