There are several news around HikaShop plugins, including a brand new plugin for Fedex and lots of various updates
We'll talk here a bit more about each one.
Built-in HikaShop plugins :
News around HikaShop built-in plugins :
New HikaShop plugins :
Discover 2 brand new plugins :
Plugins updated :
Plugins with new features in our Marketplace!
Built-in plugins news :
FedEx plugin
FedEx announced that their SOAP API is deprecated and will be retired soon. The FedEx plugin which has been in HikaShop for over 10 years is based on this API. Thus, this prompted us to start working on a new version of a FedEx plugin for their newer REST API.
After several months of work, this new plugin is now ready to be included in HikaShop. If you're using FedEx with HikaShop, we recommend you to update to HikaShop 5.1.0 and that you configure a new shipping method for the new FedEx plugin.
The new plugin comes with a simpler setup interface and should be able to provide better results than the old plugin.
PayPal Checkout plugin
We've partnered with PayPal in order to improve the PayPal Checkout plugin included in HikaShop. With the 5.1.0, this plugin now supports credit and debit card payments (ACDC) directly on your website, at the end of the checkout. Transactions done via this new mechanism will have lower transaction fees. This system also supports 3D Secure.
We've also improved the handling of error messages, presentation of information in the settings of the plugin and added a few options to it. So if you're using PayPal Checkout, we highly recommend that you update it on your website.
New plugins in the marketplace :
Task Report plugin
Integrating with the new Joomla Task Scheduler, the HikaShop team has developed this new plugin, allowing you to precisely plan tasks to export reports configured in HikaShop and potentially send them as an email attachment.
For example, you could create a report of the monthly sales per product and then automatically send it by email to the person responsible for restocking.
Task Massaction plugin
Integrating with the new Joomla Task Scheduler, the HikaShop team has developed this new plugin allowing you to precisely plan tasks for Mass actions here.
The plugin will trigger the filters and then the actions configured in the mass action. The allows for a much more fine grained setup than the "every minutes", "every hour", "every week" or "every month" triggers proposed by HikaShop's mass action system.
Plugins updated in the marketplace:
Action Log plugin
- 1.0.3 on the 21st of May 2024
- We fixed a warning which could happen with the action log plugin when a product would be updated without providing its name.
- We fixed a warning which could happen with the action log plugin when an order would be updated without providing its type.
- We fixed a warning which could happen with the action log plugin when an order would be updated without providing its order number.
- 1.0.2 on the 22nd of March 2024
- We fixed several warnings which could happen with the action log plugin when HikaShop would be sending emails.
Alma payment plugin
- 2.0.2 on the 24th of May 2024
- We fixed an error message which could happen in some cases during the checkout.
- 2.0.1 on the 13th of May 2024
- The Alma payment plugin could generate an error at the end of the checkout on PHP 8.
- 2.0.0 on the 7th of May 2024
- We updated the PHP SDK of the Alma payment plugin to the latest version. This adds support for latest versions of PHP, and fixes an incompatibility issue with Joomla 5 and its PSR/log.
Cart Fee plugin
- 2.0.4 on the 7th of May 2024
- We fixed some warnings which could happen with the cart fee plugin in some rare cases.
- 2.0.3 on the 30th of April 2024
- We've added some extra fixes for conditions on product tags with the "OR" logic.
- 2.0.2 on the 29th of April 2024
- If you use at least one product or item tag, the condition will be asserted for each product in the cart. The new 'Products logic operator' option will allow you to choose if you want the formula to be used if the condition is true for all the products (AND) or if it is true for at least one product (OR).
- The formula result would be summed for each product in the cart when using product custom field tags in the condition while it shouldn't
- 2.0.1 on the 29th of April 2024
- Conditions wouldn't work properly when used with product custom field tags.
- 2.0.0 on the 20th of March 2024
- The cart fee plugin now supports {cart.xxx} or {cart.xxx.yyy} tags. This can allow you to use data from the cart like {cart.weight} or {cart.shipping.shipping_id}
- The cart fee plugin now has an extra option "condition". This allows you to restrict the use of a formula only if the condition is validated. For example you could use "{cart.shipping.shipping_id}==2" as a condition and the formula would only be calculated as an extra fee if the selected shipping method for the current cart would be the one with the id 2.
- The cart fee plugin now accepts values without tags as formulas. This allows you to provide extra fees without calculations.
Google Analytics plugin
- 1.1.8 on the 3rd of May 2024
- TThe plugin now assign a ratio of the coupon value to the amount of the products in the order when sending the order details via the measurement protocol so that the total amount of the order calculated by GA matches with the total amount in HikaShop.
- 1.1.7 on the 23rd of April 2024
- The Google Analytics plugin would generate an error on PHP 7 and lower.
- 1.1.6 on the 21th of March 2024
- We've fixed a warning in the plugin when an order is being saved without the order status being updated.
- 1.1.5 on the 8th of March 2024
- The GA plugin now has an extra setting to be able to deactivate the JS purchase event so that it is only handled with the measurement protocol, in order to avoid counting twice the purchases.
- The plugin now passes the session_id to GA when firing the purchase event via the measurement protocol in order to allow for better tracking.
We hope you will enjoy these new plugins.
Keep in touch folks.
Team HikaShop