We all know the important period in front of us, and that's why we offer you these advices and suggestions, in order for you to improve your Christmas sales. Hoping this will please you, and especially help you, let's jump in !

Create some hightlights!
Indeed, Christmas is a good opportunity to highlight some products in line with this specific period.
If your shop is old enough, have a look at what kind of products sold well on this same period.
For others, you can search among all your products which of them will be good for your customers to offer as gifts.
When you have your selection, you can add a specific category to them and all that's left is to show them !
- You can create HikaShop content module instances via the Joomla modules manager to display these products with images!
- Having such products listing module ona central position of the frontpage of your website will allow your customerd to easily spot the products.
- And even better, you can use carousel effects and othe slider modules to dynamically display them, especially if you have a lot of them you want to add.
Moreover , you can set visible badges in order to hang customers eyes via the menu Products>Badges of HikaShop.

You can find here some tutorials to help you set these up :
Listing and Modules
Modules: Look at the "Product display" section of our Integration documentation section to discover all the products slider modules compatible with HikaShop.

Discounts and points system
A good way to increase your sales besides targeting people on your website is to target people who are already your customers.
Discounts and points can help you achieve that.
Having discounted products is a well-known mechanism to have some of your products stand out against similar products from other sellers.
But it can also be an efficient way to motivate past customers to come back to your shop and purchase something again. -
It's quite different from discounts. Here, the goal is to engage the customer, to invite him to spend more money in your e-shop, time after time.
Keep in mind that if someone buys a product and earn points in order to get a discount on a future purchase in your e-shop, the temptation is still on your side!

Tutorials :
Discounts tutorial
Configure the points system in HikaShop

Gift certificates
Offer your customers the opportunity to purchase gift certificates! We all know that sometimes you have to make a gift, but you have no idea what would be suited!
Imagine your customers, before the Christmas period, with a big family ? So many ideas to have to please lots of different people...
Gift certificates are an easy solution that will solve your customer troubles and might help you get more sales.

Create and manage gift certificates with HikaSerial, see this extension features.

Communicate and be visible!
Being visible and especially on search engines is important all year long, but it's even more true right now!
So, take time to check your MicroData attributes here, with the Google testing tool.
This will allow search engines to properly reference your products and better rank them on their results.
You can also use more classical ways, and use social network and newsletters!
With social networks make some noise to speak about your discounts, and of course your products and your e-shop!
Have your old customers come back to your e-shop with a newsletter that speaks about your new products, your discounts and especially your products best fit for the Christmas period.
Add like buttons to HikaShop product pages with our Social Networks plugin.

Have a look on AcyMailing's website to discover the numer one Newsletter system for Joomla!
Team HikaShop