HikaShop (39.4k topics)


Install & Update (5980 topics)

Having an installation or update issue? You will probably find some help here.
Questions about product and category display. You can't find how to make Hikashop looks incredible? The answer is here!

Content Creation (1084 topics)

If you want to know more about the different options of the product and category creation.

Sales and Orders (2325 topics)

Everything on how to handle your orders, sales and create reports

Customers (1080 topics)

How to manage your customers and their access

Checkout (4741 topics)

Everything about the checkout process in Hikashop

Payment Methods (2079 topics)

Discussions about the different payment methods for Hikashop
Re: Paypal checkout
by nicolas
1 day 17 hours ago

Shipping Methods (1488 topics)

Discussions about the different shipping methods for Hikashop
Questions about import and export will find an answer here

Specific Features (2710 topics)

Specific Hikashop features are discussed here

Integrations (538 topics)

Informations on all the different integrations available for Hikashop

Showcase (239 topics)

Show us what you're capable of with HikaShop !
Suggest your feature requests and ideas for HikaShop

Development (567 topics)

If you are developping a plugin for Hikashop or customizing our component, this is the board to be.

Translation (278 topics)

Coordination of translations of HikaShop
Re: Translation of pages
by decor
2 months 3 weeks ago

Commercial Jobs (338 topics)

You can post your projects or propose your services here
Pin Payments plugin update
by yerg55
5 months 8 hours ago

HikaShop Components (3235 topics)

Joomla! components for HikaShop: HikaMarket, HikaSerial

HikaMarket (2226 topics)

A Joomla! component for HikaShop which add front-end edition and multi-vendor features.

HikaSerial (872 topics)

A Joomla! component for HikaShop which add new features around serials/licences and unique content assignation.
Re: Hilfe beim Einrichten
by Jerome
16 hours 19 minutes ago

HikaAuction (137 topics)

A Joomla! component for HikaShop which add bid/auction features.

Hikashop around the world (8322 topics)

This part of the forum is open for non English threads
Cette section de notre forum est dédiée au support de HikaShop en Français. Si vous avez des notions en anglais, préférez utiliser les sections anglaises qui contiendront plus d'informations.

Russian (761 topics)

Здесь вы можете свободно общаться на русском языке. Просим отнестись с пониманием к тому, что мы не разговариваем на этом языке и не можем осуществлять поддержку на нем.
Re: svg画像の疑問
by Alouette00
10 months 2 weeks ago

Thai (177 topics)

You can talk here in Thai about HikaShop. Please understand that we do not speak Thai at HikaShop and we can't offer support in Thai.

German (339 topics)

You can talk here in German about HikaShop. Please understand that we do not speak German at HikaShop and we can't offer support in German.

Urdu (No topics)

No topics

Archives (13.6k topics)

Categories and posts from our old forum

Bug Report (3001 topics)

Please report any bugs or errors here.

How to? (10.6k topics)

If you didn't find the answer on our documentation neither on existing posts, please ask your question here.
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