thanks for your reply, we fully understand the smart search is still in its infancy and we don't mind testing it out. Regarding the above points:
1. Error reporting indicates the error is on line 172 of plugins\finder\hikashop\hikashop.php, with following call stack:
1 () JROOT\plugins\finder\hikashop\hikashop.php:172
2 plgFinderHikashop->getUrl() JROOT\administrator\components\com_finder\helpers\indexer\adapter.php:348
3 FinderIndexerAdapter->remove() JROOT\plugins\finder\hikashop\hikashop.php:49
4 plgFinderHikashop->onFinderAfterDelete() JROOT\libraries\joomla\event\event.php:70
If we add
right before line 172, the error is gone when deleting an indexed item and all is well.
2. We're just testing on localhost so unfortunately can't give you FTP access at the moment, but we'll continue to investigate. Inspecting the database we can see our indexed url's do contain the correct category_pathway corresponding with the correct hikashop category, however every single product has the same Itemid in the url (in our case &Itemid=123) corresponding to one of our menu items. This causes every search result on the front-end having this menu in the link, also for products which are in no way related to that menu at all.
Since there aren't really any settings for the smart search, we have no idea yet why this particular (and seemingly random) Itemid is added to every indexed url.
3. Ok great, thanks.
4. We don't necessarily mean indexing product images or anything as complicated as that, but we've found a solution due to the flexibility of view overrides. By largely copying the code from the normal hikashop search plugin to get the product images for search results and adding this in an override of the smart search default_results.php, plus creating a specific view for default_product.php to add the necessary html to display the image with the text, this works fine and issue solved.