Recalculation shipping price inacurate

  • Posts: 27
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  • Hikashop Business
1 month 1 week ago #360861

-- url of the page with the problem -- :
-- HikaShop version -- : 5.0.4
-- Joomla version -- : 4.4.4
-- PHP version -- : 8.1
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Firefox


I have the following problem:

When ordering from my webshop, shipping costs below and over a certain amount are calculated correctly.
I use both coupons and limited prices for shipping costs.

For example: If you order below €40,- you pay shipping costs €4,60.
When ordering over €40,- you dont pay for shipment.

However, when you first order for an amount over €40,- the shipmentcosts are removed from the card.
When you delete some items, reducing the amount below €40,- shipment costs are not recalculated and stay none or empty.

Even flushing the caches does not solve this problem.

Do you have any suggestion for this issue?

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1 month 1 week ago #360864


I can see that you created two shipping methods. A free one and a 4.60€ one, and then you apparently created an auto loaded coupon with the same discount value as the value of the 4.60 shipping method, or something like that.

I can see that whatever the total amount of the cart is, both shipping methods are available to the user.
This tells me that either you didn't configure the "minimum price" and "maximum price" settings of your shipping methods, or you did, but you have their "include virtual products price" setting turned off and your products don't have a weight.
So please check all of this first.

Also, normally, you don't need a coupon. If there is only the free shipping method available for the current cart, it will be automatically selected, and then if you change something in the cart and only the other shipping method becomes available, it will be this other shipping method which will be selected automatically.
Either that, or you want to have only the 4.60 shipping method, and configure the auto loaded coupon to have its minimum order value to 40. That way, the coupon will be added or removed automatically based on the total amount, and the shipping method won't change.

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  • Hikashop Business
1 month 1 week ago #360906


I have checked your suggestion and I have set include virtual products to YES.
And I have unpublished the coupon for the shipping costs

Now this is what happens:
When I order one item, which costs €12,-, the shipping method shows the right amount.
When I add 4 more items which makes the total amount €50,-. the shipping costs are zero, which is correct.
However, when I distract one item from the cart, the shipping costs are not recalculated and stay zero, which is wrong.

Should I do something else as well?

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  • Hikashop Business
1 month 1 week ago #360907

Also, the following is happening:

When I order one item, this comes in the cart with the right shipping costs.
When I delete this item and refresh the page (CNTRL + F5) the article returns in the cart.
Also when I go to the main menu of the shop, also the article is shown in cart,
While in both situations the cart should be empty.

When I select another article to put in the cart, the old item is deleted and only the latest one is in the cart.
It looks like, when a visitor comes the the shop and deletes the item(s), it still stays there in the cart.

It seems that these situations are related to each other.

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  • Hikashop Business
1 month 1 week ago #360908

And this is also happening:

When I add one item to the cart it is visible in the cart.
Then I go the the main menu, the cart is shown as empty.

When I add a new item to the cart, both items are visible in the cart.
Returning to the main manu, the cart is shown empty again.

Adding a new item, it shows all previously added items in the cart.
Somewhere things are going wrong with the cart when switching menu's or refreshing the page.

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1 month 1 week ago #360909


It seems you have some caching issues on your website.
Try turning caching if you have any activated and try again.
Also, could you provide screenshots of the settings of your shipping methods ?

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