Product page formatting (page not content)

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12 years 5 days ago #53496

I use the rockettheme template, love them for their flexibility. The rt templates use module class suffix such as 'box1' title1' etc.

At the moment my product page looks wrong as it has white back ground pieces over the standard page displayed which is coloured.

So I want to be about to pick the page to display. Now normally I just apply a module class suffix to the item and it is applied but I cant find where to do this in hikashop. My question is where does this get defined.

I can adjust the cart as it has a module position therefore a class published. But the product content pages are unpublished, any ideas ?

Last edit: 12 years 5 days ago by rikatos.

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12 years 5 days ago #53575

Even if unpublished, you can still edit them. In the joomla modules manager, you will find the modules class sfx option for each hikashop module.

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12 years 5 days ago #53577

Its all cool, sorry I didnt come back, I instead put a sexy bordered box around the image and used the tabber extension to put a white backgrounded border with tabs around the description, so all is looking great :)

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