April 20 2018

A new section is now open on our website, the Marketplace, where you will find plugins and other extensions for HikaShop
Discover this new section and lots of plugins !

February 12 2018

Here we are with HikaSerial & Subscription 2.1. With this version, news features, improvements and bugfixes
Discover the last HikaSubscription version!

January 05 2017

Our youngest extension, HikaAuction has now reached the 2.1.1 version!
With our auction extension you can create, manage, and follow auctions on your shop!

January 02 2018

After the beta phase, here comes the first launch! Thanks to your returns, we are proud to release HikaSubscription!
Discover a new subscription system for HikaShop and Joomla!

December 20 2017

HikaShop 3 reaches a new step with this 3.2.2 version. It contains, of course, some new features and many other things like, as usual, bug fixes and improvements

October 19 2017

HikaMarket, the multivendor add-on for HikaShop has a new major release!
With some important modifications in the order/transaction system and new (responsive) interfaces.

October 17 2017

Many of you already know Joomla Days. On November 25th the second HikaShop day will take place at Breda, in the Netherlands ! A good occasion to meet the HikaShop team and learn more about your favourite ecommerce solution.

October 5 2017

Our youngest extension, HikaAuction has now reached the 2.1 version!

With our auction extension you can create, manage, and follow auctions on your shop!

September 18 2017

HikaShop 3 reaches a new step with this 3.2 version, it contains some new features and many other things like bug fixes and improvements