December 20 2017

HikaShop 3 reaches a new step with this 3.2.2 version. It contains, of course, some new features and many other things like, as usual, bug fixes and improvements

October 19 2017

HikaMarket, the multivendor add-on for HikaShop has a new major release!
With some important modifications in the order/transaction system and new (responsive) interfaces.

October 17 2017

Many of you already know Joomla Days. On November 25th the second HikaShop day will take place at Breda, in the Netherlands ! A good occasion to meet the HikaShop team and learn more about your favourite ecommerce solution.

October 5 2017

Our youngest extension, HikaAuction has now reached the 2.1 version!

With our auction extension you can create, manage, and follow auctions on your shop!

September 18 2017

HikaShop 3 reaches a new step with this 3.2 version, it contains some new features and many other things like bug fixes and improvements

October 20 2017

Here are some ideas to optimize your shop for this important period, Christmas . Hoping this will help you, and especially that you will discover some things you didn't know, let's jump in !

September 18 2017

Cart2Cart, now offers you a new way to import your data from other ecommerce solutions to HikaShop and with a ton of options! Discover Cart2Cart and learn what you can expect from it and why we think it is a terrific service for HikaShop.

July 10 2017

We're happy to launch the beta program for a new edition of HikaSerial: Subscription!
A new subscription system for HikaShop

June 30 2017

HikaSerial, the unique content generator toolbox for HikaShop has now reached the 2.0 version!
New interfaces, new plugins, new features to come...